Categories Electrical Wiring, Residential, Safety

Are you ready to work from home?

Are you ready to work from home?

Working at home is convenient and cost-effective. You may be prepared to work from home, but is your home ready for full-time employment?

With more families working from home, they often find they need more computers to support their job and their kid\’s schoolwork. This adds up to a lot of data requirements. Especially when you include streaming tv and game consoles. Without the right infrastructure in your home, you could feel like you\’re back on dialup.

What Do You Need to Work from Home?

People are working from home so much more today and many families are now homeschooling their kids.

Perhaps videoconferencing what was once face-to-face appointments and meetings will become the norm. And now we\’re using technology to stay in touch with loved ones and connect with business associates.

If you weren’t familiar with “streaming,” this might be a good opportunity to learn. You’re going to need some electrical upgrades to run an efficient home office or homeschool.

You’ll need to consider:

  • Better lighting
  • Child-proofing
  • Computer
  • Furniture/office equipment (File cabinet, desk, etc.)
  • High-speed internet
  • Monitors
  • Network router
  • Personal server/backup drive
  • Printer/scanner
  • Software
  • Surge protector
  • Telephone/VoIP
  • UPS (uninterruptible power supply)

Create an Efficient Work Environment

Bob Vila™ says to configure your homeschool or home office properties before you tackle electrical work. Know what you want and get the technological components in-place in the room(s) you plan to utilize. Will conference calls and online classes be in the same room with your office or a separate location?

Vila recommends “structured wiring.” Structured wiring is a data-delivery system. It can accommodate phone/fax, broadband internet, and networking (video/television) technologies. The system requires three segments:

  • Cables/wiring inside your house
  • Hardware for connections/connectivity
  • Panel/module for outside service to enter your home

Get Ready, Set, and Turn It On to ‘Go to Work’

Once you know what you need and where it should go, contact your LEED-certified local electrician to schedule your “go-live” day. “The data capacity of copper wire is designated by category and how the wires are twisted,” explains Vila. “The main difference between the wiring designations is the transmission frequency (bandwidth/megahertz).”

This installation shouldn’t involve knocking down walls. Wiring and cables can be strung behind and in-between walls. What you don’t want is a tangle of extension cords and cabling.

DIY (do-it-yourself) will be unattractive and won’t work as well. It’s dangerous to your family and property, too. Your insurance company may reject any damage claims resulting from your attempt to rewire a room.

Comfort, Convenience, Safety at Home

Working at home is a convenience for many. You can wear your sweats to work while enjoying a comfortable, safe workspace. The electrical upgrades you make during this time will increase your home’s value and lower energy bills at the same time.

The Turn It On Electric pros want to protect your safety and help you maintain good health while working at home. Your home circuitry can manage the additional workload with proper installation.

Today, many are considering career changes. If you’d like to learn more about working as a member of our team, we’d like to hear from you. Contact us if you have any questions.

Categories Electric Bill, Residential

Is the electricity bill going up now that you work from home?

Is the electricity bill going up now that you work from home?

Companies across a wide range of industries are embracing the growing trend of letting employees work from home. With fewer employees at physical offices, companies can save on a variety of expenses, like facilities, meals, electricity bills and more. This can free up room in the company budget for other initiatives and move the company forward.

Working remotely can be beneficial for employees as well. They\’ll no longer have to deal with the time and stress of commuting each morning and evening. Workers also have more freedom in how they structure their days, including meals and breaks. However, being at home all the time can also have its negatives, like increased electricity bills. Because you are at home all day instead of just in the evenings, your energy usage is likely to be much higher.

Here\’s what you need to know to minimize your usage and keep your electricity bills under control when working from home.

Save on Your Electricity Bill with a Smart Thermostat

If you\’re like most people, a significant chunk of your energy bill goes towards heating or cooling. Temperature control, while essential for keeping your home and workspace comfortable, is one of the biggest energy expenses.

To help keep your usage in check, consider switching to a smart thermostat. This will allow you to program your thermostat to accommodate your changing needs throughout the day. It can also make adjustments based on whether or not you are home, the time of day, the weather and more. Although you\’ll still be using your system more frequently because you are home more often, the smart thermostat can help you make the most of it and reduce its impact on your electricity bill as much as possible.

LED Lighting

Throughout your day, do your best to open your shades or blinds to allow in natural light. Not only is this safer for your eyes and better for your mood, but it will also reduce your reliance on artificial lighting. The less frequently you need to use your lights, the more you can save on your electricity bills.

Of course, you are going to need lights at some times. Rather than using traditional incandescent light bulbs, make the shift to energy-efficient LED bulbs. In addition to using less energy, thus reducing your electricity costs, LEDs last significantly longer than other bulb styles, so you\’ll save money on replacement costs as well. You can even find varieties that let you adjust the color and color temperature to suit your preferences.

Motion Sensors

As you go about your day, it can be easy to turn on lights throughout the house. What is not so easy, however, is remembering to turn them all off. Leaving your lights on when you are not in the room can add to your electricity bills over time. With motion sensors, the lights in a room will automatically turn off when the sensor detects that no one is in the room. This way, the system will switch off your lights when you forget to do it, adding up to serious savings.

Get Set Up to Work from Home

If you need to make some changes around your Phoenix house now that you work from home, Turn It On Electric is here to help. Whether you need new wiring installed to accommodate a smart thermostat or want to make the switch to energy-efficient lighting, our team can handle the job. We\’ll help you identify trouble areas to reduce your home\’s energy usage and minimize your electricity bills.

Reach out to us today to learn more about our electrical services in Phoenix. Call now to get started.

Categories Ceiling Fans, Maintenance, Residential, Safety

Can bathroom fans keep you from getting sick?

Can bathroom fans keep you from getting sick?

Bathroom fans aren’t just for odors. Their primary purpose is to decrease moisture in bathrooms. New sensors and timers can keep your rooms’ humidity at a level that controls bacteria, mildew, mold, and viruses.

How Traditional Bathroom Fans Work

Bathroom exhaust systems have a ceiling fan connected to ductwork that leads to outside ventilation. Older bathroom fans may be noisy – in fact, if they’re too quiet they probably aren’t working.

Most bathroom fans are controlled by a wall switch. Usually, you turn it on as you exit the bathroom and forget to turn it off until much later. The exhaust fan should be on for about 20 minutes following toilet or shower use. If you leave it on too long, ball bearings inside can lock up which could cause the motor to overheat. That’s a fire hazard you want to avoid.

Bathroom Fans Can Reduce Bacterial Growth

There are ways to control bacterial levels in your bathroom. In addition to frequent cleanings, close the toilet lid when you flush. If your toilet is in the same room as your sink, store your toothbrushes in a cabinet. Exhaust fans can’t completely eliminate moisture-related bacteria.

Your bathroom fan may not be working if you have:

  • Ceiling/wall moisture stains
  • Frequent frost on windows
  • Metal corrosion
  • Mold
  • Peeling wallpaper/paint
  • “Uncomfortable,” heavy air quality

Humidity sensors not only “clean-up” your air; they also save money by lowering energy use. People with frequent allergies or illnesses are likely candidates for home humidity sensors.

Humidity Sensors: How They Work

The sensor unit is a “hygrometer.” It measures and reports air temperature and moisture levels. Those measurement ratios are called “relative humidity” and impact your comfort level.

  • Capacitive sensors use metal oxide electrical components.
  • Resistive sensors use salts and ions to measure electrical resistance and reactance.
  • Thermal sensors conduct electricity using dry nitrogen and ambient air (the ratio of nitrogen to oxygen) sensors.

Any electrical appliance installation should be managed by your local electrical contractor. It’s not worth the risk of fire or damage and can void your insurance policy. Plus, installing a basic bathroom fan is a time-consuming and difficult job. (Don’t try this at home.)

Installing a humidity sensor is assuredly not a DIY (do-it-yourself) job. They must be calibrated on a 9-point curve system. A professional must adjust the voltage deviation.

Humidity sensors should have an accurate rise time and fall time for voltage output. This is known as “response time.” A DIY bathroom fan installation could be essentially worthless if the sensor is out of sync and you don’t know it.

3 Seasons for Allergies; 13 Weeks for Flu

We only have 4 seasons and three of them are high in allergens. This year, the flu season (normally 13 weeks) is taking longer to dissipate. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is important to keeping allergens at bay and controlling the transmission of viruses.

“It’s difficult to predict how (the flu virus) will behave,” says LiveScience, “But even if you can’t predict what will happen, you can prepare for it.” There are

IAQ Important to Health and Comfort

Good indoor air quality and clean water top the list of property owner requirements. Homeowners and commercial businesses want comfortable, clean air. Replacing your bathroom fam with a humidity-sensing appliance can be your ticket to better health, too.

Now is a good time to schedule that home improvement project you’ve been putting off! If you have questions about any type of electrical installation, please contact the professionals at Turn It On Electric.

Categories Electrician, Residential

Setting up your home office to work from home

Setting up your home office to work from home

As remote working technology continues to advance, it is becoming much more common for employers to allow their teams to work from home. If you are making the switch to a home office, it may not be as easy as you think to get started. There is more to setting up your home office than simply plugging in your laptop and getting to work. Read on for some possible issues you may encounter and what to do about them.

Inadequate Internet Connection

Your home internet connection may be more than sufficient for your typical at-home activities. Activities like browsing the web, streaming music and scrolling social media. However, depending on the nature of your work, it may not be strong enough for video conferencing. You may also struggle to transmit large data files and accomplish other remote work tasks. Check with your internet service provider to learn more about the various packages it offers to determine which is best for your home office. Keep in mind that you may need to upgrade your modem, router, or other equipment to accommodate a faster connection. Often the WiFi signal can vary in different parts of your home too. If this is the case, we can help install a wired connection between your router and your office.

Lack of Power Outlets in Your Home Office

When setting up your home office, you may find that you quickly run out of power outlets for all your devices. With your computer, printer, desk lamp, mobile device chargers, and other essentials, you may not have enough outlets within easy reach of your desk. To combat this problem, you\’ll likely use a power strip or run extension cords to reach your workspace.

Although simple solutions, neither of these are the best options. Power strips can cause problems when they have too many devices plugged into them. In addition to diminished power to each device, there is also the possibility of electrical shorts or other issues due to overloading the system. Modern power strips with surge protectors can minimize the risk, but not eliminate it entirely.

Extension cords can create issues too, especially if you have pets or young children. Running an extension cord across your floor creates a tripping hazard. Taping over them, on the other hand, isn\’t great for aesthetic purposes. Instead, contact an electrician to update your wiring and add extra power outlets where you need them most. This way, the load will be spread evenly through your electrical system. This minimizes your risk of electrical fires and other possible dangers.

Lack of WiFi Security

Although working from a home office can be convenient, it likely isn\’t as secure as an office facility. Hackers and thieves may attempt to hijack your WiFi, giving them access to potentially sensitive company data. Inadequate online security is one of the major factors holding a lot of businesses back from allowing their employees to work from home. Therefore, you\’ll need to ensure your home office is as secure as possible.

Rather than operating on WiFi, it is far better for security purposes to use a direct, wired connection to your internet service. This will make it much more difficult for thieves to gain access, as they\’ll need to have a physical connection. Installing CAT5e cables in your home will allow you to access the fastest possible internet connection speeds without having to use WiFi.

Update Your Home Office Today

If you need assistance getting your home office set up so that you can work from home on a regular basis, we\’re here for you. Turn It On Electric can install and upgrade your wiring so that you are ready to go. Our team is here to help you work from home as efficiently and safely as possible. Please, don\’t be shy about getting in touch with us when you are ready to make the switch. Call now to schedule an appointment.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Residential

Replacing Aluminum Wiring in Your Home

Replacing Aluminum Wiring in Your Home

A copper shortage in the ‘60s caused many properties to be electrically wired with aluminum. Builders and electricians don’t use aluminum wiring today. Replacing aluminum wiring should be a priority for all property owners.

When Aaron and Jessica bought their circa-1970 home, they discovered it had aluminum electrical wiring. The owners said, “Not a problem; we’ve never had an issue.”

They were honest. And that’s the main problem with aluminum wiring. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says, “Unfortunately, failing aluminum-wired connections seldom provide easily detected warning signs. Aluminum-wired connections and splices have been reported to fail and overheat without any prior indications or problems.”

Six months later, they smelled a burning-electrical odor in their daughter’s bedroom. Her nightlight was melting! The electrician suggested fixing it by “pigtailing” it with copper wire.

Pigtailing vs. Replacing Aluminum Wiring

Today, pigtailing is seldom used as a solution to replacing aluminum wiring. It involves splicing a length of copper wire to the aluminum wire. The copper wire then connects to the electrical outlet or device.

Here’s what you should know about pigtailing aluminum wiring:

  1. Approved copper-to-aluminum connections plus antioxidant compounds should be used.
  2. Even after splicing to copper, aluminum wiring is a loose-connection risk.
  3. Loose connections increase electrical resistance, which can melt fixtures and insulation.
  4. Loose connections can “spark,” which can ignite wall insulation, wallpaper, and wiring itself.

It saves money. But most people aren’t willing to take the risk of losing their loved ones or property to fire.

Can Replacing Aluminum Wiring Wait?

Replacing aluminum wiring can cost more than $10,000 to replace. The price depends on square footage and how easy it is to access your wiring.

You need to work with your local electrician to find a cost-effective way to rewire. Replacing aluminum wiring will lower your energy bills and possibly your insurance premiums. That should be a financial factor, too.

If you have these issues, you can’t put it off:

  • Burning smell, sometimes accompanied by a popping or sizzling sound
  • Charred/discolored electrical outlets/switches
  • Frequently tripped circuit breakers/blown fuses

Your Rewiring Project

Today’s homes use nonmetallic (NM) cable. Cables usually have a combination of “hot,” “neutral,” and “ground” wires inside a protective material.

Sometimes aluminum rewiring is replaced by tearing out walls. After the rewiring is complete, you must install new drywall. This is probably the most costly and time-consuming process.

If you have a historical home, you want to preserve its architectural integrity. Even if you don’t, you want to save time and money. When possible, electricians can feed wires through walls by making a small cut in the plaster/drywall.

Be sure to learn the cost of drywall repair and include it with your aluminum rewiring budget.

Older homes can have 60-100 amps of service. Today’s minimum electrical service is 200 amps. “In the process of rewiring,” says Angie’s List, “An electrician will almost always upgrade your service capacity.”

How Long Your Rewiring Project Should Take

A good electrician knows safely rewiring a home is time-consuming, painstaking work. You can usually live at home while the electricians are working.

The length of time can depend on if you have an attic, if the house is on a concrete slab, architecture intricacy, etc. You can likely allow 3-10 days for an uncomplicated rewiring project.

TIO’s Here for You

Turn It On Electric can save you money. Most importantly, we can save your loved ones from the risks of burns and fires. Contact us today.