Categories Safety

Reasons to install a dedicated spa circuit

Backyard spas provide Phoenix homeowners with a place to unwind while having fun. Since these spas require electricity for heat, lighting, and other features you should consider having a dedicated spa circuit installed. Learn more about this type of circuit, including why it serves as an important safety feature.

Purpose of a Dedicated Spa Circuit

Having a dedicated spa circuit means your backyard spa will have its own circuit drawing electricity. This helps distribute electricity safely while you use your spa. If you have too much electricity on one circuit it can trip the breaker. A dedicated spa circuit can lower the risk of an electrical overload and a potential fire.

Your home most likely has other dedicated circuits for major appliances, such as your stove, washer and dryer, refrigerator, and HVAC system. Adding another one for your spa is a job an electrician can handle.

Benefits of Having a Dedicated Spa Circuit

When you have a dedicated spa circuit installed it can reduce the risk of an electrical fire at your home. Breakers located on the outside of your home have a higher risk of wearing out due to the Phoenix area’s hot climate. If you don\’t have a separate circuit for your spa, your breaker can wear out much sooner from overloads and hot outdoor temperatures. When your breaker isn’t working, too much electricity from your spa can keep flowing and increase the risk of a fire.

Having a dedicated circuit for your spa provides you with peace of mind. You and your family can safely use your spa without having to worry about having a fire break out.

Spa Circuit Installation

Installing a spa circuit involves meeting certain electrical requirements. These circuits must be the right size in order to properly work. Circuits that are too small won’t be able to handle the electricity load, resulting in a breaker that trips frequently.

Spa circuits and wiring have to be installed in a safe location away from other power sources. The electrical system for your spa must be properly grounded to reduce the risk of electrical hazards.

Spa circuits should have a GFCI feature to lower the risk of electrical shocks. This feature shuts off power to the circuit when there is a difference in the flow of electricity running through it.

Avoid the DIY Route

It’s important to have an electrician install your dedicated spa circuit. This ensures your circuit meets all electrical safety requirements. Professionals make sure that your circuit is the exact size needed for safe operation. They can determine the safest location for your spa based on various factors, such as where other power sources are on your property.

If you want to add a dedicated spa circuit to your Phoenix home, contact Turn It On Electric. Our team can make sure it’s installed safely and correctly.

Categories Maintenance, Safety

Get to know your home\’s electrical panel

Get to know your home's electrical panel

Electrical panels, or breaker boxes, are responsible for housing your electrical system\’s circuit breakers. The circuit breakers are switches that control your home\’s power supply. They protect your wiring from surges or shorts. This helps prevent electrical fires.

If there’s an emergency, such as a flood or major leak, you should know where your panel is and how to turn off the power. It’s helpful to be familiar with your electrical panel for minor issues as well, such as a tripped circuit breaker.

Electrical Panel Location

For safety reasons, electrical panels are usually found in areas that are out of the way. In some homes, these panels are in the basement, utility room, closet, or garage. In other homes, these panels are in kitchen pantries or in hallways that lead to an exterior door. Other homes have electrical panels outside on an exterior wall.

Your electrical panel will have a door on it. Inside you’ll see a series of circuits and other components. Being able to identify the various parts helps you know what you\’re talking about if you need to call an electrician.

Electrical Panel Components

Breaker boxes have several different components. These include the following:

  • Outer door
  • Covering over the circuit breaker switches to protect against shocks
  • Circuit breaker switches
  • Thicker wiring that connects to your home’s electrical service drop
  • Service lugs
  • Thinner wires connecting breakers to circuits

Your panel might have labels to let you know which circuit breaker switches are for different areas of your home. If there aren’t any labels, you can go through and check to see which switches control what. Start by turning on all of your lights and lamps. Next, turn off one breaker at a time and notice which light or outlet is no longer receiving power. Make a note of what each breaker controls.

Problems with Your Electrical Panel

One of the more common problems with electrical panels is a tripped circuit breaker. If you suddenly lose power to one part of your home, it’s usually for this reason. Using too much electricity on a circuit causes the breaker to trip. This helps prevent overloads and even fires.

You can check for a tripped breaker by opening the panel door and looking for a switch that’s in the off position. Flipping the switch should reset the circuit breaker and restore power to that circuit. If this continues to happen, you may have a bigger electrical issue and should call an electrician right away.

If you have an older home, your service panel might have fuses instead of circuit breakers. When you blow a fuse, you’ll need to have it replaced with a new one. This involves removing the blown fuse and putting a brand new one in its place. If you\’re unsure of how to do this, contact an electrician.

If you’re experiencing any other problems with your electrical panel, you should have a professional look at it. Having an electrician inspect your panel and make any needed repairs is safer and prevents the risk of electrical shocks.

Electrical Panel Hazards

Electricity is flowing through your electrical panel all the time. Opening the panel door and touching the panel to flip a tripped circuit is usually safe to do. However, you should never touch any other part of your panel, especially if the protective cover is off of it. This could put you at risk of receiving a serious or even fatal shock.

If you’re not sure how to safely handle your electrical panel, don’t attempt to do so on your own. Have an electrician come to your home to take care of it for you. Your electrician can show you how to do basic tasks, such as flipping a tripped circuit or replacing a blown fuse.

When you have questions about electricity or need electrical repairs in your Phoenix home, leave it to the professionals. Contact Turn It On Electric today.

Categories Safety

Leave electrical wiring to the pros

Leave electrical wiring to the pros

When you have an electrical wiring issue, handling it yourself might seem like a cost-effective and time-saving option. However, what initially seems like an \”easy\” task can quickly turn into a dangerous and expensive mess. Electrical work should be left to the highly qualified professionals.

Imagine spending a few weekends to rewire part of your home. You can probably find videos online to walk you through the process. After a trip or two to the home improvement store, you\’ll have everything you need to start your project. Are you confident in your skills when it comes to the safety of your family? Electrical mistakes can lead to shocks or even fire.

Even if you end up completing the wiring work, imagine your frustration when you go to sell your home and find out it isn\’t up to code. Electricity is a complex system best left to a professional for repairs and replacement.

Safety Concerns with DIY Electrical Wiring

Although some electrical work may seem like a simple project that you can do on your own with little risk, even replacing a light fixture can be hazardous. To properly complete the work, you need the right knowledge, skills, and tools. Otherwise, you run the risk of introducing a fire hazard into your home.

Other safety concerns include the risk of electrical shock. This can happen while you\’re working if you aren\’t sure which wires are live. Electrical shocks can occur after the work is complete, too. Tackling this type of project puts yourself, your family, and your home at serious risk. Avoid DIY wiring projects and enjoy the peace of mind you\’ll have knowing a trained professional is the only person touching your electrical system.

Electrical Codes

Did you know that you have to properly identify terminals when installing electrical wiring? Did you know neutral conductors can only be used for one branch circuit? These are just a couple of examples of electrical codes that you have to follow when you install new wiring.

The National Electrical Code has many specifics for compliant electrical installations. Instead of keeping track of all of these yourself let a professional handle it for you.

Circuit Overloads

When you aren’t familiar with electrical loads, handling wiring work can result in circuit overloads. Having too much voltage going through one circuit can cause the breaker to trip repeatedly. This can lead to an increased fire risk.

Professional electricians have the skills and knowledge to ensure no circuits are overloaded. Hiring someone from the start allows you to avoid having to hire an electrician later to correct your DIY work.

Problems Selling Your Home

You could run into delays when you\’re ready to sell your home if you did your own electrical wiring. Home inspectors might find that your home isn’t up to code. In this case, the sale probably can\’t finalize until a licensed electrician re-does the work. This can make it much harder for you to find willing buyers and sell at the price you want.

Improper Installation

When you improperly install your electrical wiring, you can run into problems that range from minor to severe. For example, lights might not come on when you turn the switch or outlets might not work. Even though a DIY fix may seem like a great way to save money, it can end up causing a lot of headaches if you don\’t know what you\’re doing. Plus, if you do the job wrong, you\’ll need to hire an electrician anyway.

Don’t risk electrical wiring hazards and other problems with a DIY fix. Contact the professionals at Turn It On Electric in Phoenix and let us take care of your wiring work and any other electrical needs.

Categories Electrician, Safety

What You Should Know About a Commercial Electrical Inspection

What You Should Know About a Commercial Electrical Inspection

Electrical inspections are an essential part of ensuring that your commercial building stays safe. You should have an electrical inspection done on a regular basis to ensure your team stays working as well as lowering the risk of fires and other electrical hazards. Learn more about what you need to know about these inspections for your commercial building in the Phoenix area.

Reasons to Have a Regular Electrical Inspection

All commercial buildings should schedule an annual electrical inspection. Doing so helps ensure that the wiring and other parts of your building’s electrical system are in good working condition. These inspections help identify potential problems that could increase the risk of electrical shocks or fires. Regular inspections can ensure that equipment, lighting, and other electrical items are working correctly.

Regular electrical system checks can alert you of any necessary wiring replacements or repairs. Over time, wires, connectors, conduits, and other components can show signs of wear and tear. This can lead to a wide range of problems, such as outlets that won’t work or lights that flicker. In addition to being an inconvenience, these issues can raise the risk of fire. What would it cost if you had to send your team home because you didn’t have lights or couldn’t plug in anything?

During the Electrical Inspection

What can you expect during your commercial electrical inspection? A qualified, licensed electrician will check various components of your electrical system. They will look for any possible issues that you need to address to prevent electrical hazards. These inspections include checking the quality of any previous electrical work.

An electrical inspection typically includes checking electrical panels to ensure that they comply with current codes. Since these codes change from time to time, you might learn that your panels require an upgrade. Following through on your inspector\’s recommendation can lower your risk of fines for panels that don\’t meet current compliance codes.

During your inspection, other aspects of your electrical system may be reviewed, including:

  • The wiring method
  • How suitable the wiring method is for your building
  • The number of bends in each conduit
  • Whether or not your electrical system needs corrosion protection

Questions to Ask

You should think about the kinds of questions you want to ask before and after your electrical inspection. Some of the questions you might want to ask include:

  • What is included in this electrical inspection?
  • Are you licensed to perform electrical inspections?
  • What happens if you detect any problems with the electrical system?
  • What happens if you find an electrical code violation?
  • Will I get a detailed report that lists the results of the inspection?

After your inspection, take the time to go over any reports you receive. Make it a priority to address any issues. If your building needs upgrades for compliance codes, make sure you have them done promptly.

If you\’re due for an electrical inspection in your commercial building, contact Turn It On Electric.

Categories Safety

How to avoid electric shock in your home

How to avoid electric shock in your home

Electricity is an incredible modern-day convenience. It helps power homes, keeps people comfortable, and powers appliances and electronics. However, there is a danger of shock when it comes to electricity which can result in injury or even death. If you\’ve ever wondered how to avoid electric shock at home or at work, here are a few tips.

Never Use a Power Tool Through a Wall

If you plan on doing a DIY renovation in your home, one of the best ways to avoid electric shock is by NOT using a power tool through a wall. It may be tempting to use an electric saw or drill to speed the process up, but keep in mind there could be a live wire on the other side. This can cause an electric shock. Investigate what\’s inside your walls before you make the first cut. If you aren\’t sure how, call the professionals.

Know Your Limits

Most people know very little when it comes to how electricity works. When it comes to electricity, ignorance is not bliss. If you aren\’t sure what you\’re doing, leave it to the professionals. An electrician has the experience to know what\’s possible with your home renovation.

Don\’t Mess with Plugs

If you have a three-pronged plug but your outlet only has two holes, you may feel tempted to improvise. Stop! The third prong grounds the electrical current. It should never be removed under any circumstances or you could get a severe electric shock.

Install Tamper Resistant Outlets

As soon as babies begin to crawl, parents frantically start babyproofing their house. Nobody wants their child to put their fingers or any other objects in the outlet. One way to help prevent electric shock is by installing tamper resistant outlets. These require two objects, the two prongs of a plug, to be inserted into the outlet simultaneously for the electrical power to flow. Like any babyproofing option, these aren\’t entirely \”shock-proof.\”

Wet Hands? Stay Away from Outlets

One of the most common reasons for electrical shock is people having wet or damp hands and then trying to plug or unplug an electronic device. This often happens in kitchens and bathrooms when people are in a hurry. However, failing to thoroughly dry your hands before reaching for your outlet could lead to danger.

Install GFCI Outlets in Your Home

GFCI outlets are a common safety measure to help avoid electric shock. The outlet can sense if a person\’s body starts to receive electricity and cuts off the power immediately. They are usually installed near sources of water, such as the kitchen or bathroom.

Hire an Electrician

If you are having issues with your electricity or want to upgrade some of your outlets, hiring an electrician is in your best interest. Our professionals can complete a full inspection of your home\’s electrical system. Improving safety measures can help reduce your chance of electric shock as well as reduce your risk of an electrical fire.

If you suspect a problem with electricity in your home or want to verify your electrical safety, contact Turn It On Electric.