Copper Wire & Metal Theft Prevention: A Nation Wide Epidemic
Although many people across the United States have fallen victim to copper wire theft and metal theft, others have not yet heard about the epidemic that is fast growing.
Image07Copper wiring and metals that are used for various electrical applications in homes and businesses are being stolen and sold, as the price of metals continues to increase. Thieves are stealing the supplies from industrial sites and large corporations during off hours, at night and on weekends. Without much regulation on metal, thieves are able to get away with taking and selling thousands of dollars worth of stolen metal and wires.
Industrial sites, like railroads and stockyards, as well as communication, telephone, and power companies are often hit. However, more and more, residential properties are becoming casualties in copper wire and metal theft. When metal applications are not properly protected at any location, these sites become easy targets for anyone who is trying to make a quick buck.
How Can I Stop Copper Wire & Metal Theft?
The best way to ensure that your home or business will not become another statistic is through copper wire theft prevention and metal theft prevention. Turn It On Electric has become a leader in theft prevention, providing customers with safety, security, and peace of mind. With years in experience, our electricians have the expertise to protect your property from potential threats involving your electrical applications.
No matter the size of your home or business, our electricians have the skills and knowledge to take the necessary precautions to keep thieves away. Turn It On Electric has developed strategies that are proven to prevent copper wire theft and metal theft. We have partnered with leaders in the industry to best handle our customer’s properties, keeping all of your metal appliances safe.
As more and more research is conducted about copper wire theft prevention and metal theft prevention, the information on how to best keep metals safe improves. Turn It On Electric stays up to date, continuing education for our electricians as we discover the best ways to protect our customers.
Take The Next Step
There is no time like the present to begin protecting yourself from copper wire and metal theft. People tend to believe that they will not be involved in such an unfortunate circumstance, but the reality is that theft can happen to anyone. By taking precautions to prevent copper wire theft and metal theft, you can save time and money. Our competitive pricing cannot be beat, especially when compared to the alternative. The cost of replacing stolen materials is monumental, not to mention the time it takes to do so.
Let Turn It On Electric help keep your electrical appliances safe! Give us a call and find out how we can help you with copper wire theft prevention and metal theft prevention.

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