Easy install Christmas lights with eave outlets

Putting winter holiday lights up and taking them down is actually dangerous: about 5% of homeowners decorating their homes for the holidays had accidents.

Do you know that family that never took down their outdoor holiday lights? Here’s why: Dad had an accident the day he planned to take them down and decided they’d best be left up…until next year.

The outdoor lights weren’t exactly installed attractively in the first place. Dad wasn’t known for his handyman expertise. (In June, the HOA began sending complaint letters about the visible orange extension cord tangles in the yard.)

If holiday lights for eave outlets had been used instead, Dad’s DIY (do-it-yourself) light show might have gotten better reviews.

Consider Holiday Lights for Eave Outlets This Year

Plainly put, extension cords are dangerous. Too many homeowners use indoor extension cords to connect outside lighting. Or they plug one extension cord into another extension cord; doubly dangerous.

The Electrical Safety Foundation says to never run extension cords on the ground. They might come in contact with snow or water. Really? It may not rain much, but it does rain in Arizona.

The solution to safety – and a more attractive light display – is installing eave outlets. It’s easier than you think.

Holiday and Outdoor Lighting: Now’s the Time

To save money and energy, it’s best to have your outdoor (and indoor) lights turn on at dusk and off at bedtime or midnight. You’ll need some kind of remote-controlled or auto-on system for your external lights. Some Phoenix-area homeowners’ eave outlets connect to a switch or timer within easy reach.

This also might be the time to consider installing LED or motion-activated security lights under the eaves of your home.

If you’re planning to add outdoor outlets anyway, do a complete walk-around of your property. Could you use some ground-level outlet installations? What about your back yard or patio area?

You may not be planning large-scale entertainment this year, but senior family members need good visibility when navigating from the driveway to the sidewalk, to the front door. Pathway lighting is a good investment.

Now’s the time to get it done.

What You Need to Know About Eave Outlets

Safety first. You don’t need to climb on the roof or a ladder to measure for eave outlets. Your local electrical professional can get all the necessary measurements.

Have these numbers handy if you know them:

  • Length of all sides of your house and roofing measurements (if known)
  • Length of your light strands
  • Wattage of your exterior light strings

Your Phoenix electrician can explain about the amperage requirements for eave outlets. This depends on the types of outdoor lights you prefer. If you don’t live in a castle, 2-4 outlets for the front and 1 per side might be adequate.

30 Reasons TIO Electric is Your Electrical Contractor

When it comes to the winter holidays, especially this year, we say, “Get your gaudy on!” Holiday lights cannot be overdone. But injuring yourself hanging outdoor lights is no “dad joke.” (Pun intended.) This year, Turn It On Electric pros will also help you hang your outdoor holiday lights and take them down.

We’re proud to be the Maricopa County electricians for residential:

  1. Adjacent lighting
  2. Appliance circuits
  3. Ceiling fan installation/maintenance
  4. Circuit breakers/fuses
  5. Code correction
  6. Data/communication lines
  7. Dedicated computer circuits
  8. Design/landscaping assistance
  9. Electric car home charging stations
  10. Electric water heaters
  11. Electrical motors
  12. Exhaust fans
  13. Fluorescent lighting
  14. Generator transfer switch installation
  15. Ground-fault interrupt circuits
  16. High-tech troubleshooting
  17. Hot tubs/spas
  18. Landscape lighting
  19. LED lighting upgrades
  20. Outlets/circuits
  21. Recessed lighting
  22. Repair/renovation
  23. Security lighting
  24. Service panel upgrades
  25. Smoke detectors
  26. Surge protectors
  27. Track lighting
  28. Transformers
  29. VFD installation
  30. Whole-house generator installation

Contact Turn It On Electric today if you would like more information about eave outlets. Let’s work together to get your home holiday-ready.