Why you have a tripped breaker

A one-time tripped breaker may occur and it’s nothing more than that: a tripped breaker. But if your breaker keeps tripping, there are several reasons. Angi (aka “Angie’s List”) offers explanations for why you might have a tripped breaker and what you can do about it.

When a Tripped Breaker Has You ‘In the Dark’

Your circuit breaker makes electricity possible in your house. Without it, the danger of fires would be too great to justify having electricity. Circuit breakers cut the power if your electric current surges. We call that “tripping the breaker.”

A tripped breaker can be a frustrating or even frightening experience. Common causes of a tripped breaker are:

  • Circuit overload
  • Ground fault surges (the electric current pathway “opens up” too much)
  • Short circuits (the electric current takes the wrong path)

Circuit Overload

Your electrical capacity tops out at a certain flow. It can happen while the washing machine is running, someone is microwaving, and another person is blow-drying hair.

The top appliances that cause circuit overloads are:

  • Extension cords
  • Fans
  • Hairdryers
  • Irons
  • Old refrigerators
  • Vacuums

Ground Fault Surge

A ground fault surge occurs if a “hot” wire touches a grounded wire or any grounded part of your circuit breaker system. The electricity flow gets redirected to the ground.

Short Circuit

A short circuit is another response to your electric current going in the wrong direction. If a hot wire connects with a neutral wire in an outlet, the heat causes your circuit breaker to trip.

What To Do if Your Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping

When your circuit breaker trips, you simply reset it. You do this by looking into your circuit box and with dry hands, switching the flipped switch back to the “on” position.

If you see visible rusting in your breaker box, there’s been some kind of water damage and you need a professional Phoenix electrician to inspect it. Any warmth coming from your breaker box is dangerous. If you see or smell any burning or melting in your breaker box, call 602-837-3368 immediately.

If your circuit breaker keeps tripping, causes include:

  • Age
  • Arc/ground fault
  • Overloaded/short circuit
  • Wiring issues

Sometimes we can repair or replace your circuit breaker box. It’s better to act on electrical issues sooner rather than later. You need to contact your Maricopa or Pima County electrician to safeguard your home and family.

You Need a Breaker Box Replacement If…

If your breaker box has fuses instead of circuit breakers, it’s old enough to warrant an upgrade. Any time there’s hissing or popping noises when you plug in an appliance, it’s dangerous, so don’t delay. Another clue you have electrical issues is when you have loaded power strips in your office or other rooms. If your lights flicker or dim when you turn on a vacuum cleaner, for example, you may need a breaker box replacement.

We ask our friends and neighbors (like you) to let us know when you’re planning a major renovation project that includes all-new kitchen appliances or the addition of a spa/hot tub. Your voltage requirements may exceed your wiring capabilities.

25 Years of Superior Electrical Service

Turn It On Electric was founded on the principle that our company’s superior customer care and integrity are never to be compromised. Our first consideration is always, “How can we help?”

When you need a Phoenix electrical contractor with extensive circuit breaker experience, call the TIO team. Our Tucson TIO Electric office specializes in commercial as well as residential electrical services. Contact us to learn more.