Categories Electrical Wiring, Residential

Add charging receptacles to your home

Add charging receptacles to your home

If you’re a follower of Facebook posts, you know many people share “good old days” posts. They profess times were better when living was simpler. And they share these thoughts from their iPhones or tablets. They’re probably wearing buds and listening to their personal music library while they read Facebook. Because of that, charging receptacles are in-demand everywhere.

Today: Charging Receptacles in Every Room of Your House

You can convert standard wall outlets to electrical outlets with charging receptacles. In today’s world, having one or more charging receptacles in every room of your house just makes sense. “Dead batteries can lead to depression and withdrawal symptoms,” said Forbes’ Christopher Helman. We’re not sure if he was joking.

Charging receptacles add convenience and will increase the resale value of your home. Most new-home construction already includes wall outlets with charging receptacles.

However, charging electronics adds clutter. It’s unattractive to have phones, tablets, and more plugged-in to every wall outlet family members (and their friends) can find. In every room of your house.

You can buy cabinets and home charging stations for small electronics. Paying more than $2,000 for an ugly charging cart or “tech tub” isn’t any home interior designer’s idea of attractive. And the demand on your home’s electrical load may not stand up to what you’re already doing: charging dozens of personal electronics every day in every room of your house.

Consider installing a home charging station.

Upscale homes have charging stations, but it’s more affordable than you think. They are strategically but tastefully placed. Some charging receptacles configurations are located near the back door for grab-and-go. Some homeowners convert a closet into a charging station with shelves for electronics storage or board games.

Charging receptacles can be located inside:

  • Bathrooms
  • Bedrooms
  • Built-in cabinets and modified drawers
  • Hallways
  • Kitchens/pantries
  • Laundry rooms
  • Medicine cabinets
  • Offices

EV Charging Stations

EV (electric vehicles) charging stations substantially increase your property value. Homes with EV charging stations list 1.5 times higher than comparative metro-area homes and 2.6 times higher than the rest of the country. Your EV purchase included a Level 1 charger that plugs into a garage wall outlet. For some people, that’s all they need. Most of us need to upgrade to a Level 2 EV charger.

TIO Electric Specializes in Charging Solutions for Phoenix Homes

“Installing home charging stations is easy,” said one website. “Any electrician can do it.”

Another expert said, “You can step-by-step DIY (do-it-yourself) electrical wall outlets. Step 1 is to make an appointment with your local electrician.” For safety purposes and to meet our local code requirements, you must have an electrician to work with electricity.

Charging receptacles add value to your quality of life, and they increase your property value. If you’re planning a new home build or renovation this year, don’t forget to upgrade wall outlets. Turn It On Electric will work with you or your contractor. Charging receptacles should be included in every room in your house, without or with a built-in charging station.

Technology and electricity were made for each other. We are experts in technical electrical smart home upgrades. Contact TIO Electric of Phoenix and Tucson to learn more.

Categories Commercial, Lighting, Outdoor, Residential

Phoenix landscape lighting installation

Phoenix landscape lighting installation

Landscape lighting offers the best of three worlds. Most of us add landscape lighting to enhance appearance. The security that comes with landscape lighting is a huge benefit. When you line sidewalks and paths, it becomes a safety feature. Phoenix landscape lighting 2022 trends include low-voltage options for every residential and commercial property.

2022 Phoenix Landscape Lighting Trends

Arizona is a “destination” state for so many people. Phoenix has year-round beauty and comfortable weather almost every day. We spend a lot of time outdoors. That’s why landscape lighting is a must for most Arizona property owners.

You don’t want less-than-safe yard lights. Proper landscape light fixtures will resist moisture without overheating.

This year in particular has been one of rebuilding and renewed hope. What better way to celebrate than by opening our hearts and homes to friends and family? Here are six 2022 Phoenix landscape lighting ideas that will brighten your life in 2022:

1. Deck Lighting

The versatility of deck light fixtures and lighting options is amazing. Choose from:

  • Deck – Attach these to posts or rails.
  • Downlights – These are placed overhead, maybe in trees to spotlight an area.
  • Recessed – You can use these for dramatic floor lights (ceilings too).
  • Spot/well/uplights – These highlight one feature, like a tree or waterfall.
  • Step – Step lights are valuable walking aids, and they look terrific. You can use surface mounted or recessed.

2. Energy-Efficient

Low-voltage and long-lasting LED lights can last up to 100,000 hours or longer. As always, the upfront cost may cause you to take a step back. But the investment pays off; you’ll get returns in longevity and monthly energy bill savings.

3. Entertainment

Entertainment lights are bolder; brighter than path lighting. Path lights accentuate footfall. Entertainment lighting is placed further away from seating scenarios and aimed to illuminate a larger space.

4. Path Lighting

No one wants to stumble and/or fall. Your need to protect older and younger loved ones never change. And traditional path lighting will never go out of style.

5. Timeless Sustainability

You can choose from designs that won’t date your property. Timeless landscape lighting designs are tasteful features. But choose materials that have longer-lasting durability too. Consider brass, copper-free aluminum, and corrosion-resistant metal fixtures.

6. Tree Lights

No need to wait for winter wonderlands in December! If they’re wonderful in December, why not have that beauty and excitement all year? Tree lighting can also be adjustable for low-lighting or moonlighting.

Solar vs. Electric Phoenix Landscape Lighting

Solar is another landscape lighting trend. It has several advantages: It’s cheaper and low maintenance. Your Phoenix-area electrician appreciates how easily and quickly solar landscape lights can be installed. But…

  • Solar landscape lights won’t last as long. You’ll need to replace the lights about every 3 years.
  • The light color tends to be pinkish. Some people are delighted with that. Some people find it off-putting.
  • You have no control over brightness and on-off settings. When they’re on, they’re on. When they’re bright or dim, it is what it is.
  • Your illumination is compromised if you have several cloudy days. In fact, when it’s cloudy and dark and you need outdoor lighting most, solar lights may fail.

Hardwired-electrical outdoor lighting is a better investment for your home (and your wallet). A professional electrical landscape light installation will provide the safest possible placement.

  • Electric landscape lighting lasts about 10 years or more.
  • They work during bad weather and cloudy days.
  • You have complete control. Turn off the lights you don’t need. Turn on the lighting fixtures for entertainment. Out of town? Turn off the sidewalk lights and put the spotlights on a timer.

The biggest disadvantage to hardwired landscape lighting is if installed incorrectly, they are easily disturbed. That’s why we discourage DIY (do-it-yourself) Phoenix landscape lighting. It won’t save money if a bad installation fails.

Plan Your Landscape Lighting Project

We have many ideas for outdoor lighting that increase your property value. Let’s put together a plan that will do wonders and work with your budget. Contact Turn It On Electric.

Categories Lighting, Residential

Why you should install kitchen pendant lighting

Why you should install kitchen pendant lighting

A prominent magazine featured an article about the 4 types of kitchen lighting:

  • Cabinet
  • Pendant
  • Recessed
  • Surface

Pendant lighting is now included as a kitchen lights type rather than styleKitchen pendant lighting is a cross between ambient and task lighting. It can provide surface lights at various sites throughout the kitchen. But unlike other light types, kitchen pendant lighting is a statement piece.

Install LED Kitchen Pendant Lighting

Have you ever heard, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen?” Your kitchen should be a warm and cozy setting, not a stifling sauna. Energy-saving LED lightbulbs don’t burn as hot as halogen. It’s recommended you install LED kitchen pendant lighting. This will reduce energy and energy expenses as well as make your kitchen a more comfortable room in which to work and connect with others.

8 Advantages, Benefits of Pendant Lighting in the Kitchen

Pendant lighting can be a focal point of attraction in any room. Kitchen pendant lighting is most often used above islands and kitchen tables. In addition to being a focal point, pendant lighting actually helps you focus. It targets the area in which you need more lighting. The ability to hang a single fixture lower at the spot where it’s most needed centralizes your focus.

Other advantages and benefits to kitchen pendant lighting are:

  1. Adaptable – Fixed lighting is just that. Fixed. Pendants can be installed where and how you prefer.
  2. Affordable – If your first pendant light choice is $4,000, you may need to scale down to $400. But if your budget is even smaller, you’ll still be able to find attractive, quality pendant lighting.
  3. Ambience – If you enjoy candlelight, you’ll love pendant light. Depending on the design and location, kitchen pendant lighting can be a gentle accent piece.
  4. Cleaning/maintenance – Accessing pendant lights to clean and change bulbs is easier than cleaning ceiling lights.
  5. Control – Higher hanging pendants spread the light further. Lower hanging pendants confine the light to a smaller area.
  6. Décor – Pendant lighting wasn’t a fad. It’s here to stay and it continues to uplift kitchen décor.
  7. Space-saving – Lamps are great for accent and illumination, but when you need uncluttered workspaces, pendant lighting rocks.
  8. Versatile – The biggest challenge is choosing the pendant fixture(s) that reflects your sense of style. Classic, Chic, Country French, distressed…or industrial caged pendants? Whatever you choose will be trendsetting and decorative, guaranteed.

Why You Need Professional Light Installation

Are you a Home Depot fan? (Isn’t everyone?) Here’s what Home Depot has to say about do-it-yourself (DIY) light fixture installation:

Installing a light fixture is no small task. The project requires working with electricity, which can be hazardous. A licensed electrician can install your new lighting…correctly and quickly according to local codes. You should always hire a licensed electrician for any electrical project, including
installing a light fixture.

Why You Need TIO Electric Light Installation

Turn It On Electric serves the Phoenix and Tucson areas. For over 25 years, we have been a leading electrical service company because we care. TIO Electric is passionate about safety and customer service.

Our electrical professionals are Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified because we also care about saving energy and sustainability. Like you, we want a better Arizona for our children and future generations.

Thanks to technology, you have plenty of smart home options and they’re all good. Contact Turn It On Electric to discuss your home improvement project for this year.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Maintenance, Residential

When your gfci keeps tripping

When your gfci keeps tripping

You’re stepping out of the morning shower. The overhead heat lamp begins generating warmth. Your wife’s curling iron is plugged-in on the counter. When she enters the room and flips the switch on her hairdryer, that’s it.

Every appliance on that circuit is off. It’s not the first time this has happened, so you know it’s time to correct the ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) problem.

GFCI devices have saved lives and property. When your GFCI keeps tripping, it’s a heads-up. One engineer calls this “nuisance tripping.” But don’t let the word “nuisance” reduce the importance of this protective feature.

Since the expansion of the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) requirements to include single-phase receptacles up to 50A and three-phase receptacles up to 100A, we’ve seen a trend of increased GFCI nuisance tripping…Henderson Engineers

If the GFCI keeps tripping, there’s likely an equipment or wiring issue. Never ignore this nuisance.

Why Your GFCI Keeps Tripping

Have you ever pondered a social problem and wondered, “Why doesn’t somebody do something?” Every year there are as many as 400 home-related electrocutions. The GFCI is one solution to that problem, thanks to Charles Dalziel. In 1965, Dalziel patented his ground fault circuit interrupter “to prevent a lethal dose of electricity, specifically before the electricity can affect your heartbeat.”

A GFCI outlet measures power. It was designed to react quickly if there is a surge of 4-5 milliamps (a very small variable). It shuts down the circuit as a safety measure.

When a GFCI keeps tripping, it’s doing what it’s supposed to do. Before calling your local Valley electrician, try this:

  1. Unplug all the appliances on the GFCI circuit.
  2. Reset your GFCI (It’s usually the red button).
  3. One-by-one, plug-in and turn-on each appliance. If one appliance trips the GFCI, that’s your problem. It’s the appliance and your local electrician can’t repair your hairdryer (or coffeepot, electric skillet, etc.)
  4. Every appliance works fine but your GFCI keeps tripping. The problem could be:
    • Bad GFCI circuit – These are complex, highly responsive devices. They wear out or can be damaged. If this is the problem, call your electrician.
    • Overloaded circuit – Reset the circuit on your fuse box and do the plug-in/turn-on test again but this time leave your appliances plugged-in. If it trips again, you may need a dedicated circuit to manage that particular area. Call your Phoenix electrician.

Pima, Maricopa Counties’ Residential & Commercial Electrician

Turn It On Electric professionals have served The Valley for over 25 years. That means we’re invested in this area. We’re invested in you.

Safety is our primary motivation, followed by high-quality workmanship and continuing technical education. When TIO electricians discuss your problem by phone, we won’t pressure you to schedule an inspection (or a free quote) unless your family or property is at-risk.

Never let money jeopardize your property’s safety. If your electrical project can wait, we’ll tell you. But if you need electrical work now, we’ll connect you with affordable, flexible financing that works with your budget.

We have experience in commercial and residential landscape lighting, security systems, and more. If you have questions about your GFCI circuitry or are planning electrical upgrades this year, contact TIO Electric.

Every time a light turns on, thank an electrician. When it doesn’t, call Turn It On!®

Categories Home Automation, Residential

The future of home automation

The future of home automation

It’s considered smart to strive for energy conservation. And most of us are fascinated by bells and whistles. When you put the two together – managing resources and gadgetry – the future looks bright. Smart home automation is a trend we can respect and enjoy.

7 Benefits of Home Automation

There are too many advantages to home automation for it to be a fleeting fad. There are more, but the seven most important benefits are:

  1. Data to efficiently manage homes
  2. Enhanced energy efficiency
  3. Flexibility of modifications or new additions to enable devices
  4. Greater appliance functionality
  5. Home security
  6. Remote control of home lighting, heating/cooling, etc.
  7. Single-point-of-management for all home devices

Trends to Watch in 2022

Futurist Architecture defines “smart homes” as “living spaces that use internet-connected devices to remotely monitor and manage processes, including heating, lighting, security, and general home maintenance.” Here are the top trends to watch in 2022.

  • Appliances – You’ll soon be able to control lighting or even heating and cooling from your TV. What about a built-in camera in your oven or microwave that allows you to “see” cooking foods? Self-cleaning toilets and heat-adjusting showers might be home automation tools available in 2022.
  • Disabilities – Voice-activated appliances and technological assistance for physically challenged people will be smart home automation drivers in future years.
  • Green energy – Home automation trends to deliver better energy efficiency will see increased popularity. Smart lights only illuminate occupied rooms. Even smarter lights will adjust the lighting based on room conditions. For example, when the TV turns on, the lights automatically dim.
  • Health – Smart homes have sleep monitoring devices that detect signs of depression. Future smart homes will have temperature-monitoring features that let us know our body temperatures may indicate illness.
  • Lighting – Watch for greater refinements in lighting home automation tools:
    • Gesture sensors
    • Intensity auto-adjustment tools
    • Light simulation for security
    • Remote activation
    • Voice activation
  • Robotics – The movie “Sleeper” becomes less sci-fi and more real every year. Your floor-vacuuming robot will soon have friends that babysit, cook, and clean house.
  • Security/home access – We’ve had Ring and other systems a while. Fine-tuning home security to withstand cyberattacks is the goal of most security systems manufacturers. Watch for alarm, lighting, and closed-circuit cameras integrated into one home automation application. Remote arming and motion sensors “are expected to be standard features” in homes.
  • Security/occupancy – It’s one thing for an app to detect the presence of people in a room. It’s quite another for that system to learn movement patterns to identify family members. This may be a new form of burglar alarm.

TIO Electric For Home Technology Management

Let’s face it: Electrical systems are no longer a matter of which wire goes where. You may “just need an app,” but your electronics need to be performing properly before an app can kick in. Turn It On Electric professionals receive ongoing education to remain competent in electrical home automation.

We serve Phoenix, Tucson, and surrounding communities.

We can help when it’s time to add sensing tools to appliances and manage lighting with dimmers. Just call, and let’s discuss your options. We will share what we know because we’re eager to be your smart home electricians. Contact TIO Electric.