Categories Electrician, Residential, Smoke Detector

What to do when your smoke detector isn\’t working

What to do when your smoke detector isn't working

Smoke alarms provide a convenient and cost-effective way to ensure that you and your family are alerted if a fire occurs. This is why it’s so important to make sure that your smoke alarms are working properly. Here’s what you should do if a smoke detector isn\’t working in your home.

Testing Smoke Detectors

Your smoke detectors are a vital part of keeping you and your family safe. To make sure that yours are working right, you should test them on a regular basis. This helps ensure that you have smoke alarms that will immediately alert your household if there’s a fire.

How do you test your smoke detectors? Most have a test button that you simply push to check if your alarm is working. You should hear a beep when you press this button, which indicates that your alarm is functioning. Make a habit of testing your smoke alarms once a month. Keep in mind that you should also put new batteries in your smoke detectors every spring and fall.

Troubleshooting Your Smoke Detectors

If you test your smoke detector and don’t hear a beep from it, your first step should be replacing the batteries. With new batteries, your smoke detector should work. If you’re still not hearing any beeps, this means that something else is wrong. Your smoke detector might have reached its lifespan or it could be damaged. Either way, you should replace it with a new one as soon as you can.

What happens if your smoke detector keeps beeping without any fire present? Battery-operated detectors tend to beep every so often to let you know that they need new batteries. AC-powered smoke detectors typically beep when they’re nearing their lifespan and need to be replaced. They might also beep if they’re malfunctioning.

Keep in mind that testing the batteries when a smoke detector isn\’t working is just one step. You can test your alarms in other ways as well. For example, you can carefully light a match and blow it out while standing under a smoke alarm. The smoke that drifts up should set off the alarm. If this doesn’t happen, you should replace your smoke alarm with a brand new one.

If your smoke detectors appear dusty, you can clean them off. You should clean inside them as well to remove dust and debris that could affect the sensors. After cleaning your smoke detectors, you can test them again to see if they work. If they don’t respond to smoke or if they don’t beep after you push the test button, you need to replace them.

Replacing a Smoke Detector That Isn’t Working

If you have to replace your smoke detectors, keep in mind there are different types available. Electricians can help you determine the best type to get for your Phoenix home to protect you and your family. They can install these for you as well and ensure that you have smoke alarms properly placed around your home.

Smoke alarms generally last up to ten years. Even if you have a smoke detector that is working, you should consider replacing it if it’s getting close to reaching its lifespan.

If your smoke detectors aren’t working properly, don’t wait another minute. Contact Turn It On Electric right away.

Categories Commercial, Electrician, Lighting

10 benefits of LED lighting in commercial buildings

10 benefits of LED lighting in commercial buildings

Business owners often examine all areas of their operations to see where they can save money, operate more efficiently, and improve the customer and employee experience. Switching from traditional (incandescent) to LED (light-emitting diodes) lighting does that and more. As a result, LED lighting is the choice of top business owners and managers.

10 Benefits of LED Lighting in Commercial Settings

Just a couple decades ago, light bulbs were light bulbs. No matter your budget, you really had only one choice. The Simple Dollar

The average lifespan of a traditional light bulb is 1,200 hours. An LED bulb averages 25,000 hours. In other words, you’d need to buy 21 $1 light bulbs to equal one $8 LED bulb.

LED light systems have become popular for commercial settings for a variety of reasons. This includes their extended lifespans, lower energy consumption (LED upgrades can generate as much as 75%-90% improvement in energy efficiency), and fewer maintenance requirements.

How many people does it take to change a light bulb? LED lighting requires less maintenance time and lower replacement costs. Other benefits include:

  1. All-temperature – LEDs operate equally well in both hot and cold temperatures.
  2. Best in show – With no UV emissions to break down the composition of art, LEDs are better for artistic product presentations.
  3. CRI – Color rendering index is a light source’s ability to deliver “ideal” (natural) light. LEDs have higher ratings.
  4. Directional emissions – Standard light bulbs illuminate the ceiling. LEDs can be designed to only illuminate the area.
  5. Efficiency doesn’t lessen with dimmers – LEDs becomes more efficient as the power is reduced.
  6. Environmental safety – Fluorescent and mercury-vapor lights require special handling and disposal. LEDs are environmentally sound solutions and produce almost no UV emissions.
  7. Less is more – LED lights are smaller, so they can adapt more quickly to a variety of lighting applications.
  8. Outdoor safety – Beach homes and flood-zone houses are safer with low-voltage LED lighting.
  9. Safety – LEDs are practically heatless. Traditional incandescent bulbs convert 90% of their energy to heat; the number one hazard with conventional lighting.
  10. SSL design – Solid state lights don’t need traditional glass bulb enclosures.

LED Lighting Conversions for Your Business

Restaurant owners are quick to respond to any upgrade that will keep staff and customers happy. LED lights have a higher color temperature, which elevates employees’ positive moods and productivity. LED light systems are even used to treat depression. Also, researchers continue to understand the connection between mood and light.

“Modern LED lighting systems are now taking this relationship between light and mood to its next level,” says SpecGrade. “…Lighting engineers are experimenting daily with uses of LED lighting that directly improve mood and physical health, with advanced optics and color temperature variance.”

Psychological benefits of LED lighting include:

  • Better concentration/cognition
  • Faster reaction times
  • Lower levels of fatigue
  • Visual improvement

Consider Making the Switch to LED lights

Your organization may be retail or a service-provider; non-profit or home office. The bottom line: At some point, you deal onsite, with people. LED lighting’s psychological impacts may be small, but can add up. Overall, they provide emotional wellness for you, your employees, and customers. And that’s bound to be good business.

Make the Switch Sooner, Rather Than Later

The technology of LED lighting continues to evolve. LED performance continues to improve, and since 2008, LED prices have dropped 90%. You need a commercial electrician for a safer LED conversion.

Saving energy and money is everyone’s business. Refitting your commercial property with LED lighting is better for your business. If you’re ready to switch to LED lighting for your commercial building, contact Turn It On Electric today.

Categories Electrician, Maintenance

10 signs that your home needs electrical rewiring

10 signs that your home needs electrical rewiring

Your home\’s electrical system is easy to take for granted and the signs of wear and damage aren\’t always obvious. Sometimes, seemingly minor issues point to major problems. Spotting the signs your home needs electrical rewiring can save you from damaged appliances, shocks, and even life-threatening house fires.

  1. Breakers flipping or fuses blowing – If your circuit breakers flip or fuses blow when you use several appliances at once, your electrical system is probably undersized. Older electrical systems offer fewer amps compared to new ones. This means they can’t meet a modern household\’s demand for electricity. Worn out wiring is another possible cause.
  2. Dimming or flickering lights – Some lights, such as fluorescent lights, always flicker. Incandescent or LED lights, however, shouldn’t flicker or go dim. If they do, it\’s a sign of voltage fluctuations and a home in need of electrical rewiring. The cause could also be loose wires or terminals somewhere in your system. Those are both fire hazards.
  3. Burned outlets – Brown or black charring on or around an outlet\’s contact openings means a small fire occurred. Usually, these fires are the result of loose connection or faulty wiring causing a short. That short then causes arching and sparking big enough to leave scorch marks.
  4. Sparks from the outlets – A small blue spark that occasionally appears when you plug in or unplug an appliance is perfectly normal. A yellow spark that lingers and happens every time you use the outlet, though? That means trouble. Either the outlet or the wiring behind it is loose or damaged.
  5. Electrical shocks – Getting a shock when you plug in a cord or touch one that\’s plugged in is more than just unpleasant. Shocks signal a problem with your electrical system. First, check the cord for damage. Look for damage and test it in other outlets. If the cord is fine, the outlet might be faulty or in need of updating and could cause serious injury.
  6. Light bulbs burning out – When a certain socket burns through bulbs too quickly, the problem is most likely that socket. If all your light sockets seem to be that way, your wiring may be to blame. Fluctuating voltage in your system can wear out your bulbs. These fluctuations might be due to an overloaded system or loose connections.
  7. Burning smells – A burning smell that\’s not coming from something you\’re cooking often means an electrical issue. If you can\’t trace the smell to a single appliance, the problem could be wiring. There might be a short within your walls or floors. Someday, one of those shorts could spark a fire.
  8. Buzzing noises – When the house is quiet, you might hear wiring or switches making a faint buzzing noise. This is normal for lights on a dimmer and large appliance. Most light switches, outlets, and circuit breakers, however, shouldn’t buzz. This buzzing suggests overloaded wires or circuits.
  9. Porcelain fuses – These fuses were popular in the 1930s and earlier before more reliable modern fuses became available. They don’t meet modern safety standards. If you find them, it\’s a clear sign your home needs electrical rewiring.
  10. Out-dated wiring – Aluminum wiring was popular in the 1960s when copper prices were high. It\’s more likely to sustain damage or cause fires compared to copper wiring. That’s why much of it has been recalled. If you have this wiring, contact an electrician about updating your system. Knob-and-tube wiring was used before the 1940s. This wiring should definitely be replaced.

Electrical rewiring is a major home project best left to a professional electrician. If your home needs electrical rewiring, call Turn It On Electric today.

Categories Electrician, Safety

When should I replace my smoke detector?

When should I replace my smoke detector?

Your smoke detector stands on guard all day, every day ready to alert you to a fire. Not surprisingly, all that work eventually wears these devices out and it happens faster than you might think. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 17 percent of fire deaths happen in properties where the smoke detector failed. Knowing when to replace your smoke detector ensures you\’ll always have a reliably functioning device protecting your family.

Optimize Your Smoke Alarm System

Before you replace your smoke detectors, make sure you have the right amount in the right locations. If you\’re lacking, it\’s worth taking the time to plan a complete smoke alarm system. For the highest level of protection, choose a hard-wired or wireless interconnected system. In these systems, when one detector senses smoke, all the alarms in your home sound. A knowledgeable professional electrician can design a system for you and install the smoke detectors in the optimal locations.

Every level of your home, including the basement, should have at least one smoke detector. Smoke rises, so mount your detectors on your ceilings or high on your walls, not more than 12 inches away from the ceiling. A detector should be installed within 10 feet of every bedroom or sleeping area. If a floor has no sleeping area, place the detector near the most used room or by the stairs leading to the next floor up. In the basement, place the detector on the ceiling at the bottom of the stairs.

Keep your smoke alarms at least 10 feet from the kitchen or bathroom to minimize the risk of false alarms from cooking fumes or bathroom steam. Where possible, avoid placing them near windows, exterior doors, and air vents. The drafts these create can blow smoke away from the detector and delay its response to a fire.

Test and Replace Smoke Detectors on Time

Once a month, test your smoke detector by holding down the test button for at least five seconds or until the alarm sounds. If the alarm is weak or doesn\’t sound at all, replace the batteries and test again. If fresh batteries don\’t help, it\’s time for a new detector.

After testing is a good time to dust or vacuum your smoke detector to clean out debris that could clog the sensor.

Even when the test is successful, replace the batteries at least once a year. A beeping or chirping noise from your detector is also a sign the device needs fresh batteries. Alkaline batteries lose power over the year and while old batteries might power the alarm during a test, they could still be too weak to sufficiently power it during a real fire. If your smoke detector has a 10-year or \”long-life\” lithium battery, you won\’t have to replace the battery during the detector\’s life span.

Replace each smoke detector after 10 years. This includes lithium-battery alarms and the alarms in hard-wired systems, as well as detectors that still test as functional. The test button only confirms the battery, wiring, and alarm horn are working, but it tells you nothing about the sensor. In many detectors, the sensors lose sensitivity over time or develop a buildup of dust that impairs their sensitivity. Ionization smoke detectors become more sensitive as they age, causing more false alarms. After a while, you\’ll be tempted you remove the batteries and leave your home without protection.

Contact Turn It On Electric if you need to replace or add smoke detectors to your home.

Categories Electrician, Safety

5 reasons your hot tub circuit breaker keeps tripping

5 reasons your hot tub circuit breaker keeps tripping

Having a hot tub at your Phoenix home should provide you with a great way to relax. When your hot tub circuit breaker keeps tripping, though, you might end up feeling more stressed overall. What are some reasons that this might be happening? Having a circuit breaker trip on a frequent basis can indicate a serious issue. These are some of the more common ones that might cause you to suddenly lose power to your hot tub.

Ground Fault Problem

Your hot tub should have a ground fault circuit interrupter, or GFCI, breaker. This breaker automatically cuts off power to your hot tub to prevent electrical shock. The GFCI circuit breaker kicks in when unusual changes in the amount of power flowing through the circuit occur. You might have trouble with the GFCI circuit breaker tripping often for a few reasons. These include:

  • Problems with the GFCI that are making it faulty
  • Problems with a hot tub component or parts, such as a pump or heater
  • Incorrect wiring in your GFCI that needs to be corrected

Moisture Exposure

If the inside of the control box that houses your hot tub circuit breaker has moisture, this can cause the breaker to trip frequently. Moisture from condensation or rain can get inside these boxes. When this happens, the moisture can end up damaging electrical components inside the control box. You’ll need to have damaged parts replaced and ensure that the hot tub circuit breaker box is protected from additional moisture.

Heater Corrosion or Damage

Hot tub heaters can become corroded or damaged, resulting in a circuit breaker that keeps tripping when you want to use your hot tub. You might be able to notice signs of damage or corrosion in this part of your hot tub. If the heater does have damage, you might need to have it repaired or replaced.

Short Circuits

Short circuits can occur in one of the electrical parts of your hot tub. These short circuits cause your circuit breaker to trip in order to lower the risk of electrocution. If you have a short circuit, the affected part might feel warm. Keep in mind that this is a serious hazard since short circuits can cause fires and electrical shock. You should have a professional electrician repair this problem as soon as possible and avoid using your hot tub in the meantime.

Loose Electrical Connections

The electrical connections in your hot tub might become loose over time. This can lead to power fluctuations that cause your hot tub circuit breaker to trip. Professional electricians can inspect your hot tub and tighten any connections that are loose, which should fix the circuit breaker problem.

No matter what the cause of your circuit breaker trouble is, it’s important to leave it to the professionals. Handling electrical issues on your own puts you at risk of having a serious injury or property damage. The professionals at Turn It On Electric can determine what is causing the circuit breaker to trip and correct the problem safely so that you can get back to enjoying your hot tub.

Contact Turn It On Electric if you need to repair your circuit breaker or other electrical problems in your Phoenix home.