Categories Electrical Wiring, Safety

FAQs for electrical panel replacement

FAQs for electrical panel replacement

Our friends and neighbors ask a lot of questions about electrical panel replacement. That’s a good thing because there are questions you should ask about home electrical panels.

Some of the frequently asked questions we receive reflect what we’ve always known: The Valley homeowners are savvy DIYers (do-it-yourselfers). And the best DIYers know when to depend on their local electrician for safe and efficient electrical panel replacement.

Frequently Asked Questions About Electrical Panel Replacement

Some FAQs we receive about home electrical panels are:

Q: Can I do a DIY panel upgrade?
NO. You certainly won’t save money. The smallest mistake can ruin your home’s electrical system. In addition to causing a fire hazard, the damage repair will be very expensive. If a fire causes damage as a result of a DIY electrical panel replacement, your insurance company can deny coverage. The number of injuries and fatalities professional electricians experience every year is tragic. It’s not worth risking harm or death.
Your professional electrician will:

  1. Evaluate your lifestyle and home’s electricity
  2. Explain the best panel for your property
  3. Install/connect the panel/circuit breakers
  4. Test and document your system for code/zoning requirements

Q: How can I tell it’s time for an electrical panel upgrade?
If your panel operates with fuses, it’s time for a replacement. If your home was built in the ’70s, ’80s, or 1990s, your electrical panel is due for an upgrade. Signs you need electrical panel replacement include:

  • Amperage – If you have less than 200 amps, you don’t have enough to power a home today.
  • Flickering lights
  • Frequent trips/resets needed
  • Increase in number of people living in home
  • Outlet shocks
  • Visible signs at the electrical panel:
    • “Burning plastic” odor
    • Burn marks
    • Buzzing
    • Rust

Q: Is there a difference between a panel “upgrade” vs. panel replacement?
Yes and no. Usually, a panel replacement includes a panel upgrade. It’s a situation of “As long as we’re here…” Panel replacements are mandatory if you have:

  • Age – Electrical panels need to be replaced between 24-40 years
  • Rodent damage from chewing/droppings
  • Water damage
  • Wire damage

A panel “upgrade” is often less about repairs or damage control and more about service. Your home may not have enough open circuits or need additional amperage.

Q: My neighbor had an electrical subpanel installed. What’s that and do I need one?
We install quite a few subpanels in homes with electric vehicles. A “subpanel” is a smaller electrical service panel that targets a specific area. It is “essentially a satellite circuit breaker panel that has its own breakers,” says The Spruce. The advantages are:

  • A subpanel is another way to add circuits to a too-full electrical panel.
  • If needed, circuits can be controlled in a more convenient location than the main electrical service panel.
  • Subpanels accommodate space requirements in garages, outbuildings, etc.

Q: Our small home was built in 1988. We retired here in 2018, and so far, so good. If we don’t have any problems, do we really need an electrical panel replacement?
Your home’s electrical panel is overdue for replacement. You need to plan and budget for an electrical panel replacement sooner rather than later. Why wait until an emergency?

We also need you to check the inside of the panel cover to see if it says “Federal Pacific.” If it does, call us asap. These were never “officially” recalled but had a too-high failure rate that caused fires.

Turn It On Electric is your residential and commercial electrician for top-tier experienced service and customer care. When you have questions, please ask. Contact TIO Electric today!

Categories Electrical Wiring, Maintenance, Residential

When your gfci keeps tripping

When your gfci keeps tripping

You’re stepping out of the morning shower. The overhead heat lamp begins generating warmth. Your wife’s curling iron is plugged-in on the counter. When she enters the room and flips the switch on her hairdryer, that’s it.

Every appliance on that circuit is off. It’s not the first time this has happened, so you know it’s time to correct the ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) problem.

GFCI devices have saved lives and property. When your GFCI keeps tripping, it’s a heads-up. One engineer calls this “nuisance tripping.” But don’t let the word “nuisance” reduce the importance of this protective feature.

Since the expansion of the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) requirements to include single-phase receptacles up to 50A and three-phase receptacles up to 100A, we’ve seen a trend of increased GFCI nuisance tripping…Henderson Engineers

If the GFCI keeps tripping, there’s likely an equipment or wiring issue. Never ignore this nuisance.

Why Your GFCI Keeps Tripping

Have you ever pondered a social problem and wondered, “Why doesn’t somebody do something?” Every year there are as many as 400 home-related electrocutions. The GFCI is one solution to that problem, thanks to Charles Dalziel. In 1965, Dalziel patented his ground fault circuit interrupter “to prevent a lethal dose of electricity, specifically before the electricity can affect your heartbeat.”

A GFCI outlet measures power. It was designed to react quickly if there is a surge of 4-5 milliamps (a very small variable). It shuts down the circuit as a safety measure.

When a GFCI keeps tripping, it’s doing what it’s supposed to do. Before calling your local Valley electrician, try this:

  1. Unplug all the appliances on the GFCI circuit.
  2. Reset your GFCI (It’s usually the red button).
  3. One-by-one, plug-in and turn-on each appliance. If one appliance trips the GFCI, that’s your problem. It’s the appliance and your local electrician can’t repair your hairdryer (or coffeepot, electric skillet, etc.)
  4. Every appliance works fine but your GFCI keeps tripping. The problem could be:
    • Bad GFCI circuit – These are complex, highly responsive devices. They wear out or can be damaged. If this is the problem, call your electrician.
    • Overloaded circuit – Reset the circuit on your fuse box and do the plug-in/turn-on test again but this time leave your appliances plugged-in. If it trips again, you may need a dedicated circuit to manage that particular area. Call your Phoenix electrician.

Pima, Maricopa Counties’ Residential & Commercial Electrician

Turn It On Electric professionals have served The Valley for over 25 years. That means we’re invested in this area. We’re invested in you.

Safety is our primary motivation, followed by high-quality workmanship and continuing technical education. When TIO electricians discuss your problem by phone, we won’t pressure you to schedule an inspection (or a free quote) unless your family or property is at-risk.

Never let money jeopardize your property’s safety. If your electrical project can wait, we’ll tell you. But if you need electrical work now, we’ll connect you with affordable, flexible financing that works with your budget.

We have experience in commercial and residential landscape lighting, security systems, and more. If you have questions about your GFCI circuitry or are planning electrical upgrades this year, contact TIO Electric.

Every time a light turns on, thank an electrician. When it doesn’t, call Turn It On!®

Categories Home Automation, Residential

The future of home automation

The future of home automation

It’s considered smart to strive for energy conservation. And most of us are fascinated by bells and whistles. When you put the two together – managing resources and gadgetry – the future looks bright. Smart home automation is a trend we can respect and enjoy.

7 Benefits of Home Automation

There are too many advantages to home automation for it to be a fleeting fad. There are more, but the seven most important benefits are:

  1. Data to efficiently manage homes
  2. Enhanced energy efficiency
  3. Flexibility of modifications or new additions to enable devices
  4. Greater appliance functionality
  5. Home security
  6. Remote control of home lighting, heating/cooling, etc.
  7. Single-point-of-management for all home devices

Trends to Watch in 2022

Futurist Architecture defines “smart homes” as “living spaces that use internet-connected devices to remotely monitor and manage processes, including heating, lighting, security, and general home maintenance.” Here are the top trends to watch in 2022.

  • Appliances – You’ll soon be able to control lighting or even heating and cooling from your TV. What about a built-in camera in your oven or microwave that allows you to “see” cooking foods? Self-cleaning toilets and heat-adjusting showers might be home automation tools available in 2022.
  • Disabilities – Voice-activated appliances and technological assistance for physically challenged people will be smart home automation drivers in future years.
  • Green energy – Home automation trends to deliver better energy efficiency will see increased popularity. Smart lights only illuminate occupied rooms. Even smarter lights will adjust the lighting based on room conditions. For example, when the TV turns on, the lights automatically dim.
  • Health – Smart homes have sleep monitoring devices that detect signs of depression. Future smart homes will have temperature-monitoring features that let us know our body temperatures may indicate illness.
  • Lighting – Watch for greater refinements in lighting home automation tools:
    • Gesture sensors
    • Intensity auto-adjustment tools
    • Light simulation for security
    • Remote activation
    • Voice activation
  • Robotics – The movie “Sleeper” becomes less sci-fi and more real every year. Your floor-vacuuming robot will soon have friends that babysit, cook, and clean house.
  • Security/home access – We’ve had Ring and other systems a while. Fine-tuning home security to withstand cyberattacks is the goal of most security systems manufacturers. Watch for alarm, lighting, and closed-circuit cameras integrated into one home automation application. Remote arming and motion sensors “are expected to be standard features” in homes.
  • Security/occupancy – It’s one thing for an app to detect the presence of people in a room. It’s quite another for that system to learn movement patterns to identify family members. This may be a new form of burglar alarm.

TIO Electric For Home Technology Management

Let’s face it: Electrical systems are no longer a matter of which wire goes where. You may “just need an app,” but your electronics need to be performing properly before an app can kick in. Turn It On Electric professionals receive ongoing education to remain competent in electrical home automation.

We serve Phoenix, Tucson, and surrounding communities.

We can help when it’s time to add sensing tools to appliances and manage lighting with dimmers. Just call, and let’s discuss your options. We will share what we know because we’re eager to be your smart home electricians. Contact TIO Electric.

Categories Electrical Wiring, Lighting, Residential

Pool light options and repairs

Pool light options and repairs

Recent market forecasts have been short-term because things just happen faster than they used to. One Tucson resident planning to install a pool this summer found a market report for pool lights. It’s long-term: LED Pool Light Market 2022 forecasts LED pool light trends through 2027.

There’s no doubt LED lights are the best for many applications. They are a great choice for pool lights.

Types of Pool Light Bulbs

Underwater lights offer form and function. They can be lovely and aesthetically pleasing when viewed in and outside a swimming pool. They also provide visibility, so unsuspecting people and pets don’t fall into the pool at night.

Swimming pool lights are designed for commercial and residential properties. They are waterproof (of course), corrosion-resistant and bulbs can be halogen, incandescent, and LED. Most swimming pool lights work well in either vinyl or concrete pools.

  • Fiber optics – Older, often used for accents and decorations
  • Halogen – Somewhat energy-efficient but burns hotter
  • Incandescent/filament – Must be changed every year; often found in older pools
  • LED – Most energy-efficient, brighter, and can change colors
    • Can be flush-mounted underwater, surface-mounted underwater, floating, or spotlights
    • Come in 5 standard colors and can be programmed for light shows and more than 100 color combinations
    • White is practical for pools with kids

LED Pool Light Trends

TechGuru says swimming pool technology is crazy-exciting today. There are wireless pool thermometers, alarms, and solar pool ionizers available for trendy swimming pools. But LEDs are the reason for current…electrifying swimming pool light trends.

Here are 3 battery-powered ideas:

  • Blufree Floating Pool Lights – 2/box and each light has 10 LEDs. You can choose from 7 colors and get about one month use from these lights.
  • LOFTEK Submersible Pool Light – 4/pkg. Each light is about the size of a hockey puck and has 14 LED bulbs.
  • Shymery Waterproof LED Tea Lights – These lights aren’t great for illumination but when used creatively they’re a nice addition to any pool. They can last 48-64 hours.

Customized, programmable LED lighting systems can transform your pool into an aquatic experience. LED lights installed under the coping or in pipes embedded in the walls “give off a soft glow that washes over the water,” says one design architect. Fiber-optics can create a starry-night effect.

You’ll want to consider the longevity, energy use, options for colors, and special effects. A permanent mounted LED pool light system is tricky to install. You need to partner with your local electrician for a safe, effective installation. (This is not something you want to experiment with, no matter how handy you are.)

Landscape Lighting

A lot of what’s beautiful about a swimming pool is less about a pool light and more about the aesthetics. Landscape lighting is often a safety feature. But it can provide beautiful illumination and ambiance. Effective landscape lighting creates a secure, inviting setting that draws you outdoors.

TIO Electric: Safety, Spas, and Swimming Pool Lighting Repairs

Because we’re spending more time at home, we’re more invested in security and comfort. Creating an outdoor experience takes creativity. It usually requires a dedicated electrical circuit. If you have ideas, let’s talk about the possibilities and electrical options.

And if you need pool light repair, don’t put it off. When your swimming pool lights’ breaker keeps tripping, don’t call your pool company. Get the kids out of the pool and contact Turn It On Electric.

Categories Electrician

5 proven ways to save electricity

5 proven ways to save electricity

Some great people have more heart than money. They are working hard to make energy conservation a reality for our planet and country. You don’t have to be a Peace Corps volunteer to care about energy savings. Arizona property owners are always seeking proven ways to save electricity.

5 Ways To Save Electricity

“Even people who could care less about carbon footprints care about saving money.”Chad, CEO

Some ways to save electricity don’t change: Switching to LED lightbulbs saves energy. Then, turn off the lights when not in use. The Turn It On Electric team has researched many ways to save electricity.

Keep in mind, this is more than a way to earn bragging rights. Do the math. Your upfront investment must justify the long-term savings.

These are 5 proven standouts:

  1. Air-dried clothing – This is something that is entirely possible in Arizona. The savings is about $50/year. Practitioners of this old-fashioned art say the value in getting a bit of outdoor exercise is priceless. (Washing clothes at night is helpful.)
  2. Clean energy – Find ways to use alternative power sources as it might save energy and money. First, shop for lower electric service prices. Be sure to read the fine print. One of the most expensive electric companies in Maryland claimed to be the cheapest. In 2018, many homeowners switched before discovering the kilowatt add-ons. Massachusetts homeowners switch to a money-saving alternative company. They paid about $226 more/year between 2015-2017. “Green or clean power is cheaper than fossil fuels and has been for a while,” says one consumer advisor, “Lower monthly costs and cleaner energy should go hand in hand.”
  3. Dimmer switches – Technology has made newer versions of dimmer switches that effectively reduce energy usage. Be sure to partner with a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified electrician in Phoenix.
  4. Lower water heater, raise refrigerator temperatures Check your dishwasher’s settings before you do this: Dropping your water heater from 140° to 120° saves up to 22% in standby/water demand loss. (If you have chronically ill family members don’t do this at all.)
    For the fridge, try the thermometer test: Put a glass of water in the fridge overnight. The next morning, take its temperature. It should be between 37°-40°. Anything colder wastes energy and sometimes accidentally freezes refrigerated foods.
  5. Smart power strips – The on-standby but plugged-in appliances and devices in your house are energy hogs. But unplugging all standby electronics isn’t reasonable or even sensible. A smart power strip can tell when an appliance or device – a printer, your home computer, etc. – is on standby. It blocks electricity from being routed to standby electronics.

Don’t believe in vampires? These 27 standby energy vampires are real:

  1. Air Conditioner
  2. Cable box
  3. Cable modem
  4. Cellphone charger
  5. Clock
  6. Coffeemaker
  7. Desktop computer
  8. DVD/Blu-Ray players
  9. DVR w/cable
  10. Electrical toothbrush/shaver
  11. Fax machine
  12. Furnace
  13. Gas range
  14. Inkjet printer
  15. LCD monitor
  16. Microwave w/clock
  17. Musical instruments
  18. Nightlight
  19. Plugged-in laptop
  20. Satellite TV box
  21. Speakers
  22. Stereos
  23. Surge protector
  24. TVs
  25. Videogame console
  26. Wall-mounted garage door opener
  27. Wireless phone

For Energy Saving Ideas, Call TIO Electric

Almost all electrical home improvement projects require a licensed electrician. You just can’t risk property damage or family injury to save money. 

Turn It On Electric is the Valley’s LEED-certified electrical contractor. We care about making Arizona a better place to live because we live here too. If you have questions about home or business energy conservation, just ask. When you know more, you make informed decisions. Call or contact TIO Electric.