Different Workbench Lights for Your Home Projects

She sheds and man caves often include hobby areas and workstations. If you spend any time at all on project detail work, poor vision can manifest itself in headaches, upper-body muscle aches, and difficulty concentrating. Why suffer? Good table and workbench lights are convenient and safer.

Illuminating Options: Workbench Lights

Your project style and workmanship are unique. Workbench lights should be customized to the way you work. It’s important to study the lighting options that make the most sense for you.

Good Lighting for Workspaces

Selecting the best lighting for your space depends on what you do and what you need. You and your lighting professional will need to carefully study the designated area to customize your workbench lights installation.

For example, fluorescent lights are the traditional choice for garage spaces. But consider what you do because other choices might be better. Task lights should shine directly on your work area and not in your eyes. Lighting shadows should never block your workspace.

Basic guidelines for interior workrooms and garage workbench lights include:

  • Fluorescent fixtures should use a minimum of 4-foot bulbs.
  • If your work involves seeing colors truly (paints, stains, etc.), ask about the color rendering index (CRI) rating. You likely need an 85+ rating.
  • Install at least one 8-foot fixture per 85-cubic feet of space.

Types of Hobby and Workbench Lights


  • Best choice for under-cabinet
  • Better long-term ROI (return on investment)
  • Direct
  • Durable
  • More color temperature choices
  • Most energy-efficient
  • Most expensive
  • No hazardous materials
  • Produces very little heat


  • Fluorescent – Good energy-efficient choice; require a ballast to regulate current
  • Halogen – Lasts longer but burns hotter
  • Incandescent – Least efficient
  • LED – Long-life, dimmable; so far, one of the best technologies


Some under-cabinet lights can be wireless-remote-controlled, SmartPhone- or virtual assistant-managed (Alexa). Technology is fun, but flipping a mounted control might be faster. Proper positioning is important, or you risk cabinet damage.

Direct wiring should be professionally installed.

  • Fluorescent – May flicker or strobe; becoming harder to find
  • LED – Ideal for sensitive eyes


Here are the options if you have a large work area, like a garage or storage area. Choices include fluorescent, HPS (high-pressure sodium), and metal halide. Again, LEDs are the big winners for the best choice of high-bay lighting.

Workbench Lighting to Avoid

Day 1: “I’m into DIY, and I liked the idea of a moveable clamp light,” said Sharon. “It\’s cheap and easy.\”

Day 3: “It isn’t working. The clamp is hard to squeeze, so moving it is a pain. I’ve even knocked it off, or it’s fallen down on its own. So many times it’s more of a problem than a visual aid.”

Carpentry, quilting, mosaics, potting plants: We consider these crafts “art.” We seldom think working with a drill press is art. But if you’re creating something or making something work better, it’s art. Your art. Your work is worth it, so avoid shoddy lighting solutions. \”Cheap and easy\” isn\’t the same as efficient.

Customized Craft, Workbench Lights Worth the Investment

You put your heart into creating something beautiful, functional, or both. Make your workspace inspiring and comfortable with proper lighting. We have ideas too. In fact, your lighting preferences and family safety is our \”art\” and our life’s work.

Let’s discuss your lighting options. Contact Turn It On Electric today.