Categories Electrical Wiring, Lighting, Residential

Pool light options and repairs

Pool light options and repairs

Recent market forecasts have been short-term because things just happen faster than they used to. One Tucson resident planning to install a pool this summer found a market report for pool lights. It’s long-term: LED Pool Light Market 2022 forecasts LED pool light trends through 2027.

There’s no doubt LED lights are the best for many applications. They are a great choice for pool lights.

Types of Pool Light Bulbs

Underwater lights offer form and function. They can be lovely and aesthetically pleasing when viewed in and outside a swimming pool. They also provide visibility, so unsuspecting people and pets don’t fall into the pool at night.

Swimming pool lights are designed for commercial and residential properties. They are waterproof (of course), corrosion-resistant and bulbs can be halogen, incandescent, and LED. Most swimming pool lights work well in either vinyl or concrete pools.

  • Fiber optics – Older, often used for accents and decorations
  • Halogen – Somewhat energy-efficient but burns hotter
  • Incandescent/filament – Must be changed every year; often found in older pools
  • LED – Most energy-efficient, brighter, and can change colors
    • Can be flush-mounted underwater, surface-mounted underwater, floating, or spotlights
    • Come in 5 standard colors and can be programmed for light shows and more than 100 color combinations
    • White is practical for pools with kids

LED Pool Light Trends

TechGuru says swimming pool technology is crazy-exciting today. There are wireless pool thermometers, alarms, and solar pool ionizers available for trendy swimming pools. But LEDs are the reason for current…electrifying swimming pool light trends.

Here are 3 battery-powered ideas:

  • Blufree Floating Pool Lights – 2/box and each light has 10 LEDs. You can choose from 7 colors and get about one month use from these lights.
  • LOFTEK Submersible Pool Light – 4/pkg. Each light is about the size of a hockey puck and has 14 LED bulbs.
  • Shymery Waterproof LED Tea Lights – These lights aren’t great for illumination but when used creatively they’re a nice addition to any pool. They can last 48-64 hours.

Customized, programmable LED lighting systems can transform your pool into an aquatic experience. LED lights installed under the coping or in pipes embedded in the walls “give off a soft glow that washes over the water,” says one design architect. Fiber-optics can create a starry-night effect.

You’ll want to consider the longevity, energy use, options for colors, and special effects. A permanent mounted LED pool light system is tricky to install. You need to partner with your local electrician for a safe, effective installation. (This is not something you want to experiment with, no matter how handy you are.)

Landscape Lighting

A lot of what’s beautiful about a swimming pool is less about a pool light and more about the aesthetics. Landscape lighting is often a safety feature. But it can provide beautiful illumination and ambiance. Effective landscape lighting creates a secure, inviting setting that draws you outdoors.

TIO Electric: Safety, Spas, and Swimming Pool Lighting Repairs

Because we’re spending more time at home, we’re more invested in security and comfort. Creating an outdoor experience takes creativity. It usually requires a dedicated electrical circuit. If you have ideas, let’s talk about the possibilities and electrical options.

And if you need pool light repair, don’t put it off. When your swimming pool lights’ breaker keeps tripping, don’t call your pool company. Get the kids out of the pool and contact Turn It On Electric.

Categories Lighting, Residential

Add security lighting to your home or office

Add security lighting to your home or office

Security lighting provides a level of illumination to clearly identify persons or objects and creates a psychological deterrent to criminal activity in the area being protected. Crime Prevention

Protection professionals identify 4 basic types of outside security lighting:

  1. Continuous – This is an arrangement of fixed, dusk-to-dawn lighting for one area.
  2. Emergency – Emergency lights may serve as standby lighting and often has a stand-alone power source.
  3. Moveable – Like searchlights, movable lights are usually app-controlled.
  4. Standby – These can be motion-activated or turn on/off with a timer system.

There are also security lighting solutions that are less complex and more user-friendly:

  • Area – If you want your pool area or backyard illuminated, you would use area lighting.
  • Controlled – This is a type of continuous lighting for smaller spaces. It has less of a projection range.
  • Landscape – Landscape lighting isn’t considered security lighting but it does provide a measure of safety. Visitors can safely navigate walkways in the dark. Landscape lighting for flowerbeds near your home or windows makes areas less attractive to burglars.
  • Surface – Surface lights are perhaps the security lighting method homeowners prefer. It illuminates the “face” of your home or garage.

There are several types of security light systems for homes and commercial properties. You can upgrade your outdoor lighting for increased illumination or use monitored professional services. Whatever you choose, it’s a small investment that can pay big dividends in peace of mind.

Invest in Security Lighting as a Psychological Deterrent

Home and commercial security lighting should deter trespassers and provide better nighttime visuals of your property. For a long while, we believed motion detectors were the best type of security lighting. But to activate the light, the trespasser has to already be on your property. So it’s not a deterrent as much as it is a report of activity. 

That’s the difference between security lighting and motion sensors. Some motion sensors include security lighting and/or video recording. But none of them acts as a deterrent to trespassers.

Effective security lighting should cause “the bad guys” to stop and consider their exposure on your property. Hopefully, they’ll pass you by. If they decide to proceed, your security lighting should incorporate some kind of camera to reveal who was on your property.

Form and Function With Landscape Lighting

What if you make your outdoor security lighting look like a landscape design? Landscape lights can also form a protective barrier of lighting security. It’s beautiful and enhances your home and the neighborhood.

An example would be tasteful floodlights directed at your home’s exterior. You can see the illumination and not the glare from a bright light source.

Downlights are considered “task lights.” They can illuminate walkways and driveways but they also reveal trespassers.

Entrance lights can be downlights. The objective is to shine brighter light directly on your door. Unwanted visitors avoid well-illuminated doors.

Call Turn It On Electric For Home Safety and Security

Do a walkaround of your property at night and keep this in mind: Criminals don’t like to be seen. Do you have vulnerable places that need security lighting or a lighting upgrade?

We can offer suggestions that will save money and maximize your security. For example, the brightest lights aren’t always what’s best for the area you want to be illuminated. Bright lights can feel invasive to close neighbors. Often, a 40-watt bulb is as effective as a 100-watt.

If you have elderly friends or relatives, you want them to be able to navigate pathways safely. We’d like to discuss landscape lights as security lighting for your property. TIO Electric professionals also are experienced in installing light-and-video security systems as well as video doorbells.

Living in Arizona is just one of the smart choices you’ve made. Another smart home option is partnering with Turn It On Electric of Phoenix. Call us for more information.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Residential

Why you have a tripped breaker

Why you have a tripped breaker

A one-time tripped breaker may occur and it’s nothing more than that: a tripped breaker. But if your breaker keeps tripping, there are several reasons. Angi (aka “Angie’s List”) offers explanations for why you might have a tripped breaker and what you can do about it.

When a Tripped Breaker Has You ‘In the Dark’

Your circuit breaker makes electricity possible in your house. Without it, the danger of fires would be too great to justify having electricity. Circuit breakers cut the power if your electric current surges. We call that “tripping the breaker.”

A tripped breaker can be a frustrating or even frightening experience. Common causes of a tripped breaker are:

  • Circuit overload
  • Ground fault surges (the electric current pathway “opens up” too much)
  • Short circuits (the electric current takes the wrong path)

Circuit Overload

Your electrical capacity tops out at a certain flow. It can happen while the washing machine is running, someone is microwaving, and another person is blow-drying hair.

The top appliances that cause circuit overloads are:

  • Extension cords
  • Fans
  • Hairdryers
  • Irons
  • Old refrigerators
  • Vacuums

Ground Fault Surge

A ground fault surge occurs if a “hot” wire touches a grounded wire or any grounded part of your circuit breaker system. The electricity flow gets redirected to the ground.

Short Circuit

A short circuit is another response to your electric current going in the wrong direction. If a hot wire connects with a neutral wire in an outlet, the heat causes your circuit breaker to trip.

What To Do if Your Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping

When your circuit breaker trips, you simply reset it. You do this by looking into your circuit box and with dry hands, switching the flipped switch back to the “on” position.

If you see visible rusting in your breaker box, there’s been some kind of water damage and you need a professional Phoenix electrician to inspect it. Any warmth coming from your breaker box is dangerous. If you see or smell any burning or melting in your breaker box, call 602-837-3368 immediately.

If your circuit breaker keeps tripping, causes include:

  • Age
  • Arc/ground fault
  • Overloaded/short circuit
  • Wiring issues

Sometimes we can repair or replace your circuit breaker box. It’s better to act on electrical issues sooner rather than later. You need to contact your Maricopa or Pima County electrician to safeguard your home and family.

You Need a Breaker Box Replacement If…

If your breaker box has fuses instead of circuit breakers, it’s old enough to warrant an upgrade. Any time there’s hissing or popping noises when you plug in an appliance, it’s dangerous, so don’t delay. Another clue you have electrical issues is when you have loaded power strips in your office or other rooms. If your lights flicker or dim when you turn on a vacuum cleaner, for example, you may need a breaker box replacement.

We ask our friends and neighbors (like you) to let us know when you’re planning a major renovation project that includes all-new kitchen appliances or the addition of a spa/hot tub. Your voltage requirements may exceed your wiring capabilities.

25 Years of Superior Electrical Service

Turn It On Electric was founded on the principle that our company’s superior customer care and integrity are never to be compromised. Our first consideration is always, “How can we help?”

When you need a Phoenix electrical contractor with extensive circuit breaker experience, call the TIO team. Our Tucson TIO Electric office specializes in commercial as well as residential electrical services. Contact us to learn more.

Categories Electric Bill, Residential

15 steps to save electricity in your home

15 steps to save electricity in your home

You likely take steps to save electricity. Most of us do. More than at any other time in history, our focus is on conserving energy and preserving our planet. Even people who could care less about carbon footprints care about saving money.

15 Smart Ways To Save Electricity

…turning the temperature on your hot water heater down to 120° saves 6%-10%/year on hot water heating costs. That means a family spending $415/year could save $25-$42 per year.


Installing a charging station in your garage for your new hybrid car won’t save electricity. But it can certainly help at the fuel pump, especially with gas prices significantly higher this year. One money-management website said hybrid cars don’t save money but they do save money – they significantly reduce your financial “pain at the pump.”

You know turning off lights and keeping doors shut are free and save electricity. But most people don’t realize how significant their energy savings will be if they reduce the water temperature at the water heater.

The says there are ways to save electricity with upgrades that require an initial investment or professional installation. Only you can decide if the upfront outlay will justify the long-term savings.

Here are some familiar steps to save electricity and a few new ideas:

  1. Alternative energy – There are several renewable energy suppliers in Arizona.
  2. Appliances – Refrigerators made before 1993 use twice as much energy as new models. And Energy Star-certified refrigerators use even less. Look for Energy Star-certified large appliances.
  3. Dimmer switches – Technology has upped the game for dimmer switches and they save more money on electricity than before.
  4. Door/window seals – Every 2-3 months or so, do a visual inspection of all door and window seals in your home. Caulk/close gaps.
  5. Family education – Devote an amount of time to reviewing ways to save electricity with your loved ones. Everyone wants to save money. Kids are especially excited to be part of shaping their own and the planet’s future.
  6. HVAC filters – Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system will run more efficiently when you keep the filters clean. Replacing the filters can save 5%-15% in energy use.
  7. Insulation – You can lose as much as 20% of your energy through poor attic and/or wall insulation.
  8. Laundry – Air-drying your clothes is coming back simply because of the per-use cost involved in dryer-drying. Other laundry tips include:
    • Switching from hot water-washes to cold can save up to $0.64/load.
    • Washing/drying clothes at night saves peak-time energy usage.
  9. Lightbulbs – Switch from incandescent to LED bulbs. Some can last up to 20 years.
  10. Phantom electricity – Unplug devices on standby.
  11. Refrigerator – Put a thermometer in a glass of water in your fridge overnight. Fridge temperatures should be 37°F-40°F.
  12. Showers – If you cut daily shower time, you can save serious money.
  13. Smart power strips – These know when devices are in standby mode and stop electricity. The more you install these for entertainment and home office, the more energy and money you’ll save.
  14. Smart thermostat – Control heating and cooling with a phone app while improving comfort levels.
  15. Water heater – Regulating/reducing water heating temperatures will reduce energy bills. However, make sure you check your dishwasher manual before doing this.

Turn It On Electric believes all of us should take steps to save electricity if possible. Some investments and upgrades will increase the value of your property and may qualify for exergy tax credits. Contact TIO Electric and start saving today!

Categories Lighting, Residential

Phoenix lighting upgrades for your home

Tucson lighting upgrades for your home

Are you thinking about monthly savings with energy-efficient retrofits? Perhaps you want to enhance the appearance of your home. Phoenix lighting upgrades are one of the best home improvement investments.

LED Phoenix Lighting Upgrades

The most energy-efficient electrical upgrade you can make is to switch to LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs. Since 1907, inventors experimented with and/or accidentally stumbled into LED technology. But it was 1962 before a practical application was found.

The tax credit (EPAct 179D) for commercial properties is now permanent. Lighting retrofits and other energy-efficient improvements for 2021 and beyond now qualify.

For homeowners, switching 5 incandescent light bulbs to LED could save $7.40 for one month. Again, that’s simply upgrading five lamp light bulbs.

Manage Monthly Energy Use With Timers

You can see (and feel) the price increases at the gas pumps.  But residential energy costs are higher, too. The Energy Information Administration anticipates yet another 2.8% increase in retail electricity by 2022.

No energy savings ideas are too small because those pennies add up! Putting various household appliances on timers saves money.

Here are 6 creative ways to reduce energy loss with timers:

  1. Charging stations/wall outlets – You can use automatic shut-off timers to control power supplies.
  2. Ductless ACs – Mini-split air conditioners are becoming more popular, but they use more energy than most appliances. Setting a timer can reduce energy usage substantially.
  3. Holiday lights – Indoor and outdoor winter holiday decorations are a luxury, but they deliver too much happiness to do without. Put them on timers to come on a dusk and turn off at midnight.
  4. Motion/safety lights – Set outside timers to activate sunset to sunrise. You can pre-program indoor lights to switch on sunset to sunrise while you’re out of town.
  5. Phantom power-users – No one unplugs washers or dryers in-between usage. Most people don’t unplug computers, toasters, etc. You can integrate timers to “disconnect” these electric vampires during times they’re never in use anyway, like midnight to 6:00 a.m.
  6. Pool/garden – You can control when your pool filter and sprinkler systems activate and for how long. This is also a good way to prevent overwatering your plants and lawn.

7 Lighting Upgrades To Increase Property Value

Some lighting upgrades are critical to showcasing your home, especially in a buyers’ market. Here in Phoenix, lighting upgrades for your Maricopa County that will increase property value include:

  1. Bathroom – Sconces on each side of the mirror are nice, but any good lighting is effective in a bathroom, especially above the vanity. Also, consider recessed lights or drum pendants.
  2. Consider colors – Light pink bulbs are actually the most flattering for staging a home. The “warm” color creates a feeling of intimacy.
  3. Dimmers – They conserve energy and enhance ambience. What’s not to love?
  4. Fixtures – Out-of-date light fixtures make a big impression on potential buyers. And not a good one. Replace chandeliers with modern, style-neutral new fixtures.
  5. Natural light – Take advantage of the natural light sources you may have been ignoring. If you don’t have much natural light, one trick is to paint the ceiling a brighter shade than the walls. The walls should be a warm, creamier off-white.
  6. Smart technology – People continue to be amazed when walking into a room can automatically turn on a light. Pre-programmed thermostats that can boost the air conditioning 20 minutes before you arrive home are impressive. Smart technology sells houses.
  7. Wall switches/outlets – Old-looking, yellowish wall outlets and light switches are more of a turn-off than you’d think.  So are visible, overloaded power strips. They may even serve as a red flag that your house needs rewiring.

If you’re considering Phoenix lighting upgrades for your home, contact Turn It On Electric. We have ideas that are affordable and can save money while increasing your property value.

Don’t plan your project without Turn It On Electric! We’re eager to help.