Categories Electric Bill, Residential

12 Hacks for Electric Bill Savings

electric bill savings

There are many variables that contribute to electric bill savings. If your home is the same basic architecture as your neighbor’s but your electric bill is higher, it’s worth investigating what’s different in your household. Are your family members energy hogs? Another factor is your home’s age. If you have a “good old house,” you can implement electric bill savings using some of these 12 tips.

Home Electric Bill Savings in AZ

To paraphrase a quote, great things can happen when a series of small things are brought together. Electric bill savings are almost insignificant with one or two changes. But when you make several adjustments, you can see significant improvements in your annual electric bill.

Here are twelve energy modifications:

  1. Add window shades to rooms – The sun’s light can warm a room that your AC will struggle to keep cool.
  2. Change your air filter more often – Just changing your air filter once a month can lower your electric bill. It also saves money because your expensive HVAC system won’t have to work so hard.
  3. Consider mini-split AC – In Arizona, air conditioning is our biggest energy expense, and can account for 40%-70% of your electric bill. Mini-split AC units can reduce energy expenses by about 30% for significant electric bill savings. They’re easy to install and also increase property value.
  4. Do laundry at night – And consider air drying.
  5. Get an attic fan – If you’ve climbed into the attic in August, you know exactly how smotheringly hot Arizona attics get. A ventilation fan can cool your attic and force the hot air outside. This can lower the temperature in your home.
  6. Install solar panels – Granted, this isn’t a small change, but it packs a powerful punch in saving electricity. The ROI (return on investment) is realized by reducing energy, tax savings, and increasing property value.
  7. Keep fridge clean – A cluttered refrigerator/freezer pulls more power as it attempts to circulate air properly.
  8. Reduce brightness – Computer and television screens’ brightness can be reduced by as much as 70% without degrading the view.
  9. Request money-saving electrical upgrades – These include:
    • Adding timers to lights
    • Ceiling fans
    • Install dimmer switches
    • LED light replacements
    • Replacing outdoor lights with timed lights
    • Replacing thermostat with smart thermostat (A Wi-Fi thermostat can save $50-$145 annually.)
  10. Schedule a home energy audit – These cost about $100 and will pinpoint areas of your home where you’re losing energy. You can then plan for solutions to stop air conditioning (or heating) the outdoors.
  11. Switch to double-pane windows – This is a surprising upgrade because it doesn’t cost too much but can deliver very good electric bill savings. If you choose Energy Star-certified windows you’ll save even more.
  12. Upgrade your insulation – It’s surprising how many people think insulation is only to keep homes warm in winter. It’s also a factor in keeping homes cool. If it’s compressed or damaged, an investment in adding spray foam insulation can lower energy bills.

Save Money With LEED-Certified Electricians

Reducing your carbon footprint may have an initial higher cost but you’ll save money on electric bills. There are many electrical upgrades to consider, and each one has a timeframe in which your investment pays for itself.

To make sustainable energy changes, you should work with LEED-certified electricians. You won’t necessarily pay more, but you’ll definitely save more. To learn more, contact Turn It On Electric.

Categories Electric Bill, Residential

Quick & Easy Tips to Lower Energy Consumption This Fall

Lower Energy Consumption

Our government is encouraging consumers to reduce energy use. There are new tax advantages to going solar. Solar energy investments could save $500/year in energy costs. Also in place are new lower energy consumption incentives for investing in electric vehicles.

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will effectively lower energy consumption. It can save consumers $209-$278 billion over the next decade. This means approximate annual savings of $170-$220 on your electric bill every year.

Can we do more? Yes!

13 Do-It-Yourself Hacks That Lower Energy Consumption

Today’s game-changing technology and an influx of homeowner-newcomers mean there’s always going to be something new to learn about saving money without compromising lifestyle. Here are tried-and-true energy-saving hacks that lower energy consumption:

  1. Change air filters more frequently – Your HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) system works harder when filters are dirty. They don’t cost much, so changing air filters more often saves energy.
  2. Check for minor repairs – A drippy or leaky faucet doesn’t seem to waste that much water. But it’s wasteful and an easy DIY fix.
  3. Don’t use the “hot” washer setting – The water doesn’t get hot enough to kill most bacteria anyway. Hot water uses more electricity. It also tends to shrink and erode fabrics, so you’ll get more wear-and-tear from your clothing with cold water.
  4. Go LED – As days grow shorter, we use our lights longer. If you haven’t by now, just do it: An investment in LED lighting is a great long-term energy- and money-saver.
  5. Kill the vampires – If it’s not in use, unplug it. You’re spending $40-$50/year on energy consumption for plugged-in but unused TVs and other electrical devices and appliances.
  6. Reduce washloads – Let the dirty clothes pile up longer if possible. Try to avoid small washer loads and you can save as much as $30/year.
  7. Replace old energy hogs – Older appliances are less energy efficient. If your fridge or water heater is between 12-15 years old, consider upgrading to energy-efficient models.
  8. Timers save energyAsk your local electrician where timers can be placed to reduce energy consumption.
  9. Toss a towel – Throw a towel into every load to reduce dryer time. This little DIY hack saves energy because even gas dryers must be plugged in.
  10. Turn off the dishwasher’s “heat dry” setting – Air drying and dishtowel drying will save energy.
  11. Turn off the lights – Train your children to turn off lights when exiting rooms. If necessary, train your spouse or partner also.
  12. Turn the thermostat down at night – Phoenix and Yuma are our state’s hottest cities. (Valley temperatures hit a record-breaking 122° in June 1990.) We tend to keep the AC on full blast much of the year. Because it cools down naturally at night, consider dropping your thermostat at bedtime.
  13. Upgrade/add insulation – Insulation batts can compress or degrade over time. Ask your insulation pro if blown-in or additional insulation will lower energy bills.

Ask LEED-Certified Turn It On Electric About Energy Management

A home electric car charging station makes life simpler. Ceiling fans will also lower energy consumption and regulate room temperatures. But electrical installations are not do-it-yourself projects.

Turn It On Electric can install everything from charging stations to light-fixtured ceiling fans. (Ask our TIO specialists how ceiling fan rotation can make a difference.) Our electrical professionals practice Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. To learn more about energy-saving ideas that can improve security and enhance your lifestyle, contact TIO Electric.