Categories Baby Proofing

Benefits of tamper-resistant outlets

Benefits of tamper resistant outlets

If you’re expecting your first child or remodeling your home, you may want to replace existing electrical receptacles with tamper resistant outlets. In 2008, the National Electrical Code (NEC) began requiring them in new construction and as replacements when remodeling residential electrical receptacles.

Why They Are Now Code

Electrical outlets that are accessible by infants and toddlers have always been a safety hazard. Earlier child-proofing devices weren’t as foolproof as tamper resistant outlets. A determined toddler can quickly remove outlet caps. Caps are also a choking hazard and painful to step on with bare feet.

Sliding outlet covers aren’t as childproof as people hoped. Children are sponges and try to mimic what they see. After observing adults slide the outlet cover away to plug something in, they may copy.

With the new tamper-resistant outlets, there is only one way to access the live wires inside the outlet. It requires two objects to be inserted into the plug, for the electrical power to flow. After reviewing their track record, the NEC made them a wiring code requirement. Like any option, they are not entirely childproof.

Benefits of Tamper-Resistant Outlets

Each of the benefits of tamper-resistant outlets ensures your family’s health and safety. Dangers of electrocution drop, along with the risk of electrical fires caused by curious kids.

Children may try to stick narrow objects into electrical outlets just to see what happens. In previous outlets, if the object goes unnoticed, it’s possible that it could start a fire. Outlet electrical fires start with a buildup of heat at the terminals inside the outlet. As it increases, the wires get hotter and may burn, spreading to the surrounding wall materials.

Upgrading Outlets

Replacing receptacles with tamper resistant outlets is a job best left to licensed electricians because:

  • They’re fully licensed, insured, and bonded. Working with electricity requires a solid knowledge base and safety is crucial. To get a license, electrical contractors and technicians must meet educational requirements and pass a knowledge test.
  • An expert from Turn It On Electric can show you other upgrades to make at the same time. For example, you may want to install tamper-resistant outlets that have USB chargers built into them. Kitchens, family rooms, and bedrooms are the most convenient places to recharge devices.
  • Insurance companies may not pay for damages caused by a faulty installation made by an unlicensed person.
  • A future home buyer may ask for a complete inspection of each outlet if an unlicensed electrician did the work. The could delay the sale of your home. It could also add an expense if they insist an electrician reinstall all the tamper resistant outlets.

If you decide to install tamper-resistant outlets, leave the job to the professionals. Call Turn It on Electric to schedule an appointment with a professional who will do the job right.

Categories Electric Bill

6 ways to save electricity

6 ways to save electricity

Conserving electricity serves two purposes – it helps you save money and it helps slow down global warming, which means it\’s healthier for the planet! Take a look around your home right now. You will probably notice quite a few lights on, as well as other electrical items. If you\’re looking for ways to save electricity here are a few ways to do that.

Natural Light

Everyone has windows in their home. You may even have a few that get a lot of natural sunlight. This is one of the best ways to save electricity. Rather than turning on lights in the room, simply open your curtains.

Be smart though! If you are having an exceptionally hot day, opening the curtains to let the light in will also let in the sun. This can make it too hot in your house – which means you\’ll want to crank up the AC!

Change Your Lightbulbs

Regular incandescent bulbs can now be replaced with energy saving bulbs, such as CFL or LED. The energy saving bulbs may cost a little more. However, if you consider the amount of money they can save and how long they last, it might be worth it if you are trying to find ways to save electricity.

Some CFL and LED light bulbs have warranties attached to them. If you follow the warranty instruction and it fails within a specified amount of time, you can contact the manufacturer. As long as you\’ve followed the instructions, they will send you a new lightbulb.

Make It a Habit!

Make it a habit: every time you leave a room, turn the light switch off. Have you ever come home to find all the lights on and the TV blaring in the other room? Be mindful of how many lights are on in your home. This is especially helpful during the hours when the sun is still out. You may be surprised to know that some people have anywhere from five to 13 lights turned on at any given time!

Unplug Appliances Not in Use

Did you know that even if an appliance is turned off and not being used, it\’s still using energy? Leaving it plugged in may not use a lot of energy, but it can add up. Power down and unplug your TV, computer, and coffee pot!

Insulate Your Home

Did you also know that if your home isn\’t insulated your AC or heat is working overtime? This can lead to higher energy bills. Taking little steps along the way, such as caulking or weatherstripping, can help.

You can hire a person to do an energy audit. They will come to your home with specialized tools to be able to see heat signatures. It will show where your home is \”leaking\” air. This could mean you are losing heat in the winter and AC in the summer months.

Use Renewable Energy

Using alternative renewable energy, such as wind or solar energy, can help lower your electricity bills too. For example, swimming pools can use a lot of energy using conventional products. However, if you use a solar cover to warm the pool, you can save electricity. You can use renewable energy resources for other products in your home, too.

By doing a few of the ideas above, you could save hundreds of dollars a year, depending on how many tips you use and the size of your home! If you need more information on ways to save electricity, contact Turn It On Electric.

Categories Electric Bill, Lighting

Benefits of installing dimmers in your home

Benefits of installing dimmers in your home

Recent improvements in home lighting products for comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency are remarkable. Installing dimmers to control lighting takes their benefits to a new level. Instead of adapting to indoor lighting, you can use dimmers to make the ambiance perfect for any situation in your home. There are several benefits to installing dimmers.

Change the Mood

You can change a brightly illuminated room to a dim, relaxed space with the slide of a finger. When you use standard non-dimmable lighting, you have to turn off each lamp until you reach the desired amount of light. Dimmers make this easy.

Good for Kids

Installing dimmers in a nursery or a child\’s room benefits both the child and the parent. Children of any age can be afraid of the dark. Installing dimmers makes it possible to keep a low level of light. You won\’t have to adjust the lampshades or experiment with which lights to keep on and which to turn off. If your child calls you in the night, it’s easy to turn the lights up, just a little, upon entering the room.

Increase Bulb Life

Since your bulbs aren’t working at full power all the time, they’ll last longer. This means you will also reduce the amount of time you spend replacing light bulbs. If you have a home with high ceilings, you’ll appreciate not having to break out the ladder or hire a professional to change the bulbs as often as you did in the past.

If you notice you keep the lighting dim all the time, you may want to consider using a light bulb with a lower wattage. There are a variety of options when choosing the right bulbs for your home. We can help you make the choice that\’s right for your lifestyle and lighting preferences.

Connect with Smart Home Features

If you enjoy high tech features in your home, consider installing dimmers that are compatible with smart home features and phones. You’ll be able to select the light settings from wherever you are. It’s especially convenient if you have small children who can’t reach the light switches on the walls. They may become frustrated or frightened when they can’t turn the lights on. All you’ll have to do is adjust the app on your phone, and they’ll have the amount of light they want.

Dimmer lights can be fun, too. Some dimmable smart light bulbs even have a color selection. Imagine changing the lighting to a soft pink glow during a bedtime story. Or, maybe you like a bright blue light during a dance party. There are dozens of combinations of light intensity and color.

What Installing Dimmers Requires

Dimmer switches use the wiring in your existing wall switches to adjust the flow of electricity that goes to a fixture. Although they’re not especially difficult to wire, Turn It On Electric recommends using a licensed electrician to safely do the work. We can help you choose the right bulbs to use, their wattage, and even their color characteristics. Not every bulb will work with a dimmer.

Call Turn It On Electric today to help you install dimmers throughout your home.

Categories Electric Bill, Electrician

How to protect yourself from power rate hikes

How to protect yourself from power rate hikes

Your family depends on electricity for appliances, air conditioning, and many other household items. Having to rely on your local electric company means that you can end up facing power rate hikes. In fact, one local power company recently petitioned for a two percent rate increase after raising rates less than a year ago.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to stop these increases from happening. However, you can control how much power your home uses. Take the following steps to lower your energy usage on a regular basis. Doing so means that you won’t be affected as much by these power rate hikes.

Invest in High-Efficiency Devices

Devices that provide high energy efficiency can help curb the amount of electricity your home uses. These devices, such as smart power strips, can help prevent electronics and other items from drawing power when they’re in standby mode. This can save you money on your energy bills, even with power rate hikes.

Getting appliances, such as laundry machines, refrigerators, and stoves that are more energy-efficient can also reduce your energy usage. Over time, these savings can add up and help protect your budget when the next power rate hike occurs.

Use Energy-Saving Timers

Energy-saving timers help control when lights and certain appliances turn on and off. You’ll also save on energy costs if you use these timers to control major sources of energy use in your home, such as your water heater.

Get a Smart Thermostat

Heating and cooling your home throughout the year is the biggest part of your household’s energy usage. Adjusting the thermostat when you go to sleep or leave your home can help lower your energy bills. However, remembering to do this can be a challenge, resulting in even bigger bills when power rate hikes occur.

With a smart thermostat, you can count on having the temperature in your home adjusted at the right times without having to remember to do it. Smart thermostats can automatically adjust the settings to reduce your energy usage. For example, a smart thermostat will automatically increase a few degrees when you leave your home for the day. You can also control your thermostat from anywhere, as long as you have internet access.

Switch to LED Lighting

Regular incandescent light bulbs are the standard bulbs you find in many homes. These bulbs use more energy and don’t last as long as LED bulbs. This means you have to change them more often and deal with higher electric bills. While the bulbs do cost more initially, they are an energy-saving product. LED bulbs offer a simple way to lower your energy usage and protect against power rate hikes.

Don’t let future power rate hikes catch you by surprise. Contact Turn It On Electric to speak to our electricians about upgrading to LED lighting, installing energy-saving timers, or switching to solar energy at your Phoenix home.

Categories Baby Proofing, Electrician

How does a GFCI outlet work?

How does a GFCI outlet work?

When you use specific electrical devices or appliances in your Phoenix home, you run the risk of being shocked if something goes wrong. A GFCI outlet can significantly reduce this risk. These outlets are designed to protect you and your family from electrical shocks that can be deadly.

What Is a GFCI Outlet?

A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet is a kind of outlet that\’s responsible for watching how much electricity moves through a circuit. Changes in this electrical flow cause the outlet to stop the flow of power. This helps prevent electrical shocks from occurring when you’re using a hair dryer or other device that you’re physically contacting. Without this type of outlet, you could end up being shocked if there’s a problem with the electrical system.

Is a GFCI Outlet the Same as a Breaker?

A GFCI outlet is not the same as a breaker, although both serve safety purposes. GFCI outlets protect people from electrical shock, while breakers safeguard homes from current overload. Breakers are designed to \”trip\” if too much current is drawn, preventing electrical fires from starting. A GFCI outlet also shuts off the circuit, but it doesn’t quite work the same way.

How Does a GFCI Outlet Work?

A GFCI outlet keeps track of the amount of current that flows through the hot and neutral conductors. The neutral or grounded conductor is the larger slot on the left on an outlet, while the hot or ungrounded conductor is the slot on the right. Normally, electricity should flow between the hot conductor and the neutral one.

A GFCI outlet watches for imbalances in this flow of electricity and trips the circuit immediately if it detects any. These imbalances can be very small, such as 4 or 5 milliamps, which helps provide reliable protection from electrical shock. The most important part of a GFCI is that when it senses that imbalance, it trips very fast – less than a tenth of a second which saves lives!

Why Do Current Imbalances Occur?

Current imbalances can occur when there\’s a problem that affects the grounding path from an electrical device to the ground part of an outlet. The ground is the hole that’s slightly below the slots in an outlet. When an imbalance occurs, the current can pass from the electrical device through the person using it rather than going to the ground. This can result in a potentially fatal shock.

A GFCI outlet expects the electrical current to flow between the hot conductor and the neutral one. When this doesn’t happen, which can occur when the current flows from the hot conductor through the user, the GFCI outlet trips the circuit.

Do GFCI Outlets Always Work?

A GFCI outlet does have a few limitations that you should be aware. It won’t trip the circuit if you happen to touch the hot and neutral conductors at the same time since it won’t detect an imbalance. This means you can get a severe or fatal shock from doing this.

GFCI outlets also won’t work as they should if installed incorrectly. This is why it’s essential to have an electrician wire these outlets if you have new ones installed.

You can tell if GFCI outlets are working correctly by using the test button on them before you use an electrical device. The button should shut the power to the outlet off if it’s working correctly.

Having various types of outlets installed, including a GFCI outlet, requires the assistance of a professional electrician. Contact Turn It On Electric to replace or install any electrical outlets in your home.