Improve security with a photocell during the holidays

The fall and winter season will be in full swing before we know it! In addition to Halloween and Thanksgiving, there are seven other December holidays celebrated. And more! Time to think about how to improve security with a photocell during the holidays.

With plenty of guests around your home, safety is important. You want everyone to have merry and happy festivities and memories. Ensure they do with a photocell.

U.S. Fall and Winter Celebrations and Traditions

  • Halloween
  • Election Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Hanukkah
  • Christmas
  • Kwanzaa
  • New Year’s Eve

Here’s a fairly new one: “Chriskwanzukah” celebrates all our traditional winter observances. It’s an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss religious diversity.

Some Americans believe in another winter religious holiday – the Superbowl. Whatever you observe, there\’s plenty of reason to get together. Let\’s party as the days get shorter and cooler.

The winter events give us a reason to improve security with a photocell during the holidays. From trick-or-treaters lining porches to annual family gatherings. From New Year’s parties to football games… Homes are safer at night with better lighting.

How to Improve Security with a Photocell During the Holidays

The best way is to improve security with a photocell during the holidays. Photocells are sensors that detect light. They are used in many toys and appliances. They are low-cost, easy to use, and long-lasting. These are sometimes called “CdS cells” (cadmium sulfide), “LDRs” (light-dependent resistors), and “photoresistors.”

When a photocell is lighted, electrons are emitted from one side to another. This way, the current can be transferred. How does this help improve security with a photocell during the holidays? Because they are easy to control. Actually, they control themselves. Their on/off functions are determined by the amount of light they sense.

‘Ins and Outs’ of Security Lighting

There are two basic types of photocells: plug-in and line-voltage. Plug-in photocell sensors are located inside the bulb. Line photocell sensors are likely to be located elsewhere. Both work equally well, though.

You want effective nighttime illumination wherever people will walk. This includes guests and unwanted intruders, too. Some great outdoor locations are:

  • Backyard patios and decks
  • Doorways
  • Shrubs and trees
  • Sidewalks, driveways

Photocell lighting is sometimes called “dusk-to-dawn” lighting. (Daylight savings time won’t affect your outdoor photocell security.) Some types of photocell lights include:

  • Floodlights
  • Lampposts
  • Landscape luminary
  • Mounted luminary
  • Step and stairway lights

Year-End Lighting Home Improvements

You want to protect your home and family. But you also want to safeguard others on your property. Lighting home improvements are always a good idea. Taking action to improve your property and quality of life increases property value and safety.

Want to improve security with a photocell during the holidays? Have an LED lighting system in place? Good for you! LED lighting is economical and durable. But you’ll need to contact your local, Arizona electric service professional to accomplish your year-end security lighting goal.

“Because LEDs run at such a low voltage, this small current causes interference, flickering, and premature degradation,” says lighting blogger Eugen. “LEDs require a different type of photocell than conventional bulbs.”

What you don’t know can hurt you. We’ll make electric safety even safer. Contact Turn It On Electric today to create a festive, protected space for your family and friends this holiday season.