Setting up your home office to work from home

As remote working technology continues to advance, it is becoming much more common for employers to allow their teams to work from home. If you are making the switch to a home office, it may not be as easy as you think to get started. There is more to setting up your home office than simply plugging in your laptop and getting to work. Read on for some possible issues you may encounter and what to do about them.

Inadequate Internet Connection

Your home internet connection may be more than sufficient for your typical at-home activities. Activities like browsing the web, streaming music and scrolling social media. However, depending on the nature of your work, it may not be strong enough for video conferencing. You may also struggle to transmit large data files and accomplish other remote work tasks. Check with your internet service provider to learn more about the various packages it offers to determine which is best for your home office. Keep in mind that you may need to upgrade your modem, router, or other equipment to accommodate a faster connection. Often the WiFi signal can vary in different parts of your home too. If this is the case, we can help install a wired connection between your router and your office.

Lack of Power Outlets in Your Home Office

When setting up your home office, you may find that you quickly run out of power outlets for all your devices. With your computer, printer, desk lamp, mobile device chargers, and other essentials, you may not have enough outlets within easy reach of your desk. To combat this problem, you\’ll likely use a power strip or run extension cords to reach your workspace.

Although simple solutions, neither of these are the best options. Power strips can cause problems when they have too many devices plugged into them. In addition to diminished power to each device, there is also the possibility of electrical shorts or other issues due to overloading the system. Modern power strips with surge protectors can minimize the risk, but not eliminate it entirely.

Extension cords can create issues too, especially if you have pets or young children. Running an extension cord across your floor creates a tripping hazard. Taping over them, on the other hand, isn\’t great for aesthetic purposes. Instead, contact an electrician to update your wiring and add extra power outlets where you need them most. This way, the load will be spread evenly through your electrical system. This minimizes your risk of electrical fires and other possible dangers.

Lack of WiFi Security

Although working from a home office can be convenient, it likely isn\’t as secure as an office facility. Hackers and thieves may attempt to hijack your WiFi, giving them access to potentially sensitive company data. Inadequate online security is one of the major factors holding a lot of businesses back from allowing their employees to work from home. Therefore, you\’ll need to ensure your home office is as secure as possible.

Rather than operating on WiFi, it is far better for security purposes to use a direct, wired connection to your internet service. This will make it much more difficult for thieves to gain access, as they\’ll need to have a physical connection. Installing CAT5e cables in your home will allow you to access the fastest possible internet connection speeds without having to use WiFi.

Update Your Home Office Today

If you need assistance getting your home office set up so that you can work from home on a regular basis, we\’re here for you. Turn It On Electric can install and upgrade your wiring so that you are ready to go. Our team is here to help you work from home as efficiently and safely as possible. Please, don\’t be shy about getting in touch with us when you are ready to make the switch. Call now to schedule an appointment.