Categories Electrician, Maintenance, Safety

When you need an industrial electrician, call Turn It On Electric

When you need an industrial electrician, call Turn It On Electric

Industrial electricians are needed for specialty electrical work. We need industrial electricians for specialty electrical repair and maintenance in:

  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Multifamily housing
  • Security and landscape lighting for acreages
  • Warehouses

…and more.

Additional skills beyond residential wiring are required for any facility that has more complex electrical systems than single-family homes. As a facilities manager for:

  • Commercial property
  • Manufacturing property
  • Medical property
  • Temperature-critical storage

…in The Valley, you need an experienced industrial electrician.

Keep Things Running With an Industrial Electrician

There are codes, regulations, and safety requirements for a commercial property you don’t have with residences. You must have regular electrical inspections and professional electrical maintenance. You want electrical repair service sooner rather than later.

Electrical problems that occur at your place of business can result in major problems…There is no telling how many people may have to stop what they’re doing until the problem is resolved. For major corporations and small businesses alike, ceasing operations for any amount of time can be detrimental.

Chad Ridenour, Owner | Turn It On Electric

Do you have business tenants relying on communications with customers using electronic equipment? An electrical outage can be a financial disaster for them.

Your industrial electrician should be knowledgeable about and experienced in:

  • Commercial wiring
  • Communicating clearly
  • Complex project management, including large scopes of work
  • Control systems
  • Delivering superior quality workmanship
  • Demonstrating pride of ownership and taking responsibility for a project
  • Full-spectrum lighting – This type of lighting is used in many offices and creative professional studios. It simulates natural sunlight which increases productivity, reduces eyestrain, and lessens fatigue.
  • Generators
  • Giving up-front quotes
  • Having a reputation for ethical business practices
  • Other local businesses and in particular, your competitors
  • Providing an expected turnaround time
  • Reacting and responding quickly
  • Smart electric controls/sensors and information technology (IT) integrations – It’s important to be able to educate offer facility managers about up-to-date technology options. When you know more, you make informed decisions.
  • Three-phase wiring
  • Town/city/county/state electrical requirements and codes
  • Transformers
  • Ways to save energy to reduce expenses

When You Need an Industrial Electrician for Hard FM Services

Soft facilities management services are tasks that improve the appearance of the property and the wellbeing of its tenants. Good examples of soft FM include mail management or providing cleaning/janitorial assistance.

Electrical repair and maintenance is a hard FM service. It is onsite and requires an onsite building service for integrated systems. These are large systems (HVAC units, for example) that cannot be removed for repairs. Arizona facility managers use a professional commercial or industrial electrician for liability purposes.

Why Should You Choose TIO?

Turn It On Electric began its Maricopa County business by specializing in industrial electrical services. Since then, we’ve expanded to include other commercial electrical contracting work plus residential installations and repairs.

We earned our success as well as high ratings and great testimonials, but we never take anything for granted. We support our local community because being able to give back is important to us.

We’re the electricians other electricians call when they have questions. Contact TIO Electric if you have questions, too.

Categories Safety

What to do when your pool breaker trips

What to do when your pool breaker trips

“We had our pool installed 2 years ago. The pool company that installed the pool also provides pool maintenance,” said Joni.

“From Day 1 we had problems, mostly electrical. The main breaker keeps tripping. The pool pump requires GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter), which I think we have. What should we do, because the pool breaker trips over and over?”

If Your Pool Breaker Trips, You Don’t Need a Pool Company

Pool company maintenance professionals know a lot. What your pool maintenance team does is important. Clean pools prevent bacterial infections and other problems. Your pool equipment will operate more efficiently and last longer with proper pool maintenance.

Swimming pool electrical issues, especially if your pool breaker trips repeatedly, require a licensed Arizona electrician. The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) documents swimming pool-related incidences that involve shocks and electrocution. Swimming pool fatalities can be caused by faulty wiring.

If you suspect you are experiencing electrical shock, exit the swimming pool immediately and try not to use the metal ladder.

Symptoms of electrical shock in the pool are:

  • A tingling sensation
  • Complaints when swimmers exit the pool of tingling or “odd” sensations
  • Flickering underwater lights
  • Motionless swimmers
  • Muscle cramps
  • Paralysis (feel as if something is “holding you down” and you can’t move)
  • Several upset swimmers moving away from an area at the same time
  • Swimmers acting panicked or unsettled

Electricity Around Pools and Common Electrical Problems

Your swimming pool has numerous electrical components. It’s important to know where electricity is located in and around your pool area. Your pool, hot tub, or spa has electricity in or near:

  • Electrical outlets/switches
  • Electrical products (TVs, radios, sound systems, etc.)
  • Overhead power lines
  • Pool equipment (Auto-chlorination system, pump/filtration unit, vacuum)
  • Power/extension cords
  • Underwater lights

Pool breaker trips indicate there’s a serious problem. Conscientious parents should keep kids out of the pool until your local electrician in The Valley has checked your breaker box, equipment, and GFCI.

Other electrical problems with swimming pools include:

  • Burnt-out bulbs in underwater light fixtures
  • Non-wireless automation systems to monitor pH levels, etc.
  • Pool pump
    • Blown fuse in the motor’s power board
    • Motor disconnect switch
    • Timer clock
    • Voltage fluctuations
    • Wiring

Why You Need TIO Electric for Electrical Pool Problems, Repairs

If you want to keep everything pool-related with your pool company, that’s no problem. Just ask them to call Turn It On Electric for licensed electrical contracting in the Phoenix and Tucson areas.

You’ll not find many recommendations for electrical DIY involving a swimming pool. Do you know which electrical wiring jobs for your swimming pool are DIY (do-it-yourself)? We don’t know either, but “none” sounds like the right answer.

TIO Electric professionals have experience with swimming pools…

  • Bonding – Bonding connects, controls, and prevents dangerous electrical voltage transmission. There is an electrical connection (grid) between the pool pump, heater, and other components. Without bonding, electrical currents are free to “electrify” equipment and/or you.
  • Grounding – This takes bonding to the next level. Your bonded electrical components are connected to earth. This is a way to redirect and terminate excess/wayward electrical currents to the ground.
    Without grounding, your swimmers might become the electrical “conductors.” When there is too much current, your pool breaker trips. Once, during a thunderstorm; maybe. If it happens more than once, call us.
  • GFCI installation – A ground fault circuit interrupter is inexpensive but absolutely critical for a swimming pool. The GFCI monitors your electricity and shuts it down if it detects a discrepancy. Arizona has code standards for GFCI installation.

Your safety is important to us. Please contact TIO Electric with any questions involving swimming pool wiring or electricity.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Electrician

Why you need an electrical inspection for your home

Why you need an electrical inspection for your home

Businesses are familiar with commercial electrical inspections. They are often required for city safety protocols and insurance. But savvy homeowners schedule electrical inspections too.

Some couples want to baby-proof their homes, especially areas in which their crawler/toddler will have access. Owners of older or historical homes want to be sure they have safe wiring and enough outlets to power-up an active family.

There are several causes of home fires (cooking is number 1). Electrical or lighting equipment was the leading cause of home fire property damage 2014-2018. Annually, an average of 33,900 electrical fires caused 470 deaths and $1.4 billion in property damage.

You need an electrical inspection for your home:

  • Following a major renovation/remodeling project
  • If your home is 40+ years old
  • When buying a residence

Over time, wiring, conduits, connections, and other electrical components deteriorate. Getting a regular electrical inspection is simply a smart thing to do.

What’s Included in an Electrical Inspection?

An electrical home inspection is a complete examination of your home’s electrical system. We examine large electrical appliances, equipment, wiring, and other parts of your system. Turn It On Electric uses the standards set by the NEC (National Electrical Code).

Your inspection includes:

  • Arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs)
  • Cables/wires and anchoring
  • Carbon monoxide detectors
  • Circuits
  • Electrical panel
  • Ensure environmental ratings are appropriate
  • Grounding (GFCI) systems
  • Labeling – Labeling breakers is a great idea; you need to know what controls your kitchen/kids’ bedrooms, etc.
  • Lightbulb wattage
  • Outdoor electrical systems
  • Safety/security lighting
  • Shock/ or electrocution hazards
  • Smoke detectors operations and locations
  • Surge protection
  • Switch/wall outlets operation and condition
  • Unused openings properly sealed/closed
  • Ventilation around appliances/electrical equipment

Following your electrical inspection, we will provide you with a detailed checklist that includes inspected areas and our findings, especially potential problems. Recommendations for upgrades and situations that require immediate attention will be noted.

How Often Do You Need an Electrical Inspection?

Most homeowners opt for an electrical inspection once every 5 years. Others schedule theirs more or less frequently. A lot depends on the age and condition of your property. If you have a rental property, scheduling an electrical inspection when you change tenants might be a good idea.

An electrical inspection will reveal hazards and risks before they cause dangerous (and expensive) problems.

Benefits of Home Electrical Safety Inspection

Are you a holiday lighting enthusiast? It’s worth the peace of mind knowing your home can handle all the electrical decorations you, and Clark Griswold, want to display!

Other benefits of your electrical inspection include:

  • Detecting outdated/aluminum wiring
  • Feeling safe
  • Finding potential fire hazards
  • Identifying electrical issues made by previous owners or even electrical contractors
  • Knowing your appliances/equipment operate safely
  • Learning ways to save energy and lower monthly energy bills
  • Meeting insurance requirements (Be sure to ask if you have earned a lower insurance rate after your inspection.)
  • Pinpointing electrical wiring/components deterioration

Your Safety Is Our Priority

You can tell a lot about a company by the independent reviews you find online. Turn It On Electric has terrific reviews on Angie, Home Advisor, the Better Business Bureau… But our 5-star reviews are another source of pride. This site is maintained by employees, not companies or customers:

Great team to work with…Good working environment…
I have learned a lot in 6 months…It’s like a big family…

Our company’s electrical professionals are just that: professionals. They are always under the guidance of a master/journeyman electrical contractor.

The quality of our work is without compromise.

Customer care drives our business.

Our number-one priority is safety: yours and your family’s. Contact TIO Electric with questions about home inspections (or career opportunities). And when a light doesn’t turn on, call Turn It On!

Categories Electric Bill, Residential

15 steps to save electricity in your home

15 steps to save electricity in your home

You likely take steps to save electricity. Most of us do. More than at any other time in history, our focus is on conserving energy and preserving our planet. Even people who could care less about carbon footprints care about saving money.

15 Smart Ways To Save Electricity

…turning the temperature on your hot water heater down to 120° saves 6%-10%/year on hot water heating costs. That means a family spending $415/year could save $25-$42 per year.


Installing a charging station in your garage for your new hybrid car won’t save electricity. But it can certainly help at the fuel pump, especially with gas prices significantly higher this year. One money-management website said hybrid cars don’t save money but they do save money – they significantly reduce your financial “pain at the pump.”

You know turning off lights and keeping doors shut are free and save electricity. But most people don’t realize how significant their energy savings will be if they reduce the water temperature at the water heater.

The says there are ways to save electricity with upgrades that require an initial investment or professional installation. Only you can decide if the upfront outlay will justify the long-term savings.

Here are some familiar steps to save electricity and a few new ideas:

  1. Alternative energy – There are several renewable energy suppliers in Arizona.
  2. Appliances – Refrigerators made before 1993 use twice as much energy as new models. And Energy Star-certified refrigerators use even less. Look for Energy Star-certified large appliances.
  3. Dimmer switches – Technology has upped the game for dimmer switches and they save more money on electricity than before.
  4. Door/window seals – Every 2-3 months or so, do a visual inspection of all door and window seals in your home. Caulk/close gaps.
  5. Family education – Devote an amount of time to reviewing ways to save electricity with your loved ones. Everyone wants to save money. Kids are especially excited to be part of shaping their own and the planet’s future.
  6. HVAC filters – Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system will run more efficiently when you keep the filters clean. Replacing the filters can save 5%-15% in energy use.
  7. Insulation – You can lose as much as 20% of your energy through poor attic and/or wall insulation.
  8. Laundry – Air-drying your clothes is coming back simply because of the per-use cost involved in dryer-drying. Other laundry tips include:
    • Switching from hot water-washes to cold can save up to $0.64/load.
    • Washing/drying clothes at night saves peak-time energy usage.
  9. Lightbulbs – Switch from incandescent to LED bulbs. Some can last up to 20 years.
  10. Phantom electricity – Unplug devices on standby.
  11. Refrigerator – Put a thermometer in a glass of water in your fridge overnight. Fridge temperatures should be 37°F-40°F.
  12. Showers – If you cut daily shower time, you can save serious money.
  13. Smart power strips – These know when devices are in standby mode and stop electricity. The more you install these for entertainment and home office, the more energy and money you’ll save.
  14. Smart thermostat – Control heating and cooling with a phone app while improving comfort levels.
  15. Water heater – Regulating/reducing water heating temperatures will reduce energy bills. However, make sure you check your dishwasher manual before doing this.

Turn It On Electric believes all of us should take steps to save electricity if possible. Some investments and upgrades will increase the value of your property and may qualify for exergy tax credits. Contact TIO Electric and start saving today!

Categories Electrical Wiring, Residential

Why you have a tripped breaker

Why you have a tripped breaker

A one-time tripped breaker may occur and it’s nothing more than that: a tripped breaker. But if your breaker keeps tripping, there are several reasons. Angi (aka “Angie’s List”) offers explanations for why you might have a tripped breaker and what you can do about it.

When a Tripped Breaker Has You ‘In the Dark’

Your circuit breaker makes electricity possible in your house. Without it, the danger of fires would be too great to justify having electricity. Circuit breakers cut the power if your electric current surges. We call that “tripping the breaker.”

A tripped breaker can be a frustrating or even frightening experience. Common causes of a tripped breaker are:

  • Circuit overload
  • Ground fault surges (the electric current pathway “opens up” too much)
  • Short circuits (the electric current takes the wrong path)

Circuit Overload

Your electrical capacity tops out at a certain flow. It can happen while the washing machine is running, someone is microwaving, and another person is blow-drying hair.

The top appliances that cause circuit overloads are:

  • Extension cords
  • Fans
  • Hairdryers
  • Irons
  • Old refrigerators
  • Vacuums

Ground Fault Surge

A ground fault surge occurs if a “hot” wire touches a grounded wire or any grounded part of your circuit breaker system. The electricity flow gets redirected to the ground.

Short Circuit

A short circuit is another response to your electric current going in the wrong direction. If a hot wire connects with a neutral wire in an outlet, the heat causes your circuit breaker to trip.

What To Do if Your Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping

When your circuit breaker trips, you simply reset it. You do this by looking into your circuit box and with dry hands, switching the flipped switch back to the “on” position.

If you see visible rusting in your breaker box, there’s been some kind of water damage and you need a professional Phoenix electrician to inspect it. Any warmth coming from your breaker box is dangerous. If you see or smell any burning or melting in your breaker box, call 602-837-3368 immediately.

If your circuit breaker keeps tripping, causes include:

  • Age
  • Arc/ground fault
  • Overloaded/short circuit
  • Wiring issues

Sometimes we can repair or replace your circuit breaker box. It’s better to act on electrical issues sooner rather than later. You need to contact your Maricopa or Pima County electrician to safeguard your home and family.

You Need a Breaker Box Replacement If…

If your breaker box has fuses instead of circuit breakers, it’s old enough to warrant an upgrade. Any time there’s hissing or popping noises when you plug in an appliance, it’s dangerous, so don’t delay. Another clue you have electrical issues is when you have loaded power strips in your office or other rooms. If your lights flicker or dim when you turn on a vacuum cleaner, for example, you may need a breaker box replacement.

We ask our friends and neighbors (like you) to let us know when you’re planning a major renovation project that includes all-new kitchen appliances or the addition of a spa/hot tub. Your voltage requirements may exceed your wiring capabilities.

25 Years of Superior Electrical Service

Turn It On Electric was founded on the principle that our company’s superior customer care and integrity are never to be compromised. Our first consideration is always, “How can we help?”

When you need a Phoenix electrical contractor with extensive circuit breaker experience, call the TIO team. Our Tucson TIO Electric office specializes in commercial as well as residential electrical services. Contact us to learn more.