Categories Lighting, Residential

How Security Lights and Motion Sensors Keep You Safe at Home

How Security Lights and Motion Sensors Keep You Safe at Home

Urban dwellers are aware of the risks associated with their living locations. Suburbanites are vigilant too. Hopefully, you feel safe in your home and neighborhood. So do you really need security lights and/or motion sensors?

Security Lights Enhance Quality of Life

Wanting to be able to see what’s going on in your yard isn’t necessarily “fear.” It’s just good sense. If you have aging family members or friends, security lights and motion detectors can illuminate their paths from car-to-door. It’s a great safety feature.

Wandering wildlife can be a pleasure to view but also destructive. Security lights and motion sensors can keep them at a safe distance. You can also reduce energy usage with motion sensors. Your all-night front porch light can be “off” until activated.

Types of Security Lights and Sensors

Lights with cameras are becoming more popular, especially during the holiday gifting season. More front-porch-package hijackers and their license plates were filmed this year than ever before.

The top outdoor security cameras for 2020 are:

  • Amcrest Ultra HD 4K Dome
  • Arlo Ultra
  • Logitech Circle 2
  • Nest Cam IQ Outdoor
  • Reolink Argus 2
  • Ring Floodlight
  • Vivint Outdoor

All offer some degree of night vision. Fields-of-view range from 69°-180°. The Amcrest and Arlo Ultra cameras offer the best resolution (3840 x 2160). They are also among the priciest.

Motion Sensor Activated Lighting

Motion detectors with lights are another good choice for your property. If you live on a low-traffic street, a security light motion sensor can be a welcome addition to your home. But in a high-traffic area, it’s like having a strobe light on your front porch.

Motion detectors are usually wired into your home security system and connected to a monitoring center. Your concerns might include:

  • Doorbell-triggering upon approach
  • Restricted areas for kids, pets, visitors – basements, medicine cabinets, pools, workout rooms
  • Saving energy – Abandon all-night front porch/garage lights for energy-saving motion-detectors/lights
  • Teens breaking curfew; sneaking out

Choose a motion sensor that provides what you need:

  • Area-Reflective – Reflections from infrared LED rays are measured. Alarms are triggered if an object is within a specific range.
  • Dual-Technology – These motion detectors can combine PIR and MW sensors. Because one is passive (PIR) and the other active (MW), they reduce the number of false alarms.
  • MW – Microwave sensors measure the reflection of moving objects and can cover a larger area than infrared. They are pricey and can be vulnerable to electrical interference.
  • PIR – Passive infrared sensors are the most popular. They detect heat and movement. If a moving person or animal trips the infrared energy levels, the sensor sounds an alarm.
  • Ultrasonic – This unit measures moving objects’ reflections in pulses of ultrasonic waves.
  • Vibration – These can be homemade. The sensor detects vibrations then activates a switch to an alarm. They are often unreliable.

Turn It On Electric Protects Your Investment

Simple home security systems without lights (bells or buzzer systems) can be DIY (do-it-yourself)-mounted. They are usually battery-operated and you simply need to monitor the batteries. Most don\’t consider them very effective.

The circuitry for even a “small” home security system can be complicated. “It’s more than drilling holes and running wires,” says

If you want security lights and motion sensors, consider it an investment that will increase the value of your property. Get a good system. Then contact your local electrician for installation.

In the Phoenix-area, Turn It On Electric is your affordable, trusted source for home security system installation. Contact us to learn more.

Categories Lighting, Residential

Adding kitchen pendant lighting to your home

Adding kitchen pendant lighting to your home

Your kitchen is one of the most-used rooms in your home, so you\’ll want to make it look its best. An easy way to do this is by adding kitchen pendant lighting. Not only will this help you see what you are doing, but it also adds beauty and style to the space. Here\’s what you need to know to choose the best kitchen pendant lighting for your home.

Types of Kitchen Pendant Lighting

When it comes to pendant lighting for your kitchen, you\’ll have a lot of options to choose from. This lighting style comes in a broad range of sizes and aesthetics to complement virtually any decorative scheme.

For starters, you\’ll find lights ranging in size from small to large. To choose the best size for your kitchen, pay attention to not just the size of the room, but also the ceiling height and counter heights. The lights you choose should be large enough to command attention. However, they should not be so large as to overpower the space or get in the way while you are cooking.

Once you have narrowed down your choices by size, you can move on to selecting the overall style. Just like other types of decor, you\’ll find pendant lighting to suit contemporary, rustic, classic, elegant, sculptural and many other styles of decor. Take cues from the rest of your home to guide your style choices.

Finally, you\’ll get to choose the color or finish of your kitchen pendant lighting. Look for lights that complement the rest of your kitchen decor. For example, if you have stainless steel appliances, you\’ll likely want light fixtures in a similar finish. If you have chosen a bold accent color in your kitchen, try to find pendant lights that incorporate that hue as well to keep everything looking cohesive.

Benefits of Kitchen Pendant Lighting

Of course, the key benefit of pendant lighting in your kitchen is that it makes it easier to shine some light on the task at hand. Typically, you\’ll want to hang your lights directly over a countertop, like a kitchen island, peninsula counter, or breakfast bar. This way, the lights will be right overhead, shining down on your counter space.

In general, kitchens don\’t have much space for decor, as you\’ll want to keep your workspace clear for prepping food. With pendant lighting, you\’ll have a unique opportunity to inject some decorative style and flair into your kitchen. This will keep it from looking too bland and boring. Look for lights that are visually interesting to have the biggest impact.

You can also use lighting to set the mood in your kitchen. This is especially beneficial if you enjoy entertaining or have dining space in your kitchen area. Many modern pendant lights are dimmer compatible, letting you customize the lighting to your liking throughout the evening. To create a fun atmosphere, try using colored light bulbs or smart bulbs that allow you to change the color of the light.

Add Kitchen Pendant Lighting to Your Home

To add pendant lighting to your kitchen, you\’ll need the services of a qualified electrician. Your technician can install any necessary wiring in your ceiling to power the lights and ensure that everything is working properly. This includes setting up any additional features, like dimmers and smart light bulbs.

At Turn It On Electric, we have helped countless Phoenix homeowners install pendant lighting and other types of light fixtures in kitchens and throughout their homes. We\’ll handle all of the complicated electrical work for you, saving you from the risk of electric shock. Call today to schedule an appointment.

Categories Baby Proofing, Residential

Baby proofing your Phoenix home

Baby proofing your Phoenix home

Electricity is essential to your home, but it can also be hazardous to your children. That is why baby proofing Phoenix homes is so important. It really isn\’t difficult at all to accomplish and won\’t cause more than minor inconveniences to your lifestyle. Here\’s what you need to do.

Cover All Electrical Outlets

The first step to baby proofing Phoenix homes is to protect your outlets. You can find electrical outlet covers at any baby or home improvement store. Some are inexpensive and easy to install. However, the traditional outlet covers can be taken out by little hands and could present a choking hazard.

While the outlet covers may work, they don\’t actively work on their own. They require you to remember to put them back in and they can be bypassed by simply removing them.

A better option is to upgrade your home to include tamper-resistant outlets. They include a small piece of plastic built into the outlet that only moves when a two-pronged plug is plugged in. A screwdriver or bobby pin won\’t be able to bypass these types of outlets. While they are individually quite inexpensive a professional should install them.

Keep Electrical Cords Out of Sight

If you need to run any electrical cords across the floor, it is important to cover them whenever possible. This will minimize the risk of you or your children tripping over them. This can also send your electronic devices crashing to the floor, so it is in your best interest to prevent that from happening.

In addition, small children can inadvertently wrap cords around their necks, potentially leading to the risk of strangulation. Install cord covers when baby proofing your Phoenix home so that the cords lie flat against the floor, or bind them up tightly with a rubber band or cord keeper. The fewer exposed cords you have, the safer your kids will be.

If you find yourself using extension cords regularly in your home, it may be time to install a few new outlets or electrical circuits.

Unplug Any Devices That Are Not in Use

Kids are remarkably resourceful and will try to use your electronic devices. They likely see you using them and want to imitate your behaviors. Whenever you are not using a particular device, unplug it from the wall so your little ones can\’t turn it on. Be sure to tuck the cord back behind the device so they can\’t use it to pull the device down. Not only will this keep your kids safer, but it can also help prevent wasting electricity on devices that are not needed. This can help you save on your energy costs, freeing up more money in your budget for fun activities with your children.

Keep Your Outlets and Wiring in Good Repair

Faulty outlets and deteriorated wiring can expose your home to the risk of electrical fires and power failures. They can also pose a risk to your children, so keeping them in good shape is crucial to baby proofing Phoenix homes. If you suspect any problems with your outlets or wiring, have a qualified electrician inspect and repair them for you. It is incredibly dangerous to try to do electrical work yourself, so leave this task to a professional. Aim to have your electrical system inspected about once a year to ensure everything is safe and reliable.

Get More Help with Baby Proofing Phoenix Homes

Of course, nothing keeps your kids safe like parent supervision, but it is virtually impossible to keep your eyes on them every second of the day. This is especially true if you have multiple kids.

If you would like even more tips for baby proofing your Phoenix home, you can count on Turn It On Electric. Our expert electricians can help you identify any potential dangers in your home and advise you as to how to fix them. We want to help you keep your kids as safe as possible, so don\’t be shy about getting in touch with us to schedule an appointment.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Electrician, Residential, Safety

9 house wiring things you need to know

House wiring things you need to know

Electrical mistakes can easily happen with DIY projects involving house wiring. If ignored, they have the potential to cause short circuits, shocks, and even fires. Keep the following in mind, and have a professional handle your electrical projects.

House Wiring Is Highly Dangerous

The wiring throughout your house is powerful enough to hurt you and cause life-threatening injuries. The professionals at Turn It On Electric know to shut off the power before doing any type of electrical work. This helps lower the risk of electrical shocks and other injuries.

Electrical Circuits

Your home has different types of electrical circuits installed that serve different purposes. Some circuits provide power for your lights, and others provide power for your outlets. Major appliances, such as your HVAC system or dishwasher, have a dedicated circuit. This helps lower the risk of having too much power going to one circuit in your home.

Wire Sizes in House Wiring

House wiring comes in different sizes. When working with wiring, professionals always make sure that they’re using the correct size. Using the wrong size wiring can increase the risk of fires and other serious electrical problems or result in not enough power going to an outlet or other electrical fixture.

Additional Circuits

In some cases, electrical work involves adding another circuit to your breaker panel. For example, your home might need a dedicated circuit added for a new appliance. Professionals can handle this properly to ensure that new circuits are safely added, which lowers the risk of fires.

Wiring Installations

Installing wiring for a new light switch, light fixture, outlet or other electrical fixture is generally a straightforward task. However, there are still serious risks associated with even simple wiring installations. From knowing which wiring to use to determining the correct size, you should let the professionals take care of these tasks.

House Wiring Electrical Codes

Being familiar with local electrical codes is an important part of working with house wiring, especially for larger projects. Not following these codes can increase the risk of electrical problems and make your home unsafe. The professional electricians from Turn It On Electric know all about local electrical codes and always follow them when doing electrical work.

Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers stop circuits from becoming overloaded and starting fires. They come in different sizes, and it’s important to make sure the right size wire is connected to the right size circuit breaker. Otherwise, you can end up with a high risk of fire or a breaker that frequently trips.

Hot, Neutral and Ground Wires

Black wiring in your home is known as hot wiring, while white wires are considered neutral ones. Ground wires are bare copper wires. These wires need to be connected properly in order for circuits to properly function. If this doesn’t happen, you can end up with an electrical short.

Electrical Tools for House Wiring

Doing electrical work involves using the right tools for the job. The wrong tools could damage your house wiring, which raises the risk of electrical shock or fires. Professionals have the proper tools for any type of electrical work.

If your Phoenix home needs some electrical work, leave it to the professionals. Contact Turn It On Electric today.

Categories Ceiling Fans, Electrician, Residential

Should you install a ceiling fan yourself?

Should you install a ceiling fan yourself?

Adding a ceiling fan to your home is a great way to enhance its appearance and save money on your energy costs. To save even more money, you might be tempted to install a ceiling fan yourself. However, this could set you up for trouble in the future. Here\’s why it is better to leave this task to the professionals.

Electrical Work Requires Expertise

Unless your home is already specifically wired for a ceiling fan, you\’ll need to run new wires to your chosen destination for your fan. This is a specialized task that should only be done by a licensed electrician.

You May Break Building Codes

If you choose to try to run the wires to install a ceiling fan yourself, you could be going against building codes in your area. Not only can electrical work be dangerous to those who are unfamiliar, but ignoring building codes could negate your homeowner\’s insurance policy. If you run into an emergency, your insurance company may deny your claim, forcing you to foot the bill yourself.

Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures Have Different Requirements

You may think that it will be easy to install a ceiling fan where you already have a light fixture. However, the electrical plates required for light fixtures are not strong enough to accommodate ceiling fans. You\’ll need to switch them out before you can install a ceiling fan. Many people skip this crucial step, though, which could increase your risk of electrical problems in the future.

Some Ceiling Fans Have Additional Features

In some cases, your ceiling fan might have more advanced features, like dimmers and smart home integrations. These installations typically require additional hardware in order to be able to use the features. Adding these features may complicate the installation process. Hiring a professional will ensure everything works properly.

Avoid the Risk of Electrocution or Electrical Fire

When you are unfamiliar with electrical tasks, you drastically increase your risk of complications. These can include electrocution and electrical fires, potentially causing injury to you or damage to your home. To save yourself and your home the risk, it is better to let a qualified electrician do the work for you.

Lower Possibility of Mistakes

Even if you are as careful as can be when you install a ceiling fan, there is always the possibility of mistakes. If something goes wrong, you could be in for costly repairs to fix any damage. When you work with a professional, they likely back their services with some form of guarantee. If something isn\’t quite right, a reputable electrician should remedy the issue for you, without an additional charge.

Added Peace of Mind

Working with a professional electrician will give you the greatest confidence that the ceiling fan installation job has been done correctly. You can take comfort in knowing that your fan will provide air circulation for you for many years to come. If you attempt to do the job yourself, something might go wrong and worrying about this just isn\’t worth it. Save yourself the headaches, and just let an experienced technician install your ceiling fan.

You Can Count on Turn It On Electric

When you are ready to install a ceiling fan in your Phoenix home, you can trust our expert team. We have installed countless ceiling fans throughout the valley, so we can install a ceiling fan for you in no time. Our technicians always take great care to ensure your safety and the safety of your home throughout the process. We\’ll install your new ceiling fan and double-check that everything is working as it should.

When you work with us, you can expect expert, professional service and friendly customer service. We invite you to get in touch with us today to make an appointment for us to install your ceiling fan. We\’ll help you get set up to enjoy that blissful, cool air right away. Call now to get started!