15 steps to save electricity in your home

You likely take steps to save electricity. Most of us do. More than at any other time in history, our focus is on conserving energy and preserving our planet. Even people who could care less about carbon footprints care about saving money.

15 Smart Ways To Save Electricity

…turning the temperature on your hot water heater down to 120° saves 6%-10%/year on hot water heating costs. That means a family spending $415/year could save $25-$42 per year.


Installing a charging station in your garage for your new hybrid car won’t save electricity. But it can certainly help at the fuel pump, especially with gas prices significantly higher this year. One money-management website said hybrid cars don’t save money but they do save money – they significantly reduce your financial “pain at the pump.”

You know turning off lights and keeping doors shut are free and save electricity. But most people don’t realize how significant their energy savings will be if they reduce the water temperature at the water heater.

The modestwallet.com says there are ways to save electricity with upgrades that require an initial investment or professional installation. Only you can decide if the upfront outlay will justify the long-term savings.

Here are some familiar steps to save electricity and a few new ideas:

  1. Alternative energy – There are several renewable energy suppliers in Arizona.
  2. Appliances – Refrigerators made before 1993 use twice as much energy as new models. And Energy Star-certified refrigerators use even less. Look for Energy Star-certified large appliances.
  3. Dimmer switches – Technology has upped the game for dimmer switches and they save more money on electricity than before.
  4. Door/window seals – Every 2-3 months or so, do a visual inspection of all door and window seals in your home. Caulk/close gaps.
  5. Family education – Devote an amount of time to reviewing ways to save electricity with your loved ones. Everyone wants to save money. Kids are especially excited to be part of shaping their own and the planet’s future.
  6. HVAC filters – Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system will run more efficiently when you keep the filters clean. Replacing the filters can save 5%-15% in energy use.
  7. Insulation – You can lose as much as 20% of your energy through poor attic and/or wall insulation.
  8. Laundry – Air-drying your clothes is coming back simply because of the per-use cost involved in dryer-drying. Other laundry tips include:
    • Switching from hot water-washes to cold can save up to $0.64/load.
    • Washing/drying clothes at night saves peak-time energy usage.
  9. Lightbulbs – Switch from incandescent to LED bulbs. Some can last up to 20 years.
  10. Phantom electricity – Unplug devices on standby.
  11. Refrigerator – Put a thermometer in a glass of water in your fridge overnight. Fridge temperatures should be 37°F-40°F.
  12. Showers – If you cut daily shower time, you can save serious money.
  13. Smart power strips – These know when devices are in standby mode and stop electricity. The more you install these for entertainment and home office, the more energy and money you’ll save.
  14. Smart thermostat – Control heating and cooling with a phone app while improving comfort levels.
  15. Water heater – Regulating/reducing water heating temperatures will reduce energy bills. However, make sure you check your dishwasher manual before doing this.

Turn It On Electric believes all of us should take steps to save electricity if possible. Some investments and upgrades will increase the value of your property and may qualify for exergy tax credits. Contact TIO Electric and start saving today!

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