smart switches

You live with someone that has never turned off a light in a room. Any room. Without going into the psychology of entitlement vs. living off the grid, let’s just say it’s sometimes better to manage people than argue with them. Smart switches do just that.

Smart Switches: Electrical Upgrades That Save Money

When it comes to smart lighting, one of the most seamless and natural ways to upgrade your home is with smart switches. They work as intended, even when the internet goes out…

There’s only one drawback to upgrading lights in your home with smart switches. They completely spoil you. When you’re visiting someone else’s home, you tend to forget to turn the lights on. Standing in the dark bathroom, you may become mildly irritated that you must hunt for a light switch.

What To Know About Smart Switches

Having smart switches installed is a home improvement that saves money. If you live with children or big kids, smart switches are programmed to turn off after a specific amount of time, with or without WiFi.

Do you want smart switches, smart bulbs, or smart plugs? All of them have distinct advantages.

  • Smart bulbs are special light bulbs that screw into traditional electrical sockets. They are internet-controlled through a mobile app or a home automation center. WiFi is required.
  • Smart plugs use “regular” light bulbs. They can also work with other appliances and not only overhead or lamp lighting. Most people control them with their phones. WiFi is necessary.

Smart Switch Advantages

Many people prefer motion-detected smart switches. “Smart motion” light switches are the easiest to manage because you don’t manage them at all. Your electrician can wire one switch to control all the lights on an outlet. For example, if your walk-in closet or bathroom has vanity lights (multiple lighting, usually over a mirror), they turn on when anyone enters that space.

Money savings from remote-controlled electrical appliances are a given; you lose less energy when lights are automatically turned off. Smart motion lights are timed to go off after a period of inactivity in a room or closet.

Some of the ways smart switches provide convenience are:

Smart switches can integrate with IFTTT (if this then that). One action triggers other action(s). You can set outdoor lights to turn on at sunset and turn off at sunrise.

Scheduling smart switches to turn lights on at a specific time is a security and safety option. Seniors never need return home to a dark house. Your pathways can be illuminated for mobility-challenged loved ones. When you’re away for extended periods of time, one or more inside lights can activate on and off at specific times to deter burglars.

App-controlled smart switches provide “anywhere anytime” access. Now that you’re 100 miles away, you wonder if you turned off the kitchen light… Use a phone app to shut them off. This saves energy and gives you peace of mind.

TIO Electric: The Smart Choice for Southwest Arizona Smart Homes

We are living in an exciting time! Installing electrical conveniences has gone way beyond light dimmers. But don’t feel guilty about home improvements like smart switches. Our lives are active and filled with purpose today. We need – yes, we “deserve” – the security, safety, and ease of operation electrical home upgrades offer.

Turn It On Electric wants to be your partner in navigating the affordability and convenience of electrical upgrades. If you have questions about smart electrical improvements for your commercial property or residence, contact TIO Electric.