Categories Electrician, Lighting, Outdoor

Photocells for Christmas lights turn on/off automatically

Photocells for Christmas lights turn on/off automatically

The holiday season is right around the corner, and no matter how you celebrate, you are in for a lot of fun. From delicious dinners with your loved ones, to exchanging gifts to decorating your home, there\’s a lot to look forward to during this time of year. However, it can also be a lot of work, leaving you stressed and exhausted at the end of the day. Photocells for Christmas lights can take one of many tasks off your plate to lighten the load just a bit. 

Alternatives to Photocells for Christmas Lights 

Christmas lights are notorious for using up a lot of electricity, sending your energy bills sky-high at a time when you\’d likely rather be spending your money on other things, like gifts for your friends and family. With photocells for Christmas lights, you can easily control your lights automatically to minimize energy usage

If you don\’t have photocells for Christmas lights, you\’ll have to turn your lights on and off yourself. For most people, the likelihood of forgetting to turn the lights off at least a few times over the course of the season is incredibly high. The longer the lights stay on before you remember to turn them off, the more you\’ll pay for electricity. 

You may have the option of adding timers to your lights, but they can sometimes be confusing to operate. This is especially true if you have Christmas lights from different brands, giving them different types of timers. If you like to hang a lot of lights, a single timer probably won\’t be capable of controlling all of them, requiring you to install even more timers. 

Simplify Your Holiday Season with Photocells for Christmas Lights 

To save yourself the stress and hassle of operating your lights manually or with timers, try photocells for Christmas lights. Photocells are small light-sensitive panels that meausre the ambient light around your home. When it gets dark outside, photocells for Christmas lights trigger the lights to turn on. Then, when the sky begins to lighten again in the morning, your lights will turn off automatically. 

While this may seem like only a minor benefit, it can go a long way towards simplifying your life during this incredibly busy season. And when you combine it with our under eaves outlets, it can really simplify the season. Not only that, but it can also help you save money by not running your lights when they are not needed. You can then put those savings to better use in caring for your loved ones or giving back to your local community. 

Other Uses for Photocells 

Christmas lights are prime locations for photocells, but you can use them on other types of lights as well. Try photocells on your landscape or pathway lighting to add curb appeal in the dark. 

While you\’ll often see photocells for exterior lights, they can also work well in indoor settings. For example, under-cabinet lighting in your kitchen or bathroom will do well with photocells to control their operation. The same goes for nightlights and other light fixtures in children\’s bedrooms. 

Install Photocells for Christmas Lights at Your Phoenix Home

When you are ready to add photocells for Christmas lights to your holiday decorations, the Turn It On Electric team is here to help. We are proud to serve customers throughout the Phoenix area with our dedicated electrical services. We invite you to reach out to our team at any time to learn more about our Christmas light service. We\’ll get your home decked out and ready for the holiday season, so call now to get started. 

Categories Electrician, Lighting

Add overhead lights to any room

Add overhead lights to any room

Most of us have had the unfortunate experience of being somewhere with poor lighting. Whether at a friend\’s home, a lodging establishment, or even your own home, bad lighting can have a serious impact on your mood. Lighting that is too bright or too dim for the task at hand can also make it challenging to get through your daily activities and hobbies. If you add overhead lights to your space, though, you can not only illuminate the room, but also create ambiance and set the mood. 

Create the Perfect Lighting for Events 

With the holiday season coming up, you may be considering hosting your loved ones for a meal or other get-together. The right overhead lighting can fill in any gaps left by floor lamps, table lamps and other light fixtures. Take care when you add overhead lights that they are not the only lights in the room. This can create harsh shadows, particularly on faces, so you\’ll want to include additional lights at varying heights to complete the lighting design. 

To create a festive mood for any occasion, you can add overhead lights with dimmers, enabling you to adjust the brightness to suit the vibe you want to achieve. Many modern overhead lights also include smart capabilities, allowing you to program various lighting designs for future use. You can even program some of them to change automatically throughout the day as the natural light changes. With some lights, you can change the colors as well to create a truly festive, fun atmosphere for your party. 

Focus on Your Hobbies or Work with Overhead Lighting

If you\’re like many Arizona residents, you\’ve been spending more time at home these days and may even be working entirely from home. This may have brought to your attention the need to add overhead lights to make it easier to get your work done. When you are struggling to see detail in your work or hobbies, even simple tasks can suddenly become incredibly challenging and far less enjoyable. 

When you add overhead lights in your work area, you can target the areas where you need it most so that you can focus on important tasks. Again, be sure to round out your lighting design with a desk lamp, floor lamp or other fixture to prevent extreme shadows that can obscure your work. 

Improve Your Interior Aesthetic 

You don\’t just need to add overhead lights for specialized tasks and occasions; great overhead lighting can transform the entire look of your space, no matter what you are doing.

To determine where you could get the most benefits from adding overhead lights, spend a bit of time in each room in your home at several points throughout the day. This will give you a better sense of how the lighting changes in each room as the sun moves across the sky. 

Take note of any areas that seem especially dim or where your mood seems to dip. With better lighting, you\’ll not only beautify the space, but also make it more enjoyable for spending time in. This way, you can actually relish spending time at home, as the lighting will be much more conducive to positive moods. 

Trust Us for Your Overhead Lighting Needs 

When you are ready to add overhead lights to your Arizona home, the experienced electricians here at Turn It On Electric are here to help. Reach out to us today for a free consultation to discuss your lighting design. We\’ll be happy to add overhead lights for you, running any new wiring as needed. Call now to get started

Categories Electrician, Lighting, Outdoor

Easy install Christmas lights with eave outlets

Easy install Christmas lights with eave outlets

Putting winter holiday lights up and taking them down is actually dangerous: about 5% of homeowners decorating their homes for the holidays had accidents.

Do you know that family that never took down their outdoor holiday lights? Here’s why: Dad had an accident the day he planned to take them down and decided they’d best be left up…until next year.

The outdoor lights weren’t exactly installed attractively in the first place. Dad wasn’t known for his handyman expertise. (In June, the HOA began sending complaint letters about the visible orange extension cord tangles in the yard.)

If holiday lights for eave outlets had been used instead, Dad’s DIY (do-it-yourself) light show might have gotten better reviews.

Consider Holiday Lights for Eave Outlets This Year

Plainly put, extension cords are dangerous. Too many homeowners use indoor extension cords to connect outside lighting. Or they plug one extension cord into another extension cord; doubly dangerous.

The Electrical Safety Foundation says to never run extension cords on the ground. They might come in contact with snow or water. Really? It may not rain much, but it does rain in Arizona.

The solution to safety – and a more attractive light display – is installing eave outlets. It’s easier than you think.

Holiday and Outdoor Lighting: Now’s the Time

To save money and energy, it’s best to have your outdoor (and indoor) lights turn on at dusk and off at bedtime or midnight. You’ll need some kind of remote-controlled or auto-on system for your external lights. Some Phoenix-area homeowners’ eave outlets connect to a switch or timer within easy reach.

This also might be the time to consider installing LED or motion-activated security lights under the eaves of your home.

If you’re planning to add outdoor outlets anyway, do a complete walk-around of your property. Could you use some ground-level outlet installations? What about your back yard or patio area?

You may not be planning large-scale entertainment this year, but senior family members need good visibility when navigating from the driveway to the sidewalk, to the front door. Pathway lighting is a good investment.

Now’s the time to get it done.

What You Need to Know About Eave Outlets

Safety first. You don’t need to climb on the roof or a ladder to measure for eave outlets. Your local electrical professional can get all the necessary measurements.

Have these numbers handy if you know them:

  • Length of all sides of your house and roofing measurements (if known)
  • Length of your light strands
  • Wattage of your exterior light strings

Your Phoenix electrician can explain about the amperage requirements for eave outlets. This depends on the types of outdoor lights you prefer. If you don’t live in a castle, 2-4 outlets for the front and 1 per side might be adequate.

30 Reasons TIO Electric is Your Electrical Contractor

When it comes to the winter holidays, especially this year, we say, “Get your gaudy on!” Holiday lights cannot be overdone. But injuring yourself hanging outdoor lights is no “dad joke.” (Pun intended.) This year, Turn It On Electric pros will also help you hang your outdoor holiday lights and take them down.

We’re proud to be the Maricopa County electricians for residential:

  1. Adjacent lighting
  2. Appliance circuits
  3. Ceiling fan installation/maintenance
  4. Circuit breakers/fuses
  5. Code correction
  6. Data/communication lines
  7. Dedicated computer circuits
  8. Design/landscaping assistance
  9. Electric car home charging stations
  10. Electric water heaters
  11. Electrical motors
  12. Exhaust fans
  13. Fluorescent lighting
  14. Generator transfer switch installation
  15. Ground-fault interrupt circuits
  16. High-tech troubleshooting
  17. Hot tubs/spas
  18. Landscape lighting
  19. LED lighting upgrades
  20. Outlets/circuits
  21. Recessed lighting
  22. Repair/renovation
  23. Security lighting
  24. Service panel upgrades
  25. Smoke detectors
  26. Surge protectors
  27. Track lighting
  28. Transformers
  29. VFD installation
  30. Whole-house generator installation

Contact Turn It On Electric today if you would like more information about eave outlets. Let’s work together to get your home holiday-ready.

Categories Electric Bill, Electrician

Save on your electricity bill during the holidays

Save on your electricity bill during the holidays

There’s a lot to consider when it comes to holiday spending, but have you ever thought about ways to save electricity? “Post-holiday energy bills tend to be higher than in previous months due to the increased use of appliances, lighting, water and heating consumption,” says the Department of Energy.

This year more than ever we want our winter holiday celebrations to shine brightly! Here are some tips to make your home warm, inviting, and still save on your electricity bill this holiday season.

Winter Holidays 2020: 5 Ways to Save on Your Electricity Bill

You can still cut down on costs without limiting your holiday lighting. One way is to put outdoor and inside decorative light displays on timers.

1. Put your lights on timers

You’ll save on your electricity bill if you program your lights to come on at dusk and shut off at bedtime (or midnight). Not keeping your indoor tree lit all night is also a safety precaution.

2. Use LED bulbs

If you haven’t switched to LED light bulbs, now’s the time. The benefits of LED lighting are numerous. They use 70% less energy and last ten times longer. You’ll save on your electricity bill immediately and because of their durability, you’ll also see long-term energy savings.

LED bulbs are so versatile you can use them almost anywhere. In fact, “smart” LED bulbs can be remote controlled.

3. Change thermostat settings

The average December/January temperature in our area is between 44°-65°. You can save on your electricity bill by proactively managing your thermostat, or by installing a smart thermostat.

You can take advantage of “sweater weather” at home but keep in mind: Holiday cooking, additional lighting, and increased numbers of people in your home can substantially raise the indoor temperature.

4. Additional security

One area you shouldn’t neglect during the holidays is security lighting. Photocell lighting is easy to control. Actually, it controls itself because it turns on and off based on the amount of light it senses.

5. Holiday travel

Use a travel opportunity as another way to save on your electricity bill. Before you leave home for several days or longer, take these energy-saving steps:

  • Ensure all fans and lights are off and put security lights on a timer.
  • Put your thermostat on vacation mode. Change the fan from “on” to “auto.”
  • Turn off your electric water heater at the breaker.
  • Unplug small electronics, televisions, cable box, coffeemaker, game controllers, etc.
  • Your instinct is to empty the fridge before a vacation, but full freezers and refrigerators stay colder longer. (It doesn’t have to be leftover food; you can use water pitchers and ice trays.) You can then adjust your refrigerator to 38° and the freezer to 5°.

Questions? Connect with Turn It On Electric

Holiday lighting sets the stage for this magical time of year. You have many choices for indoor and outdoor decorating with lights. It’s not unusual to have questions, so don’t hesitate to connect with Turn It On Electric of Arizona.

We’re available to discuss home holiday lighting for decorations or safety. We’ll share ways to save on your electricity bill and visit your home if you are concerned about wiring problems.

Contact Turn It On Electric for all electrical decorative and safety electrical needs.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Electrician, Residential, Safety

Hire a professional for your electrical outlet install

Hire a professional for your electrical outlet install

There are many reasons why you might need an electrical outlet install for your home or business. For example, you might be constructing a new home and wish to choose exactly where the outlets will be. Similarly, you could be renovating your property and need a new electrical outlet installed to replace one lost in the renovations.

Or you may simply be looking to make your Phoenix home more functional and convenient. Whatever your reasons for needing new outlets, you should always call in a licensed, professional electrician for your electrical outlet install. 

Protect Your Property and Loved Ones 

Any type of electrical work, including an electrical outlet install, can be fraught with peril. When you are dealing with exposed wires, there is always the risk of electrocution.

Is it really worth risking your life or that of your loved ones over a simple electrical outlet install? Undoubtedly not. With a professional electrician, you can sit back and relax, knowing that everything is taken care of. Both in the moment and for the long haul.

Minimize the Risk of Electrical Fires 

Electrical fires are one of the most dangerous aspects of working with electricity. When outlets or wires give off sparks, they can ignite your carpet, curtains, furniture, or other items, potentially spreading the fire quickly throughout your home. Professional electricians are highly trained to prevent electrical fires and get them out quickly on the rare occasions they do occur. 

Ensure the Work Is Done Properly on Your Electrical Outlet Install

One of the biggest risks in doing electrical work on your own is making mistakes. Even with careful research and meticulous attention to detail, you still run the risk of doing something incorrectly. The less experience you have, the more likely you will be to make significant errors during your electrical outlet install.

Even tiny mistakes can come back to haunt you in the future. The outlets may stop working entirely, or they may spark, increasing the risk of fire and electrocution. A professional electrician will make sure the job is done right the first time. 

Gain Access to New Safety and Performance Features 

Although electrical outlets may appear simple, they are actually more complex than you might realize. In addition to simply providing access to electricity, they can also add important safety measures and improve performance.

One of the most commonly requested of these features is tamper-resistant outlets. Young children are notorious for sticking items into electrical outlets, putting them at risk for electrocution. Tamper-resistant outlets cover the ports when not in use and can only be operated by pressing all ports at the same time when plugging something in. This simple feature is powerful for keeping your kids safe, so be sure to ask for it during your electrical outlet install. 

Call Us for Your Phoenix Electrical Outlet Install 

For electrical outlet installation you can trust in Phoenix, reach out to Turn It On Electric. Our team is here to help with all your electrical needs, from initial installation to ongoing repair to full replacement. We\’ll be happy to provide a free consultation to discuss your electrical needs. 

When you work with us, you can rest assured that you are in the best, most experienced hands. We are proud to be the preferred electrical service provider in the Phoenix area. That pride is evident in each and every service we complete.

We take your satisfaction and safety seriously, so you can count on us for a job well done. Reach out to our team today to make an appointment to review your home\’s electrical requirements and upgrade your system with new outlets.