Categories Electrical Wiring, Electrician, Residential, Safety

9 house wiring things you need to know

House wiring things you need to know

Electrical mistakes can easily happen with DIY projects involving house wiring. If ignored, they have the potential to cause short circuits, shocks, and even fires. Keep the following in mind, and have a professional handle your electrical projects.

House Wiring Is Highly Dangerous

The wiring throughout your house is powerful enough to hurt you and cause life-threatening injuries. The professionals at Turn It On Electric know to shut off the power before doing any type of electrical work. This helps lower the risk of electrical shocks and other injuries.

Electrical Circuits

Your home has different types of electrical circuits installed that serve different purposes. Some circuits provide power for your lights, and others provide power for your outlets. Major appliances, such as your HVAC system or dishwasher, have a dedicated circuit. This helps lower the risk of having too much power going to one circuit in your home.

Wire Sizes in House Wiring

House wiring comes in different sizes. When working with wiring, professionals always make sure that they’re using the correct size. Using the wrong size wiring can increase the risk of fires and other serious electrical problems or result in not enough power going to an outlet or other electrical fixture.

Additional Circuits

In some cases, electrical work involves adding another circuit to your breaker panel. For example, your home might need a dedicated circuit added for a new appliance. Professionals can handle this properly to ensure that new circuits are safely added, which lowers the risk of fires.

Wiring Installations

Installing wiring for a new light switch, light fixture, outlet or other electrical fixture is generally a straightforward task. However, there are still serious risks associated with even simple wiring installations. From knowing which wiring to use to determining the correct size, you should let the professionals take care of these tasks.

House Wiring Electrical Codes

Being familiar with local electrical codes is an important part of working with house wiring, especially for larger projects. Not following these codes can increase the risk of electrical problems and make your home unsafe. The professional electricians from Turn It On Electric know all about local electrical codes and always follow them when doing electrical work.

Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers stop circuits from becoming overloaded and starting fires. They come in different sizes, and it’s important to make sure the right size wire is connected to the right size circuit breaker. Otherwise, you can end up with a high risk of fire or a breaker that frequently trips.

Hot, Neutral and Ground Wires

Black wiring in your home is known as hot wiring, while white wires are considered neutral ones. Ground wires are bare copper wires. These wires need to be connected properly in order for circuits to properly function. If this doesn’t happen, you can end up with an electrical short.

Electrical Tools for House Wiring

Doing electrical work involves using the right tools for the job. The wrong tools could damage your house wiring, which raises the risk of electrical shock or fires. Professionals have the proper tools for any type of electrical work.

If your Phoenix home needs some electrical work, leave it to the professionals. Contact Turn It On Electric today.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Electrician, Residential, Safety

What you need to know about an after hours electrician

What you need to know about an after hours electrician

Electrical emergencies can happen at any time of the day or night, and they don\’t always follow normal business hours. When you run into a major electrical problem, waiting until morning to deal with it could result in short circuits, electric shocks or even electrical fires. Because of this, it is in your best interest to have an after hours electrician take care of the problem as quickly as possible. Read on for five of the most common electrical emergencies and what to do if you encounter one.

Power Outages

Typically with power outages, the other homes in your neighborhood will be without power as well. However, if the outage is localized to just your home, it could signal a major issue. If the power goes out in your home, take a quick look outside to see if there are still lights on in the area. If you are the only one without power, it\’s time to give your after hours electrician a call.

Overloaded Outlets

If you have a shortage of electrical outlets in convenient locations in your home, it can be tempting to add extra outlets with power bars and other accessories. However, individual outlets are only capable of handling so much usage at once. Plugging in too many devices in the same spot can be a recipe for disaster. The outlet can overheat, leading to sparks, burning smells and even electrical fires. To keep your home safe, this is not an issue you should leave unchecked.

Faulty Wiring

Not all after hours electricians are as skilled or qualified as they could be. That means that your home could have wiring that was installed or upgraded improperly. It could also be that a previous owner of your Phoenix home attempted to do electrical work themselves. Faulty wiring can make the electricity in your home unpredictable. This can cause problems for your appliances and other electronics, causing them to work only intermittently or leading to sparks coming from your outlets.

Humming or Buzzing Breaker Box

Your breaker box is a critical safety component of your Phoenix home\’s electrical system. It can lead to problems if it is not working properly. Basically, the breaker box shuts down the power to a particular area of your home if it detects an anomaly in the power supply. Without this fail-safe, you and your loved ones could be at risk of electricution. You should call your after hours electrician immediately if you notice any strange noises coming from your breaker box.

Fallen Power Lines

During storms or periods of strong wind that are common here in Phoenix, power lines can fall down. This can create a hazard for anyone who comes near. If you notice any downed power lines on or near your property, call an emergency or after hours electrician immediately. Until the problem has been dealt with, don\’t go anywhere near the fallen lines, even in your car. You should also get in touch with your electrical services provider, as well as emergency services.

Contact an After Hours Electrician Right Away

When you are in need of an after hours electrician in the Greater Phoenix area, you can count on the experts here at Turn It On Electric. No matter what time of the day or night it is, we\’ll send someone out to your home immediately to help you out. Electrical problems can be incredibly dangerous. Because of this, it is crucial that you get them taken care of as quickly as possible. Get in touch with us right away for all your emergency electrical needs. 

Categories Electrician, Residential, Safety, Zinsco Panels

Electric panel repair for your Scottsdale home

Electric panel repair for your Scottsdale home

You\’re likely familiar with your property\’s electrical panel. It is a small cabinet that contains all of your home\’s circuit breakers. These breakers control the power into your home or business. Over time, though, these panels can deteriorate, resulting in the need for electric panel repair or replacement. Here\’s how to tell when it is time to service yours.

Lights Flickering

From time to time, you may notice that your lights flicker when you operate other electronic devices. This is often the case with hairdryers, vacuums, and other devices that consume a lot of power. Older circuits may not be capable of handling the energy needs of modern electronics, and this can divert power from your lights, causing them to flicker. This type of electric panel repair typically requires upgrading your wires and circuitry to accommodate the latest electronics.

Breakers Not Resetting

Circuit breakers are designed to trip when they detect a power surge or other anomaly in the electric current. This serves to protect your wires from becoming heating coils and creating a much larger problem involving pretty red trucks. Once a breaker trips, you’ll need to reset it to get the power back on in that area. However, as circuits get worn, they may not reset properly, leaving you without power in that particular area. This is typically a simple electric panel repair that just involves replacing that particular circuit breaker.

Breakers Constantly Tripping

While you want your circuit breakers to trip when there is an emergency, it can be annoying and frustrating when they trip too frequently. As your electrical panel wears over time, it becomes more susceptible to power surges, leading your breakers to trip more often. If you have to reset your breakers more than once a year, there is likely a problem in your electrical panel. In cases like this, electric panel repair may no longer be possible; it is often better to replace the panel entirely to prevent future risk.

Buzzing or Humming Noises

If you hear buzzing or humming sounds coming from your electrical panel, that is a surefire sign that something is wrong. Strange noises often indicate a faulty connection somewhere in the wiring, which could expose you to the risk of electrocution if you touch the panel. Not only that, but you\’ll also be at increased risk of electrical fires, putting the safety of everyone in your home or business at risk. If you hear any kind of sound coming from your circuit breakers, call a qualified electrician for electric panel repair immediately.

Leave Electric Panel Repair to the Professionals

When you are having trouble with your electrical panel, it can sometimes be tempting to try to repair it yourself. However, this is never a good idea. Working with electricity can be highly dangerous, especially if you are unfamiliar with what you are doing. Instead, it is always best to let a professional electrician handle any electric panel repairs you need. This way, you and your loved ones will stay as safe as possible, and you can have confidence that the job has been done properly.

Here at Turn It On Electric, we are proud to provide expert electric panel repair services for homeowners and businesses throughout the Phoenix area. Our technicians are highly trained and skilled, so you can count on us to get the job done right. When we come out to your property, we\’ll identify the problem as quickly as possible so that we can get it repaired for you right away. Call us right away for all your electrical needs. We\’re always happy to help!

Categories Commercial, Safety

Commercial electrical safety basics

Commercial electrical safety basics

Electrical fires are among the main types of fires that occur in commercial buildings. These fires put building occupants at serious risk of harm and damage property as well. As a commercial property owner, learn about commercial electrical safety to keep your occupants and property safe.

Set Up an Electrical Safety Program

Making sure employees are aware of electrical safety risks can help lower the chance of fires. Create a program that educates employees on commercial electrical safety, such as how to identify safety hazards. Teaching employees about these hazards can help keep everyone in your building safe from fire and electrical dangers.

Use Electrical Equipment Properly

Cords, wires, and other electrical equipment can easily lead to a fire hazard if they are used improperly. As a commercial property owner, you should check them on a regular basis. If you come across any trouble, such as an outlet that heats up when in use, have professional electricians handle repairs right away. In addition, you should teach employees to safely unplug equipment rather than yank cords out of outlets.

If you need to use extension cords, only do so on a short-term basis. Store them in areas that people don’t walk through. Never put cords under carpeting or use nails to hold them on the wall or floor. Cords under carpeting can sustain damage from being walked on or having chairs roll over them. Nails can ruin the outer layer of cords, causing them to become worn.

Watch for Electrical Problem Warning Signs

Don’t wait for an electrical fire to break out. Watching for any signs of electrical issues can help ensure you have timely repairs done. This can significantly lower your risk of having an electrical fire in your commercial building. Some signs to watch for include having fuses that blow out often, outlets that are discolored, or lights that tend to flicker. All of those are suggestions that there is a problem with your building’s electrical system. Having professional electricians handle these issues right away reduces your risk of a fire.

Unplug Unused Equipment for Commercial Electrical Safety

Make it a policy in your building to have employees unplug any equipment or items that aren’t being used. Items that are plugged in continue to draw a small amount of electricity. Unplugging these items stops that from happening and lowers the risk of electrical fires.

Replace Worn Equipment

Electrical cords and other equipment can wear out over time. When you have equipment that is showing signs of wear and tear, stop using it and replace it. Using worn equipment can result in electrical problems that could lead to a fire.

Schedule Electrical Inspections

Regular electrical inspections and maintenance on your commercial building can help it stay in good condition. Electricians can replace worn equipment, tighten loose wires, and do other tasks that reduce the risk of fires. Plan on having this done on a routine basis to keep your employees and property safe.

To keep your electrical system healthy, you need to maintain it regularly. Contact Turn It On Electric to learn more about your electrical system and to schedule an inspection.

Categories Residential, Safety

5 electrical mistakes to avoid in your home

5 electrical mistakes to avoid in your home

Handling electrical work on your own might offer convenience. However, you could end up making electrical mistakes that put you and your home at risk. Making these mistakes can lead to electrical shocks, short circuits, fires, and other dangerous situations. Avoid making the following electrical errors in your Phoenix home.

Cluttering Electrical Boxes

Electrical boxes can only handle a certain amount of wiring. When you put too many wires in one box, you run the risk of having it overheat. If this happens, fires can start as a result of overheating. Instead of deciding if your electrical box is big enough, let professionals handle it. Electricians can figure out if you have too many wires going into one box. This helps reduce your risk of having a fire or other serious electrical problems.

Cutting Wires Short

Wires sticking out of your electrical box need to have the right length. Cutting these wires too short makes it difficult for you to form safe connections. When connections aren’t safe, fires can break out. Electricians cut wires so they extend 3 inches or more from electrical boxes. Attempting this on your own increases your risk of making electrical mistakes that could cause severe damage to your house or put your family at risk.

Having Unprotected Wiring

Unprotected wiring inside the frame of your home faces a higher chance of being damaged. Nails and other hazards can tear into this wiring over time, which raises the risk of electrical issues or fires in your home. Electricians know how to ensure that wiring in your home has the protection it needs. Leaving it to the experts helps you prevent potentially dangerous electrical mistakes.

Putting Connections Outside Electrical Boxes

All electrical connections between wires should occur inside electrical boxes. Having connections outside these boxes increases the risk of short circuits and other electrical problems. Electrical boxes provide some degree of protection for your home if there are sparks from a short circuit. When you need to make electrical connections, professional electricians should handle this task.

Trusting Online Tutorial Videos

It’s easy to find online tutorial videos for electrical work and assume that you can tackle these projects yourself. Keep in mind you shouldn’t trust these tutorials, though. The people in them might leave out important information or safety steps you should take when doing electrical work. They might perform this work incorrectly in the video as well. Professional electricians know how to do both simple and complex electrical projects safely and correctly.

Avoid Electrical Mistakes from Hidden Dangers

Keep in mind you might not know about hidden dangers in your home from electricity. For example, your home might have older wiring or other components that could cause problems. Electricians can check your home for these potential dangers before starting any work. These professionals know the local and national codes as well, which helps ensure they perform all work as safely as possible.

If your home needs electrical work, leave it to the professionals. Contact Turn It On Electric today.