Categories Residential

Power Up: Signs Your Home Needs an Electrical Panel Upgrade

Power Up: Signs Your Home Needs an Electrical Panel Upgrade

At Turn It On Electric, we believe in empowering homeowners with the knowledge to keep their homes safe and efficient. This time, we focus on an often overlooked but essential component of your home’s electrical system – the electric panel. Knowing when to upgrade your electric panel is crucial to maintain your home’s functionality and safety. Here are a few key signs that suggest it might be time for an upgrade:

Overloading Issues

If your circuit breakers trip frequently, it’s a clear sign that your panel is being overloaded. This usually occurs when your electrical panel doesn’t have the capacity to handle the power needed by your appliances, causing it to trip as a safety mechanism.

Ageing Panel

If your home was built more than two decades ago and the electrical panel hasn’t been updated since, it might be due for an upgrade. Older panels might not meet current electrical codes and can have a lower capacity, making them ill-equipped to handle modern electrical loads.

Usage of Multiple Extension Cords

If you find yourself relying heavily on extension cords and power strips, it could mean your home lacks the necessary number of outlets. This might suggest your panel needs an upgrade to accommodate more circuits and outlets.

Signs of Damage or Wear

Physical indications of damage such as a rusted panel, scorch marks, or even a burning smell, could suggest your panel is in dire need of an upgrade. Never ignore these signs, as they could lead to electrical fires if not addressed.

Renovations and Additional Appliances

If you’re planning a significant renovation or adding high-power appliances like a hot tub or an electric vehicle charger, you might need to upgrade your panel to handle the additional load.

Flickering Lights

If your lights flicker or dim when you turn on other appliances, it could indicate that your panel is struggling to supply adequate power.

Rising to the Challenge with Turn It On Electric

At Turn It On Electric, we recognize that an electrical panel upgrade is not a small task. But when it comes to your home’s safety and efficiency, it’s a challenge we’re ready to meet head-on. Beyond just handling the permits, inspections, and the city procedures needed for an upgrade, our customer-focused approach means we provide personal consultations, with technicians visiting your home to understand your unique needs and provide a tailored solution.

When it comes to enhancing your home’s electrical system, trust Turn It On Electric to deliver a service that’s not just about doing the job but about doing it right. CONTACT US TODAY and let’s collaborate to power up your home’s electrical infrastructure in a safe and efficient manner.

Categories Residential

The Gentle Power of Dimmers: Setting Ambiance and Saving Energy

The Gentle Power of Dimmers: Setting Ambiance and Saving Energy

In today’s modern age of technology, we often find ourselves surrounded by the buzz and whirr of various gadgets. Amid this constant hum, a silent hero has emerged in our homes: the humble dimmer switch. Far from being a mere accessory, dimmer switches have transformed our living spaces, blending the twin goals of ambiance and energy conservation. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the world of dimmers, exploring their role in setting a room’s mood and their potential to save energy.

The Rise of the Dimmer

Dimmer switches have been around for over a century, but their real surge in popularity began in the 1960s and 1970s. Their simple promise? To allow homeowners to adjust the lighting in their homes to their exact preferences. As the years progressed, dimmers became increasingly sophisticated, offering more than just a way to set the mood. They have evolved into essential tools for energy conservation.

Mood Lighting at Your Fingertips

Imagine hosting a dinner party. As the evening progresses, the mood changes—from lively conversations during the appetizer round to intimate stories by dessert. With a simple touch, a dimmer allows you to adjust the lighting to match the evening’s tone. Dimmed lights can create a cozy, intimate atmosphere, enhancing experiences from romantic dinners to movie nights.

It’s not just about setting the mood for special occasions. Proper lighting can reduce eye strain, making tasks like reading more comfortable. With dimmers, spaces like home offices or reading nooks can have adjustable lighting, ensuring comfort and reducing glare.

An Eco-Friendly Solution

Beyond ambiance, dimmer switches play a crucial role in energy conservation. When you reduce the brightness of your lights, you’re not just dimming the light output; you’re also using less electricity. This reduced energy consumption translates directly into lower utility bills.

For instance, dimming a light by just 10% can result in nearly the same amount of energy savings. Moreover, when lights are dimmed, they often run cooler, which can extend the life of certain types of bulbs, further contributing to savings and reduced waste.

Smart Integration

In the era of smart homes, dimmer switches have seamlessly integrated into home automation systems. Modern dimmers can be scheduled to adjust lighting levels at different times of the day or paired with sensors to optimize light usage based on natural sunlight or room occupancy. This not only ensures optimal ambiance but also maximizes energy efficiency.

Making the Right Choice with Turn It On Electric

Not all dimmers are created equal, and not all bulbs are compatible with every dimmer. LED bulbs, in particular, require specific dimmer switches. This is where expertise comes into play. Turn It On Electric’s professionals can guide you through the process of choosing the right dimmer for your home, ensuring compatibility, safety, and optimal performance. CONTACT US TODAY to see what options are available to you!

Categories Residential

The Essential Defense: Why Surge Protectors Matter for Your Home

Electricity is the silent partner in our homes, working behind the scenes to energize our appliances and keep our lives running smoothly. But when an unexpected power surge occurs, that quiet ally can become a formidable foe, causing significant damage to our electrical devices. One solution rises above the rest: a surge protector. At Turn It On Electric, we’re here to unpack the benefits of this unsung hero of home safety.

Unpacking Power Surges

Imagine an abrupt, intense wave of electrical energy jolting through your home’s circuits – that’s a power surge. They can stem from various causes, such as lightning, disruptions in the power grid, or high-energy devices cycling on and off in your home. Though small surges may go unnoticed, the intense ones can result in considerable damage to your electronics, or in extreme cases, even lead to electrical fires.

The Shield of Surge Protectors

Surge protectors are the guardians of your electrical devices, warding off potential power surges. They work by channeling any extra voltage safely into the ground, allowing only the necessary electricity to reach your devices. By doing so, they protect your appliances, potentially extending their lifespan and saving you from costly replacements.

Embracing Whole-Home Surge Protection

You might be familiar with the portable surge protectors that connect to wall outlets, offering defense for specific appliances. However, there’s an even more robust solution – whole-home surge protectors. These are installed directly into your home’s electrical service panel and provide protection to all your home’s electrical systems. This includes hardwired appliances, like HVAC systems, which can’t be safeguarded by portable models.

The Impacts: Beyond Protection

When you invest in a whole-home surge protector, you are investing in more than just the safety of your electronics. Let’s delve into the broader implications:

All-around Security: Whole-home surge protectors provide an umbrella of safety, safeguarding all your electronic devices – from your refrigerator to your laptop.

Economic Advantage: By preventing potential damage to your appliances, you dodge costly repair or replacement charges. It’s an investment today that prevents expenses tomorrow.

Assurance in Every Spark: The certainty that your home is defended against damaging power surges offers comfort and peace of mind.

The Turn It On Electric Promise

By partnering with Turn It On Electric, you’re not just choosing safety, you’re choosing a secure future. Get ahead of the game by scheduling an appointment with our seasoned technicians today. We’re committed to fortifying your home against the potential pitfalls of power surges. Remember, if it’s not right, we’re not done.

Categories Residential

Powering Through: Steps to Take When Part of Your Home Loses Electricity

Unexpected power loss in parts of your home can be alarming and inconvenient. It’s a situation that requires swift attention and understanding to restore your home to full functionality. At Turn It On Electric, we are committed to guiding you through these confusing moments. Here are key steps to follow when you find yourself in the dark:

Step 1: Check Your Breakers

Your circuit breakers are your first line of investigation. A tripped breaker could be the reason why only part of your home has lost power. To identify a tripped breaker, look for the switch that isn’t aligned with the others. If you find one, flip it fully off and then back on to restore power. Remember to always use caution when handling your electrical panel.

Step 2: Determine the Extent

Try to figure out which areas of your home are without power. Is it a single room, a specific area, or a collection of outlets? This will help diagnose the issue and can provide useful information if you need to call a professional.

Step 3: Assess Your Appliances

Check the devices and appliances in the affected areas. Are they working correctly, or do they seem to be causing the power outage? Sometimes, a faulty device can overload a circuit, causing the breaker to trip.

Step 4: Call for Backup

If the above steps don’t restore power, it’s time to call in the professionals. Persistent issues could indicate a more severe problem with your home’s electrical wiring or circuit breakers. Don’t attempt to fix these issues yourself, as it can be dangerous.

Time for Turn It On Electric

When your home is suffering from power loss, Turn It On Electric is ready to illuminate the situation. Our expert team is here to assess, troubleshoot, and resolve your electrical issues. We prioritize on-site inspections, believing in the importance of tailored, face-to-face service.

At Turn It On Electric, we bring light into the darkness, offering a guiding hand in your time of need. Don’t let power loss keep you in the shadows – CONTACT US TODAY, and let’s work together to power your home back to normal. We’re committed to your safety and satisfaction because at the end of the day, it’s not just about doing the job, it’s about doing it right.

Categories Residential

Can Heat Cause the Power to Go Out?

excessive heat

There are several reasons why a home or community may have a power outage. Summertime power demand is higher in Arizona, and that’s one reason why heat can cause the power to go out. In the Phoenix area, 99% of the power is generated from six sources:

  1. Natural gas
  2. Nuclear power
  3. Coal
  4. Solar
  5. Hydroelectric
  6. Wind

…and Arizona’s Palo Verde nuclear station is the largest net generator of electricity. Still, that’s a limited number of sources powering over a million homes in Greater Phoenix. Power lines deliver energy, but they’re just that: lines; wires. Heat adds to their stress.

Some of the reasons why heat causes the power to go out are:

  • Electrical power lines become overloaded. Heavier usage from higher temperatures can cause the power lines themselves to heat up and then expand or sag. If they droop into trees or other obstacles, it trips the circuit.
  • Heat lightning strikes can cause a power outage. But “heat lightning” isn’t caused by heat. It’s lightning that occurs about 100 miles away. You can see the lightning but don’t hear thunder because it’s so far. “Heat lightning” is safe (and for many, fun) to watch, but when you hear thunder, get indoors.
  • Sustained demand over longer periods of time may not permit transformers to properly cool. They can overheat and damage other equipment.
  • Electrical equipment overloads occur when temperatures soar because more people stay indoors.
  • Underground lines expand because of the heat. The insulation becomes stressed and trips circuitry, causing a power outage.

Based on the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) 2023 summer forecast, Arizona may see higher-than-usual temperatures causing grid fails and blackouts this summer. In fact, two-thirds of the USA are at elevated risk of blackouts due to widespread heat events and the resulting increase in peak demand.

Ways to Manage Power Outages

Power outage preparedness can include having extra bottled water on-hand as well as a hand-operated can opener and emergency supplies. A power outage in South-Central Arizona is inconvenient and can be uncomfortable. But if you have infants, elderly, or health-challenged loved ones, a power outage can be dangerous.

If someone in your home depends on electric-powered, life-sustaining equipment or if the heat itself is life-threatening, don’t delay seeking a safer, more comfortable place. (Now would be a good time to invest in a whole-house emergency backup generator for emergency protection.)

Here are some tips to help with other power outage concerns:

  • Electronics – To reduce the risk of data loss, back up your files. During storms and power outages, unplug electronics. You can install individual surge protector power strips but consider whole-house surge protection.
  • Food – A full refrigerator and freezer can safely store food longer than if half-empty. An unopened, full freezer can preserve provisions for as long as 2 days, but if it’s half-full, only one day. An unopened fridge can go about 4 hours without power.
  • Indoors – Don’t let the outside in. Open and shut doors quickly and keep windows closed. Block sunlight by shutting curtains and lowering blinds.
  • Personal comfort – Use cold tap water for a shower or bath, then air dry yourself and your hair.

Another way to reduce the risks of power outages is to do your part in reducing energy consumption. Avoid preheating your oven when cooking by simply adding a few minutes to your baking time. And this summer, consider adjusting your thermostat up a few notches during the day. You can save almost 3% by raising the thermostat one degree.

You can also reduce energy consumption by lowering your water heater temperature. Each 10-degree reduction can save 3%-5% in water-heating energy costs.

Contact TIO Electric of Greater Phoenix

Safety should be without compromise. If you have questions about power outages and how backup generators can keep your home and family safe and comfortable, contact Turn It On Electric.