Categories Electrical Wiring, Residential

Electric outlet repair is never a good idea

Electric outlet repair is never a good idea

Electrical outlets are designed to last for many years, but that still doesn\’t mean that they can last forever. Over time, you are likely to run into issues with your outlets. Rather than paying to fully replace them, it can be tempting to try electric outlet repair instead. However, this could expose you and your home to all kinds of risk. Keep reading to learn why it is never a good idea to repair electrical outlets.

Risk of Electrocution

Any time you work with electricity, including during electric outlet repair, you put yourself at risk of electrocution. Even if you cut the power to a particular area while you work, there is still the possibility of leftover charge in the wires. While not as severe as full electrocution, this can still deliver quite a shock.

You\’ll still be at risk of electrocution after you have finished the electric outlet repair as well. If you weren\’t fully sure what you were doing, even tiny mistakes could be disastrous. When you go to turn the power back on and use the outlet, you could electrocute yourself the first time you plug something in.

Greater Chance of Future Problems

If you are unfamiliar with electrical work, there is always the chance that your electric outlet repair won\’t be perfect. Even if you follow instructions carefully, there is always the risk that you have made a mistake. This could put you at an even greater risk of electrical problems in the future. The outlet you have repaired is already past its lifespan, so any work you did likely won\’t last long anyway.

It is amazing how many electrical fires are caused by shoddy workmanship. Electrical work is a highly specialized task, and it can be incredibly dangerous if you don\’t know exactly what you are doing. The last thing you want is to put your home at risk simply to save a few dollars by doing the work yourself. When it comes to electric outlet repair, it is best to leave it to the professionals. Better yet, don\’t do it at all and replace the outlet instead.

Missing Out on Modern Technology

One of the biggest reasons not to bother with electric outlet repair is that modern outlets incorporate much better features. Because electrical outlets last so long, any that require repair are likely to be quite old already. Electrical technology is much more advanced now than it was in the past, so newer outlets will be much safer than their predecessors.

If you stick with your old outlets, you\’ll be cutting yourself short in terms of safety. Do you really want to put your home and loved ones at risk just to save a few bucks? We didn\’t think so. It is definitely worth the added cost to replace your outlets properly rather than attempting to repair a broken one.

Trust the Experts at Turn It On Electric

For help with all your electric outlet repair and replacement needs, you can count on Turn It On Electric. We are proud to work with homeowners and businesses throughout Greater Phoenix. We\’ll be happy to help you identify any outlets on your property that are due for replacement. Replacing outlets vs. repairing them will be better for your safety and peace of mind in the long run.

We invite you to reach out to us at any time to learn more about our services. Get in touch today to schedule an appointment for an electrical inspection.

Categories Electrician, Residential

6 things to know about residential electricians

6 things to know about residential electricians

Most of us don’t have a residential electrical contractor or company we can call our own until we have a problem or project. What should you know when selecting a residential electrician? Today, we look for an internet site; if a business isn’t online, how up-to-date is their service?

Here are 6 qualities to look for in residential electricians:

1. Appearance

If a beaten-up van pulls into your driveway and your electrical professional looks anything but professional, think twice. It’s not being judgmental; trade professionals take pride in the quality of their work and it shows. If their appearance is unkempt, they may not respect themselves or their work. How well will they respect your property?

2. Effective Communication

Pay attention to how quickly residential electricians respond when requesting a quote. They should arrive on-time for your meeting, or call if they are going to be late. Did they document the work needed and make notes or use a checklist? Did they provide you with a copy and review what is needed before the quote?

3. Residential Electricians Can Troubleshoot

Experience is important because it takes know-how for residential electricians to troubleshoot:

I had a phone call one day from a woman who said her home was haunted… Then she said she was serious; it was not a crank call. She said her refrigerator wouldn’t work until she turned on her garbage disposal. Electrical Contractor Magazine

The “haunted” house had some spooky stuff going on upstairs and downstairs, including shower-head shock! The experienced electrical troubleshooter found a circuitry routing problem and even a utility company issue.

4. Talk Money Before a Project

A reputable company will be as up-front about pricing as possible. Get quotes. An extremely overpriced estimate is a red flag, but what’s more important is how your electrician explains the charges. The best residential electricians stand behind their prices because they understand the intricacies of your particular project.

5. Residential Electricians Should Be Licensed, Bonded, & Insured

You need an R-11 license to be an electrician in Arizona. You must also have 4 years of experience and pass a two-part test. Ask if your electrician has insurance protecting employees and company equipment. The contractor should also have insurance that protects your home and property if there is accidental damage.

6. Testimonials, Recommendations

Word-of-mouth has always been the best advertising campaign. Today’s businesses also need “word-of-internet,” or testimonials. Testimonials are actually more valuable because what a customer says is gone as soon as the words are uttered. Online testimonials are forever.

Recap: Your Checklist for Residential Electricians

When requesting information or project bids from area residential electricians, pay attention to:

  1. Appearance and attitude
  2. Communication abilities
  3. Experience and knowledge to troubleshoot
  4. Fair and competitive quote
  5. Licensed, insured
  6. Testimonials and recommendations

Turn It On Electric of Phoenix

We don’t sell a particular brand of equipment and we don’t work on commission. This means when your Turn It On Electric pros recommend something, our advice is based on what you need; not what makes more money for us.

There are codes and regulations for Phoenix-area construction and remodeling projects, and we want to keep your property “up-to-code” to protect your family and your investment. If your project involves rewiring, circuitry, or any work involving your breaker box, it’s better to be safe than sorry (or injured) and hire a professional.

Protecting your home, loved ones, and respecting your budget is something we care about. As a LEEDS-certified metro Phoenix company, protecting the environment for your children is something we care about as well. Contact Turn It On Electric for advice or to learn more about residential electrical work.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Electrician, Residential, Safety

What you need to know about an after hours electrician

What you need to know about an after hours electrician

Electrical emergencies can happen at any time of the day or night, and they don\’t always follow normal business hours. When you run into a major electrical problem, waiting until morning to deal with it could result in short circuits, electric shocks or even electrical fires. Because of this, it is in your best interest to have an after hours electrician take care of the problem as quickly as possible. Read on for five of the most common electrical emergencies and what to do if you encounter one.

Power Outages

Typically with power outages, the other homes in your neighborhood will be without power as well. However, if the outage is localized to just your home, it could signal a major issue. If the power goes out in your home, take a quick look outside to see if there are still lights on in the area. If you are the only one without power, it\’s time to give your after hours electrician a call.

Overloaded Outlets

If you have a shortage of electrical outlets in convenient locations in your home, it can be tempting to add extra outlets with power bars and other accessories. However, individual outlets are only capable of handling so much usage at once. Plugging in too many devices in the same spot can be a recipe for disaster. The outlet can overheat, leading to sparks, burning smells and even electrical fires. To keep your home safe, this is not an issue you should leave unchecked.

Faulty Wiring

Not all after hours electricians are as skilled or qualified as they could be. That means that your home could have wiring that was installed or upgraded improperly. It could also be that a previous owner of your Phoenix home attempted to do electrical work themselves. Faulty wiring can make the electricity in your home unpredictable. This can cause problems for your appliances and other electronics, causing them to work only intermittently or leading to sparks coming from your outlets.

Humming or Buzzing Breaker Box

Your breaker box is a critical safety component of your Phoenix home\’s electrical system. It can lead to problems if it is not working properly. Basically, the breaker box shuts down the power to a particular area of your home if it detects an anomaly in the power supply. Without this fail-safe, you and your loved ones could be at risk of electricution. You should call your after hours electrician immediately if you notice any strange noises coming from your breaker box.

Fallen Power Lines

During storms or periods of strong wind that are common here in Phoenix, power lines can fall down. This can create a hazard for anyone who comes near. If you notice any downed power lines on or near your property, call an emergency or after hours electrician immediately. Until the problem has been dealt with, don\’t go anywhere near the fallen lines, even in your car. You should also get in touch with your electrical services provider, as well as emergency services.

Contact an After Hours Electrician Right Away

When you are in need of an after hours electrician in the Greater Phoenix area, you can count on the experts here at Turn It On Electric. No matter what time of the day or night it is, we\’ll send someone out to your home immediately to help you out. Electrical problems can be incredibly dangerous. Because of this, it is crucial that you get them taken care of as quickly as possible. Get in touch with us right away for all your emergency electrical needs. 

Categories Electrician, Residential, Safety, Zinsco Panels

Electric panel repair for your Scottsdale home

Electric panel repair for your Scottsdale home

You\’re likely familiar with your property\’s electrical panel. It is a small cabinet that contains all of your home\’s circuit breakers. These breakers control the power into your home or business. Over time, though, these panels can deteriorate, resulting in the need for electric panel repair or replacement. Here\’s how to tell when it is time to service yours.

Lights Flickering

From time to time, you may notice that your lights flicker when you operate other electronic devices. This is often the case with hairdryers, vacuums, and other devices that consume a lot of power. Older circuits may not be capable of handling the energy needs of modern electronics, and this can divert power from your lights, causing them to flicker. This type of electric panel repair typically requires upgrading your wires and circuitry to accommodate the latest electronics.

Breakers Not Resetting

Circuit breakers are designed to trip when they detect a power surge or other anomaly in the electric current. This serves to protect your wires from becoming heating coils and creating a much larger problem involving pretty red trucks. Once a breaker trips, you’ll need to reset it to get the power back on in that area. However, as circuits get worn, they may not reset properly, leaving you without power in that particular area. This is typically a simple electric panel repair that just involves replacing that particular circuit breaker.

Breakers Constantly Tripping

While you want your circuit breakers to trip when there is an emergency, it can be annoying and frustrating when they trip too frequently. As your electrical panel wears over time, it becomes more susceptible to power surges, leading your breakers to trip more often. If you have to reset your breakers more than once a year, there is likely a problem in your electrical panel. In cases like this, electric panel repair may no longer be possible; it is often better to replace the panel entirely to prevent future risk.

Buzzing or Humming Noises

If you hear buzzing or humming sounds coming from your electrical panel, that is a surefire sign that something is wrong. Strange noises often indicate a faulty connection somewhere in the wiring, which could expose you to the risk of electrocution if you touch the panel. Not only that, but you\’ll also be at increased risk of electrical fires, putting the safety of everyone in your home or business at risk. If you hear any kind of sound coming from your circuit breakers, call a qualified electrician for electric panel repair immediately.

Leave Electric Panel Repair to the Professionals

When you are having trouble with your electrical panel, it can sometimes be tempting to try to repair it yourself. However, this is never a good idea. Working with electricity can be highly dangerous, especially if you are unfamiliar with what you are doing. Instead, it is always best to let a professional electrician handle any electric panel repairs you need. This way, you and your loved ones will stay as safe as possible, and you can have confidence that the job has been done properly.

Here at Turn It On Electric, we are proud to provide expert electric panel repair services for homeowners and businesses throughout the Phoenix area. Our technicians are highly trained and skilled, so you can count on us to get the job done right. When we come out to your property, we\’ll identify the problem as quickly as possible so that we can get it repaired for you right away. Call us right away for all your electrical needs. We\’re always happy to help!

Categories Electrical Wiring, Residential

Electrical rewiring basics, 3 things you need to know

Toaster in the kitchen

Electrical wiring in homes isn\’t designed to last forever. You may need rewiring at some point to keep your home safe and your electrical devices operating as efficiently as possible. Here at Turn It On Electric, we are experts in this task. We can help you understand the most important electrical rewiring basics. Read on for everything you need to know.

Electrical Rewiring Basics

Many older homes, especially those built in the 70s, were constructed with aluminum wiring due to a shortage of copper at the time. This type of wiring may deteriorate over time. Ultimately making it more difficult for the wires to steadily transfer current to your electrical devices. In addition, building codes have changed over the decades, and the wiring in your home may no longer be up to code. If you plan to remodel or renovate your home, you may need to have it rewired to meet current building standards.

Why Rewiring Is Necessary

Aluminum wires may become prone to overheating, possibly causing shorts or electrical fires. Even the faceplates on your electrical outlets can get very hot, especially their mounting screws. If you brush up against one inadvertently, you could be in for a nasty burn.

For the safety of your home and your loved ones, it is essential that you have your electrical system rewired by a professional. In addition to enhancing your safety, this may also help your system operate more efficiently, saving you money on your energy costs over the years.

Finally, not all electricians give their work the same level of attention to detail as we do. It is possible for your existing wiring to have been installed incorrectly. This can create problems throughout your home, leading to difficulty using your electric devices and appliances.

How to Know If You Need Electrical Rewiring

One of the most important electrical rewiring basics is knowing when it is time to rewire your home. Look out for the following signs:

  • Lights flickering
  • Faceplates and hardware that are hot to the touch
  • Sparks coming from electrical outlets
  • Frequent shorts or power outages
  • Increasing electric bills
  • Devices or appliances that won\’t turn on or only work intermittently
  • Crackling noises when using electricity
  • Burning smells or smoke

If you have any concerns about your home\’s electrical system, it is essential that you contact an experienced electrician right away to address the problem. The longer you delay, the greater your risk of electrical fire.

Working with a Professional Electrician

Electrical rewiring is a complex task that you should never attempt to do on your own. If you don\’t know exactly what you are doing, you could be exposing yourself to the risk of electrocution or starting an electrical fire. Instead, it is much better to leave this task to the professionals. This will ensure the job is done safely and accurately.

When you work with Turn It On Electric for your rewiring needs, we\’ll send someone out to your Phoenix home as quickly as possible. We\’ll start with a thorough inspection of your property to identify any problems and evaluate the condition of your current electrical system. We\’ll then walk you through the rewiring basics so you can make an informed decision.

We welcome you to reach out to us at any time for answers to all your questions about electrical wiring and the services we provide. Our friendly team members are always happy to help, so get in touch with us today to learn more. We\’ll set you up with a free consultation to find out if electrical rewiring is right for your Phoenix home. Call today to reserve your appointment at a time that is convenient for you.