Categories Electrical Wiring, Maintenance, Residential

4 reasons to consider electrical rewiring

4 reasons to consider electrical rewiring

When a local homeowner contacted Turn It On Electric (TIO) about electrical rewiring, he indicated he had recently purchased an older property. After attending the Phoenix-area neighborhoods’ Historic Homes Tour in February (2019), the couple knew an older home was what they wanted.

“It’s a historical home,” he said, “But my wife says it’s a hysterical home.” The new old-homeowners told Turn It On Electric there were several signs of electrical problems in more than one room.

Reasons Properties Need Electrical Rewiring

Old homes have charm. They also often have electrical wiring issues. American Home Shield

When a property needs electrical wiring replacement, a professional electrical rewiring is necessary. Electrical rewiring is not a DIY (do-it-yourself) job. Ever.

If something went wrong and damage resulted from faulty DIY wiring, your insurance company could deny coverage. And that’s the best-case scenario. DIY electrical repair jeopardizes the safety of your loved ones. It’s not worth the risks.

There are 4 reasons your home or business property may need electrical rewiring:

1. New Homes

During a new-house-build, something could have been overlooked as contractors strive to complete on-time, within-budget demands. According to ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors), some “surprising” examples include kitchen fans that don’t vent and behind-the-wall damage that jeopardizes electrical wiring.

2. Older Properties

ASHI also recommends a close inspection of electrical systems in any 15-year-old home. A 25-year old home is “middle age,” and “In this age group we may find that the lighting and wall-receptacle wiring is aluminum; this could be a serious problem,” ASHI continues.

3. 50-Year-Old Homes

Electrical systems could be outdated by today’s standards; an electrical rewiring assessment should be made and follow-up annual maintenance visits scheduled.

4. Historical Homes

Century-old structures can be beautiful but art imitates life: Aging has its challenges. These homeowners often consider electrical rewiring a good preventive measure.

Signs of Electrical Issues

Our Phoenix-area historical homeowners made a wise decision to contact Turn It On Electric when they did. Red flags signaling their property needed electrical rewiring were:

  • Extension cords – The couple noticed previous owners ran extension cords to power strips in every room. Not only was the wiring risky; the house needed several more outlets.
  • Flickering lights – When room lights dim or flicker, it’s seldom a light fixture problem. Your licensed electrician can determine if it’s a circuitry problem.
  • Hot outlet – One of the electrical outlets in the kitchen was hot to the touch; another major red flag. If this occurs, discontinue using that outlet until your professional electrician examines it.
  • Odd breaker panel odor – “It was a little bit like burning rubber,” said the homeowner. If your fuse box or breaker panel emits any kind of odor, contact your local licensed electrician immediately.

Top-Rated TIO Electric

Electrical rewiring sounds extreme, but imagine the possible losses due to a house fire. Turn It On Electric is a residential and commercial electrical contractor serving all of Phoenix Metro area including:

  • Carefree
  • Cave Creek
  • East Valley
  • Glendale
  • Paradise Valley
  • Peoria
  • Scottsdale

If it’s time for your home to have an electrical rewiring assessment, contact Turn It On Electric.

Categories Electrician, Maintenance, Residential

Maintaining your home’s electrical system

Maintaining your home’s electrical system

A well-maintained home electrical system is crucial. It ensures your system lasts longer and also gives you peace of mind knowing your home is safe. Electrical system maintenance can lower costs and reduce risks.

Your Arizona Electrical System Company Must Be Licensed

Your electrical system professional should be a trained, experienced technician for a local company licensed with the state of Arizona. Check the Arizona ROC (Registrar of Contractors) if you are unsure. A CR11 license means your electrical system company holds a commercial and residential license and can…

install, alter, and repair any wiring, related electrical material and equipment used in the generating, transmitting, or utilization of electrical energy less than 600 volts, including all overhead electrical wiring on public right-of-ways for signs and street decorations, and all underground electrical distribution systems of less than 600 volts serving private properties.

What You Need to Know About Electrical System Inspection, Maintenance

When buying or building a home, an electrical inspection should be performed. The inspection should include a thorough examination of all electrical wiring and connections. As part of a new maintenance program, your local electrician will perform an initial inspection. As a result, they will report on your property’s current safety and what might be needed now or later.

An annual preventive maintenance visit is recommended for all commercial and residential properties, new and old alike. Here are things your local electrician will examine during an inspection and annual maintenance visit.

  • Fire prevention – Short circuits can trigger house fires. They can be caused by weak/loose wiring in the meter or the cabling. Electrical fires are usually caused by:
    • Extension cords
    • Faulty electrical outlets
    • Faulty wiring
    • Space heaters
    • Worn-out light fixtures
  • Lower risk of electrical surges – Surges can not only lead to short circuits, but they can also ruin your appliances. Your electrical system technician will check various wiring points to lower the risk of surges.
  • Shock prevention – A small shock when you touch an electrical appliance shouldn’t send you into a panic, but shouldn\’t be ignored. It not only can negatively impact your appliance’s performance, it can also ruin it. In addition, this is a red flag that there is a fault in the wiring, which can lead to more damaging problems.

Electrical Maintenance for Your Home or Commercial Property

It is imperative that you get the right electrical technician… A novice or amateur might just damage the electrical connections that could lead to different types of disasters, apart from you failing the inspection. D&F Liquidators

Most property owners schedule preventive maintenance for HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) and vehicles, but neglect electrical system maintenance. In this era of rapid technology evolution, your local, licensed electrical services company should participate in continuing education.

The professionals at Turn It On Electric of Arizona are trained and experienced in electrical technology for home and commercial properties. Also, we are LEED-certified and Home Advisor-approved. (LEED is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.) This means we care about our planet and will always seek sustainable solutions for your property.

Valley-area families and businesses trust TIO Electric. You can trust them, too. We appreciate DIY (do-it-yourself) home maintenance but want our friends and neighbors to avoid electrical mistakes. For affordable electrical system safety with up-front pricing, contact Turn It On Electric.

Categories Ceiling Fans, Electrician, Residential

3 reasons to install a ceiling fan

3 reasons to install a ceiling fan

Ceiling fans are great for creating air circulation in a room, which can make it feel cooler without changing the actual temperature. However, there are several other benefits to installing ceiling fans throughout your home.

Cut Down on Your Energy Costs

The most obvious benefit of ceiling fans is that they can help to reduce your energy bills, especially in the summer when the weather is hot. When the air around you is moving, even slightly, it feels cooler, so you won\’t have to rely on your air conditioning as much. Air conditioning is one of the biggest contributors to high electricity bills, so you stand to save a lot of money in this area.

Of course, you will still require electricity to operate your ceiling fan. However, fans can be up to 70-percent more energy-efficient than AC motors. Running your fan throughout the day will cost you far less than using your AC, and those savings can seriously add up over time. However, make sure to turn it off if you aren\’t in the room as they don\’t cool while you\’re away.

Keep Bugs Away with a Ceiling Fan

If you think that you can only use ceiling fans inside your home, think again. Covered patio or deck areas are prime locations for fans. It is a little-known fact that fans can help deter many flying insects like gnats, mosquitos, flies, and more. These bugs don\’t like the air circulation that ceiling fans create, so they\’ll tend to stay away from the area around the fan.

This is great for when you want to sit outside in your yard during the summer when the weather is nice. Insects constantly buzzing in your ears while you are trying to enjoy a fun evening with your friends can quickly ruin the occasion, forcing you back indoors. With a fan, you and your guests will be able to relax in comfort so that you can soak up the beautiful weather.

Personalize Your Home

There are so many different styles of ceiling fans on the market today, you are sure to find one that speaks to your personal style and taste. Many new homes these days don\’t come with many light fixtures preinstalled. It is likely that they realized many homeowners would prefer to choose their own fixtures. This gives you the chance to make your home truly your own.

In addition to choosing the overall style of the fan, you\’ll also be able to choose between lighted and unlighted varieties. If you already have other lighting in the room, you may not need lights on your ceiling fan, as this can add to your cost. Where lighting is minimal, a fan with lights can do just the trick, scattering the light around the room in a wide-angle format. Take your time browsing through the myriad options available to you to find the perfect ceiling fan for your home.

Get Help with Ceiling Fan Installation

Ceiling fans can be quite heavy and have a lot of moving parts. While it is possible to install your fan yourself, it is far easier to let the experts here at Turn It On Electric handle the hard work for you. This is especially true if your home doesn\’t already have wiring to the location where you want your fan to go.

We always take great care in our work, treating your home as if it were our own. You can count on us for safe, professional electrical services, including ceiling fan installation. Reach out to us today to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment for a free price quote. Whenever you are ready, our team will be ready to get to work, so call now to get started.

Categories Electric Bill, Electrician, Residential

How to save electricity

How to save electricity

For most of us, life without electricity is not an option. You need to power devices and appliances and keep your home cool. All of this costs money. If you are not independently wealthy, you may want to find ways to save electricity.

Fortunately, you can save money by making small changes. Over time, each step can help. How great would it be to have more money at the end of the month by making a few changes at home?

Read on to learn ways to get smart with how you use power.

Bulbs and Appliances

One simple change you can make to save electricity is to use different light bulbs. If you still use incandescent bulbs, you are burning through power and the costs for replacing them. The bulbs cost less than more energy-efficient options, but you will need many more of them in the long run. Switching to CFL, or even better, LED light bulbs will help you save massive amounts of electricity over time.

Similarly, replacing your appliances with Energy Star models helps save over time. These models are specifically designed and tested to use less energy than other appliances. Any up-front cost difference will be more than covered over the life of your appliances.

Service Your Appliances

Some solutions are even simpler. Over time, appliances lose efficiency. Your refrigerator, washer, dryer, and HVAC system have to work harder to do their jobs. This means wasted electricity–and wasted money.

Check and replace your filters, and get regular service on your appliances. Do so regularly–at least every six months. This helps save electricity, protect the appliances, and extend their lives. In the interim, it keeps your energy bills low. Don\’t wait for things to break down; regular service can help you save electricity today.

Use Power Strips

Most people know they need to power down when they stop using devices. You turn off the lights and your television set. You may even shut down your computer when you leave the room.

All of this is a good start. You may not realize it, though, that many of your electronics keep drawing power when you turn them off. You can go without using some devices for days or weeks, and find an electric bill that gives no hint of savings.

One solution to save electricity is to unplug everything. While it helps you save, though, it can be very inconvenient. Instead, consider using power strips for your electronic devices. When you leave home, you can turn off the strip and cut off all the electricity going through. If power strips aren\’t your thing or they represent a tripping hazard, call us to learn about adding switches to your wall outlets.

Help from the Experts

All of these are easy DIY fixes to help you save electricity for your home. Beyond this, you can work with experts who can make your home even more energy efficient. You may benefit from updating your wiring or installing smart switches. An in-depth look at your home can yield savings from many avenues.

If you invest in smart switches, you can get out of your own way to save money. Motion control lights help you use electricity only for times you benefit from it. Further, faulty wiring or insulation can drive your energy costs way up. These are less obvious sources of savings, but can make a big difference for your wallet.

To get the most energy efficiency from your home, look at all of the ways you can conserve. A reputable electrician will find ways to save electricity throughout your home. In the Phoenix area, contact Turn It On Electric. We will examine your home and help you find ways to save.

Categories Electrician, Residential, Smoke Detector

What to do when your smoke detector isn\’t working

What to do when your smoke detector isn't working

Smoke alarms provide a convenient and cost-effective way to ensure that you and your family are alerted if a fire occurs. This is why it’s so important to make sure that your smoke alarms are working properly. Here’s what you should do if a smoke detector isn\’t working in your home.

Testing Smoke Detectors

Your smoke detectors are a vital part of keeping you and your family safe. To make sure that yours are working right, you should test them on a regular basis. This helps ensure that you have smoke alarms that will immediately alert your household if there’s a fire.

How do you test your smoke detectors? Most have a test button that you simply push to check if your alarm is working. You should hear a beep when you press this button, which indicates that your alarm is functioning. Make a habit of testing your smoke alarms once a month. Keep in mind that you should also put new batteries in your smoke detectors every spring and fall.

Troubleshooting Your Smoke Detectors

If you test your smoke detector and don’t hear a beep from it, your first step should be replacing the batteries. With new batteries, your smoke detector should work. If you’re still not hearing any beeps, this means that something else is wrong. Your smoke detector might have reached its lifespan or it could be damaged. Either way, you should replace it with a new one as soon as you can.

What happens if your smoke detector keeps beeping without any fire present? Battery-operated detectors tend to beep every so often to let you know that they need new batteries. AC-powered smoke detectors typically beep when they’re nearing their lifespan and need to be replaced. They might also beep if they’re malfunctioning.

Keep in mind that testing the batteries when a smoke detector isn\’t working is just one step. You can test your alarms in other ways as well. For example, you can carefully light a match and blow it out while standing under a smoke alarm. The smoke that drifts up should set off the alarm. If this doesn’t happen, you should replace your smoke alarm with a brand new one.

If your smoke detectors appear dusty, you can clean them off. You should clean inside them as well to remove dust and debris that could affect the sensors. After cleaning your smoke detectors, you can test them again to see if they work. If they don’t respond to smoke or if they don’t beep after you push the test button, you need to replace them.

Replacing a Smoke Detector That Isn’t Working

If you have to replace your smoke detectors, keep in mind there are different types available. Electricians can help you determine the best type to get for your Phoenix home to protect you and your family. They can install these for you as well and ensure that you have smoke alarms properly placed around your home.

Smoke alarms generally last up to ten years. Even if you have a smoke detector that is working, you should consider replacing it if it’s getting close to reaching its lifespan.

If your smoke detectors aren’t working properly, don’t wait another minute. Contact Turn It On Electric right away.