Should you repair or replace your circuit breaker panel?

A circuit breaker panel controls all of your home\’s electricity. When an appliance or outlet stops working, you usually check there to reset the breaker. A simple flip of the switch does the trick, and you can move on with your day.

Sometimes, though, problems get more serious than flipping a switch. If the breaker panel shows damage or starts failing, you should consider having it repaired or replaced. This helps keep your home safe and running. For safety and quality, you should contact an experienced electrician to help.

Signs of Circuit Breaker Panel Problems

You often see signs of damage to your circuit breaker panel. The most obvious is sparking or smoke coming from the unit. Black marks might appear, or you could smell smoke. All of this indicates overheating. If you see it, contact an electrician right away.

Water damage reveals itself as a white, chalky substance in the panel, or as rust or corrosion on the panel or wiring. This damage is more than cosmetic. If water seeps into your breaker panel, it creates significant problems.

Other times you may see the breakers trip more often. Every home has times that you need to flip your breaker back. This means it\’s doing its job, but it should not happen all the time. Similarly, if you see flickering lights or the breakers that don\’t reset, you have electric issues a professional must address.

Repairs for Your Panel

Many of the issues you see with your breaker panel begin with the wiring. If wires are loose or damaged, it creates problems that require immediate repair. Sometimes it just looks like failing appliances or lights, but you can\’t assume that is all it is. Left unchecked, it creates a safety hazard for you and your family.

In many cases, problems with the wiring call for repair rather than replacement. You may need to have an experienced professional rewire the circuit breaker panel, tighten connections, or replace breakers. Even so, you want to get it right. Having a professional do the work protects both you and your home.

When You Need to Replace

Sometimes a repair is not enough. In older homes, the circuit breaker panel may only be designed with 60 amps of power. Your appliances and electric devices require more. Current breaker panels deliver up to 200 amps. If you don\’t have enough power, a perfectly-running panel will not get the job done.

Modern panels may be beyond repair as well. Water damage or an electrical surge can fry your breaker panel beyond repair. Once these issues hit, you will probably need to replace the panel.

If you have a Zinsco Panel, it must be replaced. These panels have led to fires and other safety hazards. If you\’re unsure about your panel, contact our team of professionals immediately.

Have a Professional Assess Your Panel

When your circuit breaker panel shows signs of failure, you should not wait. It can be tempting to try to do repairs yourself, but unless you are an experienced electrician, you should leave this work to the professionals. You risk damaging your home or seriously injuring yourself when you try to go it alone.

At Turn It On Electric, we have seen it all. Our technicians will come to your home and assess your breaker panel to determine whether you need to repair or replace. We explain the problem and help you understand what needs to happen and why. If you are experiencing problems with your breaker panel, contact us today for a service call.