What is a journeyman electrician

No one starts out working as a master electrician. It takes training and experience to get there. Along the way, you\’ll become a journeyman electrician. This job helps you learn the ropes of doing electrical work. It offers plenty of opportunities to improve your skills as you make electrical repairs, replace lights, and perform other electrical work.

Responsibilities of a Journeyman Electrician

A journeyman electrician has the right training, experience, and skills needed to work independently. These electricians can perform a wide range of electrical work for residential, commercial, or industrial customers. Some examples of jobs they do include replacing wiring, repairing outlets, and installing light fixtures.

Journeyman electricians can conduct inspections to check wiring systems for problems that need to be addressed. Some serve as mentors for electrician apprentices. This allows them to share their knowledge and help apprentices develop the skills they’ll need for electrical work.

The exact responsibilities that journeyman electricians have depend on the company for which they work. For example, some may operate as an outside lineman. This involves installing, maintaining, and repairing transformers and other outdoor electrical equipment. Others typically work indoors and are responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing, the electrical systems and equipment found inside buildings.

Training and Education

The path to becoming a journeyman electrician can involve formal education, on-the-job experience, or both.

Some electricians have a two-year degree in the field. Technical colleges offer courses that can help journeyman electricians learn and practice the skills required for doing this type of work. Some examples of these include learning and understanding electrical codes, studying wiring, and learning how to interpret blueprints.


Exact licensing requirements for a journeyman electrician vary from state to state. In general, you\’re expected to have 8,000 hours of supervised experience. You have to pass a licensing exam as well. In Arizona, the license doesn\’t have any formal education requirement.

The next step after receiving a journeyman electrician license is to gain experience and time. Then you can apply for a master electrician license. This involves passing another licensing exam. Licenses typically need to be renewed every couple of years.

Journeyman Electricians vs. Master Electricians

So, what exactly is the difference between a journeyman electrician and a master electrician? Master electricians have more training and experience which allows them to complete more complex tasks. For example, master electricians are sometimes responsible for designing electrical systems for buildings. Journeyman electricians can help install or repair these systems, but they don’t design them.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in advancing your career as an electrician, contact Turn It On Electric today.