2 Important Electrical Upgrades for Fall

Fall is the season for the quiet return to nature. Many families take “Aspen safaris” into the more colorful areas of Arizona. It’s also a time for new beginnings; school starts. Electrical upgrades for fall can give your home and office a new level of comfort and security.

Explore These Electrical Upgrades for Fall

Home offices may need wiring upgrades or perhaps you’d like to create one or more workstations in your house. Electrical upgrades for fall can offer enhanced quality of life and improve home safety.

1. Home Electrical System Upgrade

This is more than a maintenance call or a “tune-up.” We troubleshoot several home areas to answer questions about your overall electrical system.

  • EV charging – Is it providing the power you need, or does it require an upgrade?
  • Outlets/switches – Are they safe? Do you have enough for your needs?
  • Panel – We will examine the panel and ask several questions to determine if your panel is effective and safe:
    • Do breakers trip frequently?
    • Do you have a fuse box?
    • Does the breaker box make “funny” noises?
    • Have you smelled burning odors from the breaker box?
    • Is your home more than 20 years old?
  • Safety – Are all failsafes in place and is your home free from hazardous electrical sites?
  • Surge protection – Do you have sufficient surge protection? Do you have the ability to add more?

2. Office Electrical System Upgrade

Whether it’s your home or your business in a commercial building, electrical upgrades for fall can include an office system inspection.

If your local electrician is LEED-certified, you can be sure you’re getting advice based on industry-best practices to reduce your carbon footprint. Home and electrical services for commercial properties have different code structures, and you can possibly get tax incentives for energy savings*.

The needs for office electrical system upgrades are determined by the condition and quantity of:

  • Circuit breaker(s) – It’s much more common to find overloaded circuits in homes and offices. We are using more electricity than ever before, every day.
  • Lighting – The right lighting is critical to hours-long deskwork in front of a PC or laptop. Overhead and directional lighting upgrades can reduce body and eye strain.
  • Outlets – If your office layout is structured to accommodate wall outlets – not the way you need to work – it’s time to relocate or add outlets.
  • Regulations – Homes and offices should meet appropriate Arizona and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) regulations. Some of the things that were acceptable when your property was constructed may not be considered safe today. This may not impact your property’s efficiency now but will affect your ability to sell later. You’ll need to make considerable repairs to your system.
  • Wiring – Behind-the-scenes wiring issues can be spotted by your local Phoenix-area electrical professional.

Warning Signs Your Property Needs an Electrical Upgrade

If you have any of these warning signs, don’t wait to schedule an electrical consultation:

  • Bulbs burn out too soon
  • Circuit breaker trips
  • Electric bill spikes
  • Light switches hot to touch
  • Lights dimming/flickering
  • Outlets broken/charred/discolored

Companies that believe customer service is a priority understand your time is valuable. You don’t need hassles and upselling strategies that have nothing to do with what you want. Discussing possible electrical upgrades for fall doesn’t necessarily involve a commitment. Turn It On Electric offers free estimates and sometimes we can give you a best-guesstimate quote over the phone.

If extensive electrical upgrades are indicated, we also have financing for energy-saving home and office electrical improvements. If you have any questions about electrical upgrades for fall, contact TIO Electric.
*Ask your tax professional about energy.gov home or commercial tax incentives because deadlines have been extended and qualifications vary.