Categories Electrical Wiring, Residential

What to know when considering a home electrical rewiring project

What to know when considering a home electrical rewiring project

In Maricopa and Pima counties, we have about the same number of new homes as we do 80-year-old homes. Most Phoenix-area houses were built between 1970-1999. But your home doesn’t have to be pre-World War II to consider electrical rewiring.

Electrical Rewiring Facts

Electrical wiring should last 50-70 years if installed correctly. A lot depends on prior renovations and the wiring’s sheathing. The wiring itself is a conductor. The “sheathing” is a flexible plastic material that protects the wiring.

You need electrical rewiring if your home’s wiring is ungrounded or damaged. Damaged sheathing can often be repaired. But ungrounded wiring means you don’t have a ground wire to connect the circuit to the panel.

Some of the factors that influence your home’s need for electrical rewiring are:

  • Advances in electrical safety codes can mean your wiring is unsafe.
  • Environmental factors can directly affect electrical wiring.
  • The electrical wiring may now be faulty due to unpermitted remodeling, unlicensed “handyman” electrical repairs, or DIY (do-it-yourself) electrical rewiring.
  • The original contractor may not have installed the electrical wiring correctly.

11 Electrical Warning Signs

If your home is more than 40 years old, it’s a good idea to ask your local electrician to inspect your home’s wiring. If your home’s rewiring is even older, there’s no need to wait for these electrical warning signs:

  1. Arcs/sparks from outlet when you plug/unplug a cord
  2. Burning smell
  3. Buzzing/sizzling sounds
  4. Cracked, cut, broken insulation
  5. Dimming/flickering lights indicating the circuit is overloaded or has a loose connection
  6. Electrical shock when you plug in/touch cord
  7. Frequent blown fuses/tripped breakers
  8. Hot/discolored switch plates, cords, plugs
  9. Lightbulbs that burn out too soon in a particular socket indicates the fixture can’t handle the bulb wattage
  10. Loose outlets
  11. Over-amped/over-fused electrical panel

…Arrange for an electrical inspection this year.

State Farm* recommends periodic electrical inspections for any age home. Here are common situations that justify an inspection.


  • There have been major home improvements
  • You have aluminum wiring
  • You rely on extension cords for power
  • You’ve added major new appliances that could strain your electrical system
  • Your home has ungrounded, two-prong outlets
  • Your home is more than 40 years old

…You should arrange for an electrical inspection sooner, rather than later.

TIO Electric Services Include Electrical Inspection

Savvy homeowners have their heating and cooling systems checked fall and spring. Annual plumbing inspections are routine for many homeowners. You don’t have to wait for an electrical hazard to arrange for an electrical inspection. It’s just logical.

Your home’s probably your biggest investment and it just makes sense to protect it.

A residential electrical inspection includes checking for and testing:

  • DIY wiring
  • Electrical hazards
  • Exposed wires
  • Level of service
  • Lighting
  • Noncompliant electrical items
  • Outdated wiring
  • Powerbox
  • Powerpoints
  • Safety switches
  • Smoke alarms
  • Uncovered wiring

Turn It On Electric serves Phoenix and Tucson-area communities. Our team is licensed, bonded, & insured. We invest in continuing education because technology moves fast: We want to be able to knowledgeably speak to electrical advancements that will improve your quality of life and save energy.

Contact TIO Electric if you have questions. We’re passionate about your safety.
*Turn It On Electric does not recommend nor endorse any insurance service provider. This information is for educational use only.

Categories Ceiling Fans, Electrician, Residential

Use a licensed electrician when adding a ceiling fan

Use a licensed electrician when adding a ceiling fan

As summer quickly approaches, adding a ceiling fan can keep you comfortable. It can lower your monthly HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) bill. Ceiling fans are feel-good energy-savers!

Adding a Ceiling Fan to Your Arizona Home

DIYers (do-it-yourselfers) are the most responsible, knowledgeable homeowners in the USA. They strive to learn about their homes’ systems: plumbing, heating and cooling, landscaping, electricity…all the things that keep a house safe and comfortable.

The most important thing savvy homeowners know is when not to DIY.  When it comes to taking care of their homes, DIYers understand some upgrades are best left to the professionals. Adding a ceiling fan is one of those times.

Smart Homes, Smart Ceiling Fans

Modern ceiling fans aren’t pull-the-cord controlled. Just as you can program your thermostat before you arrive home, you can pre-program or manually input ceiling fan settings. If you have a smart thermostat (Nest, Ecobee, etc.), you can integrate your ceiling fan to your thermostat.

Smart ceiling fans operate with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth and cost anywhere from $300 – $1,000+. Some of the top-rated ceiling fan companies include:

  • Bond (control hubs)
  • Haiku
  • Honeywell
  • Hunter Fan Company
  • Minka-Aire

When adding a ceiling fan to a room you can integrate with Alexa, Siri, Google Home, etc. Smart ceiling fans are programmable but they can also sense a room’s current temperature and choose the appropriate comfort setting.

Look for:

  • Energy efficiency – Temperature/humidity sensors
  • Indoor/outdoor versions
  • LED lights
  • Reversible motors

To control your smart ceiling fan, use:

  • Infrared remote
  • Occupancy sensor
  • Smartphone
  • Temperature/humidity sensor
  • Timer
  • Voice
  • Wall switch

Options for Adding a Ceiling Fan

You have a lot of considerations when you invest in a smart ceiling fan. Here’s what Smart Home Scout shares:

  • If you already have a Z-Wave or Zigbee smart home hub, replacing your ceiling fan wall switch with a Z-wave version to control your fan settings and light is a cost-effective option.
  • If you want to save energy and gain more control of your environment, a smart ceiling fan is a good choice. The cost compared to a “dumb” fan isn’t that much more and can be made up in energy bill savings.
  • Retrofitting your pull-cord fan is very cost-effective. You won’t have temperature sensors, etc. But you will have added control and scheduling options.

Before You Buy, Call TIO Electric

The most common mistake homeowners make when adding a ceiling fan is buying the wrong size. A ceiling fan size is measured in “room sweep.” If your ceiling fan is too small, it just won’t get the job done. If it’s too big, it may feel like a swamp box fan.

But electrical wiring mistakes are the second most common mistake. Working with electricity is dangerous and simply not worth the risk.

  • Ceiling fans weigh about 50 pounds. If an improperly mounted ceiling fan falls on a small child, senior, or family pet, severe injury or death could result.
  • If you’re replacing a standard light fixture with a combination ceiling fan-light fixture, the electrical box (above the ceiling) will probably need to be replaced.
  • If your DIY-installed ceiling fan wiring sparks a fire, your insurance company can deny coverage.
  • There are installation code requirements that vary by state and county.

If you prefer your current ceiling fan but would like to upgrade its operation, we can hardwire an electronic device inside your fan or replace your dedicated wall switch with another version that will connect and control your ceiling fan.

You want safety first for any renovation project. Our licensed electricians are technology-trained professionals. For ceiling fan installation in Maricopa and Pima counties, Turn It On Electric is a smart home choice.

Contact Turn It On Electric today.

Categories Commercial, Electrician, Residential

Highest rated Phoenix electrician

Highest rated Phoenix electrician

Business owners used to say, “I don’t need advertising. I have word-of-mouth.” Today’s word-of-mouth advertising is Angie’s List. Facebook. Yelp. BBB (Better Business Bureau). Before you hire any service company, including a Phoenix electrician, research online.

Is My Phoenix Electrician ‘The Best?’

First point of contact was with Dawn in the office. She was very professional…also texted to confirm appointments. I like that…Second was Junior…What he quoted was spot-on. Third point of contact was Brian and Bob. They did an outstanding job…I would recommend TIO.

– Heidi

I’m difficult to please. TIO Installed a 150amp subpanel/conduit for a future spa/pool heater. Good price, great communication, even better installation

– Scott

If BBB ratings and online reviews count for you, Turn It On Electric is the highest-rated Phoenix electrician. An A+ grade and 5/5 stars are about as good as it gets. And the Turn It On Electric professionals…Well, they’re as good as it gets for Maricopa and Pima counties.

Your Electrician: TIO Electric

Some families keep attorneys on retainers. Most of us put our attorney’s phone number in our cellphone. (“On account of you never know,” said one Scottsdale resident.) You should do the same with your electrician.

Among the worst electrical disasters in Arizona history were:

  • 1996 – Western North America Blackout
  • 2011 – Southwest Blackout (You might remember this one: California depended on Arizona for power. An Arizona technician made a mistake that impacted 2.7 million people.)

Blackouts don’t usually cause damage but tell that to someone whose breaker box was fried following a loss of power and subsequent surges. Fraudulent companies and scammers are quick to capitalize on area-wide disasters. That’s maybe the most important reason to know your local electrical service company and put the information in your cell under “contact.”

(Enter: New Contact, Electrician, 602-453-4282)

Professional Electrician Careers in Arizona

The TIO Electric team takes pride in our company and our quality of work. We wanted to be the best, and we made it happen!

We seldom have openings for electrical technicians, but we’re always on the lookout for the type of man or woman that is seeking career advancement with a terrific company.

If you have the following qualities, let us know:

  1. Safety first – Safety – yours, your customers’, and your co-workers’ – should drive every decision you make.
  • Communication – You can communicate effectively when speaking with customers and your co-workers, texting, writing, and over the phone.
  • Customer care – The people that need electrical services are the most important people in our world. Caring about what they need and understanding the stress they’re experiencing is critical.
  • Dependable/reliable – You can be counted on to show up on time.
  • Eager to learn – During and after apprenticeship, the electrical professional must be eager to learn about new-and-improved ways to work.
  • Fearless – We’re not talking daredevil, but if you needed to rappel down a multistory building, could you do it? 
  • Honest – Once you’re caught in any lie, our customers won’t trust you in their homes.
  • Normal vision – You need to be able to identify wire colors.
  • Physical ability – You should be able to climb ladders and work in difficult spaces.
  • Professional – You know how to “dress for success” as an electrician.
  • Team player – Working together is how we get the job done and stay safe.
  • Time prioritization – There are only so many hours in a workday, so you understand the value of being on-time and not wasting time.


We care, we’re the best Phoenix electricians…and we can prove it! Call or contact Turn It On Electric with any questions about electrical repairs, upgrades, or safety.

Categories Lighting, Residential, Tucson

Tucson Lighting Upgrades: Everything You Need to Know

Tucson Lighting Upgrades: Everything You Need to Know

The majority of Tucson homes were built 1970-1979. This means Tucson lighting upgrades are at the top of home improvements in Pima County. Lighting upgrades depend on what you want and need.

Do you want smart upgrades that reduce energy and save money on monthly energy bills? Do you want to increase your property value? Would you like to simply make your home more attractive and comfortable?

You can have all of that this year with residential Tucson lighting upgrades.

Fifteen Trending Tucson Lighting Upgrades

Lighting choices “can make or break” a room’s design and mood, says Better Homes & Gardens. It’s true: Use these ideas to give your rooms a new look and save energy.

You’ll be surprised how good you’ll feel with these 15 Tucson lighting upgrades:

  1. Add decorator exterior light fixtures. Landscape lighting is an attractive addition to a home’s value, but what about adding a dramatic outdoor light fixture? Do away with those boring door/entrance lights and place an attention-getting outdoor fixture. Garage light upgrades will improve the curb value of your home.
  2. Balance rooms with natural light when you can.
  3. Be aware of scale. That dramatic kitchen chandelier shouldn’t overpower the entire room. Example: If your room is 10×10 feet, choose a light fixture about 20\” in diameter.
  4. Choose the room’s focal point. If all the lighting is the same size and style, your vision seeks clarity. A dramatic chandelier over the kitchen table makes a huge difference. It should hang about 30 inches from the tabletop.
  5. Consider layered lighting, even in tiny guest bathrooms. A lamp will enhance the room and give it an entirely new feel. Use a smaller bulb; lower wattage.
  6. Get a lighting control app for your phone. If you don’t want to walk into a dark room, simply turn on the light beforehand. This is great when you’ve been away from home. And if you hear a suspicious noise somewhere in the house, turning on a light is a crime-stopper.
  7. Install dimmer switches wherever possible. They save energy and can change the atmosphere of your room.
  8. Install security lighting. A well-lit home perimeter is an important security measure. Motion-activating lights are theft deterrents. If you have elderly loved ones, pathway lighting is another safety measure you should consider.
  9. Replace holiday lights with LED. Now’s a good time to sort and discard all those energy-hog holiday tree and outdoor lights. You’ll lower your December electric bill. Your replacement bulbs can last as long as 30 years.
  10. Replace old ceiling fans. Let’s face it, they are fabulous upgrades if you don’t have one. But if you have an older, dated style of ceiling fan it just looks bad.
  11. Replace the oldest light fixture in the house. This one change will make a big difference in home value, energy savings, property value, and the room itself.
  12. Switch switches. New light fixtures respond better with new light switches.
  13. Upgrade media lighting. You need less ceiling lighting and more lamps in the television room. Also, install good light-control window treatments. You can utilize natural light when you need it and block it when you don’t.
  14. Upgrade the lightbulbs you use most often. EnergyStar® bulbs can save 75% in energy use; about $40-$135 per bulb.
  15. Use lighting in unexpected ways. A low-hanging pendant light over a bedside table is one idea. You could uplight a corner plant or artwork.

Turn It On Electric Is Tucson’s Choice For Lighting Upgrades

As you prioritize your home’s Tucson lighting upgrades, be aware of the savings you’ll see in energy charge (kilowatt-hours actually used) and demand charge (peak amount of electricity used). You want the maximum energy savings for the most affordable, attractive light fixtures.

Contact us today to get started.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Residential, Safety, Tucson

Best Electrical Repair in Tucson

Best Electrical Repair in Tucson

You’ve decided on some minor repairs and a few electrical upgrades to your home. These will increase your property value and add value to your quality of life. You’ve contacted a local company requesting installations and some level of electrical repair in Tucson.

A shabby-looking van pulls up and the service technician hops out wearing torn, dirty clothing and smoking a cigarette. Don’t open the door.

If service professionals don’t take pride in their company or personal appearance, how will they take care of your home and possessions? (They won’t.)

What to Look For: Professional Electrical Repair in Tucson

From the first communication to the electrical project’s completion, you should expect electrical repair in Tucson to be nothing less than professional and customer-care oriented. It should go without saying that you should receive superior quality electrical services, but that’s not always the case.

Look for an established business that’s here to stay. A service company that has been in business over the years is likely invested in your community. Shoddy workmanship and low customer satisfaction ratings aren’t even a possibility for your family’s local Arizona electrician.

Here are some things to look for when you’re planning a renovation project or need electrical repair in Tucson:

  • Ask for proof of insurance – The contractor should have insurance that protects your home/property and on-the-job employees that might be injured.
  • Buyer beware – Anyone offering electrical work under $1,000 doesn’t need a license. That means you get what you pay for and your “handyman” isn’t required to take responsibility for poor quality work or even damages. Verify your electrician has a contractor license issued by the Registrar of Contractors. Professional electrical contractors must have training, pass a trade/business/law exam, and submit proof of a bond.
  • Check the BBB rating – An electrical contractor with an A+ Better Business Bureau rating is preferred.
  • Google them – Independent testimonials are valuable.
  • LEED-certifiedEnergy-saving installations and electrical repair will increase property value and save money on electric bills. LEED is the sustainable building standard of the United States Green Building Council.
  • Money talks – Your electrician will be upfront about costs and scope of work. If the conversation seems to be vague or has an unnecessary sense of urgency (“We need to do this today while this price is good…”), walk away.
  • Request license verification – You need an R-11 license to be a Maricopa County electrician in Arizona.
  • Talk about technology qualifications – If the electrician isn’t sure how to install a garage charging station for your hybrid car, chances are the company employees don’t receive ongoing education.
    Technology training is required for electrical:
    • Car charging station(s)
    • Light timers/photovoltaic panels
    • Security installations
    • Smart-home thermostats
    • Solar-ready panels
    • Water heater timers

TIO Electric: The Best Electricians in Tucson, Phoenix, & Scottsdale

For more than 10 years, Turn It On Electric has been driven by customer care and safety. In order to be the best in a competitive business, we make recommendations based on what you need and what you can afford.

We also want your electrical work to be environmentally safe, so please ask questions. The more you know, the better your decisions will be. After all, we’re not “just” your service partner. We’re your neighbor.

Contact Turn It On Electric today.