Categories Electrician

What is a journeyman electrician

What is a journeyman electrician

No one starts out working as a master electrician. It takes training and experience to get there. Along the way, you\’ll become a journeyman electrician. This job helps you learn the ropes of doing electrical work. It offers plenty of opportunities to improve your skills as you make electrical repairs, replace lights, and perform other electrical work.

Responsibilities of a Journeyman Electrician

A journeyman electrician has the right training, experience, and skills needed to work independently. These electricians can perform a wide range of electrical work for residential, commercial, or industrial customers. Some examples of jobs they do include replacing wiring, repairing outlets, and installing light fixtures.

Journeyman electricians can conduct inspections to check wiring systems for problems that need to be addressed. Some serve as mentors for electrician apprentices. This allows them to share their knowledge and help apprentices develop the skills they’ll need for electrical work.

The exact responsibilities that journeyman electricians have depend on the company for which they work. For example, some may operate as an outside lineman. This involves installing, maintaining, and repairing transformers and other outdoor electrical equipment. Others typically work indoors and are responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing, the electrical systems and equipment found inside buildings.

Training and Education

The path to becoming a journeyman electrician can involve formal education, on-the-job experience, or both.

Some electricians have a two-year degree in the field. Technical colleges offer courses that can help journeyman electricians learn and practice the skills required for doing this type of work. Some examples of these include learning and understanding electrical codes, studying wiring, and learning how to interpret blueprints.


Exact licensing requirements for a journeyman electrician vary from state to state. In general, you\’re expected to have 8,000 hours of supervised experience. You have to pass a licensing exam as well. In Arizona, the license doesn\’t have any formal education requirement.

The next step after receiving a journeyman electrician license is to gain experience and time. Then you can apply for a master electrician license. This involves passing another licensing exam. Licenses typically need to be renewed every couple of years.

Journeyman Electricians vs. Master Electricians

So, what exactly is the difference between a journeyman electrician and a master electrician? Master electricians have more training and experience which allows them to complete more complex tasks. For example, master electricians are sometimes responsible for designing electrical systems for buildings. Journeyman electricians can help install or repair these systems, but they don’t design them.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in advancing your career as an electrician, contact Turn It On Electric today.

Categories Electrician

Finding the right residential electrician

Finding the right residential electrician

When something goes wrong in your home, you want to work with an expert for a safe and effective solution. Finding the right tradesman for the job can be difficult if you don’t know what to ask. In the case of a residential electrician, you want someone who\’s highly qualified, offers great customer service, and has a wide depth of talents.

Licensed, Bonded, and Insured

One of the most important factors in finding a residential electrician is to make sure they have the right credentials to do the work. In Arizona, you can ask for their Registrar of Contractors (ROC) number. Entering this information into the ROC website gives you access to their license and bond information as well as any complaints filed with the ROC.

Experience and Qualifications

Choosing a residential electrician with a variety of skills and qualifications is essential. Many people save up a list of small jobs that an electrician can tackle in one visit. It would be incredibly frustrating if they showed up and weren\’t equipped to complete half the items on your list.

Turn It On Electric is a one-stop shop for your electrical service in the Phoenix area. Our technicians have over 145 years of combined experience in the electrical field and no job is too small or too big. This allows them to efficiently troubleshoot any issue you throw their way. Before you choose your electrician make sure they offer the quality of service you expect for your project.


One of the best ways to find a residential electrician is to ask around. Talk to your friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers and ask who they\’ve used for electrical work. Sometimes the warnings are as useful as the glowing recommendations. Be sure to ask your referral the following questions:

  • What work did the electrician complete?
  • Were they able to finish the work in one visit?
  • Did they show up on time, as originally scheduled?
  • Did they offer a fair price? How did it compare to other quotes?
  • Was there any pressure for an upsell during the estimate or service?
  • Would you use them in the future?

Communication is Important

It may not seem like a big deal at first thought; however, effective communication is extremely important when dealing with a residential electrician. From conveying your electrical issues to reviewing an estimate or invoice, your electrician needs to be able to communicate with you in a way that\’s clear and easy to understand. You want to make sure that your residential electrician listens to what you want and need.

Attitude and Professionalism

When a Turn It On electrician shows up at your home, you can expect to see someone in uniform getting out of a company truck. The friendly technicians strive to put a smile on your face during each interaction. When you have an electrical problem, you want someone who will show up on time with the right tools and the right attitude to get the job done well.

Clear, Detailed Documents

Depending on the project, you may have an estimate, bid, quote, or contract. Be sure to review this information and make sure it answers all of your questions about the:

  • Electrician\’s credentials
  • Materials, tools, or special machines needed
  • Rooms in which the work will be done
  • Milestones
  • Timeline
  • Cost

Before you sign a contract or agree to move forward with the work, make sure you understand everything in your documents. If something isn\’t clear, ask questions and have your electrician update the paperwork.

If you want a residential electrician who\’s highly qualified, offers excellent service, and has extensive experience, contact Turn It On Electric to schedule an appointment today.

Categories Electrician

What does an electrical technician do?

What does an electrical technician do

Have you ever wondered who runs the electrical from the source to the disconnect switch to the machine? The answer: an industrial electrical technician. Without them, the power wouldn’t get from the source to power the machine. Is this a career that might interest you? Find out more about what an electrical technician does and how they get there.

Duties and Responsibilities

An electrical technician is responsible for installing and working on motor controls, heavy circuitry, and piping. Although they generally don’t work on the actual components of the machines, they’re responsible for anything between the power source and the machine.

Electrical technicians work with other trades like plumbers and HVAC to complete projects. They work with electrical engineers with their responsibilities so that a project can be built properly. The more experience an electrical technician can gain, the more room for career growth is possible.

Education and Training

If you’re interested in becoming an electrical technician, keep in mind that you will need to meet specific educational requirements. The best electrical technicians have an associate degree in the electrical technology field. Some technicians go to a vocational school for this degree, while others attend a community college or technical school. We offer ongoing training and truly enjoy helping each other grow and learn.

When you have the right preparation to become an electrical technician, other career paths may open up for you. With some additional training and education, you could become an electrician, an electrical engineer, or work in the facilities management field too.

Electrical Technician Skills

Working as an electrical technician means that you need to have and develop certain core skills. A few of these include the following:

  • Detail Oriented. Do you notice the little things in everything you do? As an electrician, the details are the most important. Paying attention to the smallest details will lead to safety and a quality work you can be proud of.
  • Determination. Are you dedicated to getting the job done no matter what? An electrical technician may work in extreme environments. For example, caustic, hot, or wet conditions can make working with electricity extremely hazardous.
  • Logic. Are you able to read and interpret diagrams? Although you wouldn’t be working on actual machines, you need to be familiar with how the electrical components connect. Succeeding requires good logic skills.
  • Problem-solving. When you find an issue with the electrical, how should you handle it? This isn’t a job where you can “Google” a quick answer. Natural problem-solving skills make this job easier.

Typical Jobs for an Electrical Technician

Some electrical technicians end up working with owners and electrical engineers to provide service to a wide range of clients. These technicians visit different sites, depending on which clients they are helping. This type of job gives electrical technicians an opportunity to put different skills to use by working on a variety of projects.

Other electrical technicians work for one company or organization, such as a factory or a laboratory. These technicians are only responsible for working on their employer\’s electricity. This type of job can offer more stability on a day-to-day basis for those who don\’t want to travel.

Start Your Career

If you’re ready to start your career with a company that serves their customers better than the competition, visit our careers page to learn more about our current openings. The electricians at Turn It On Electric go out of their way to make sure the final product is the quality our customers deserve.

Whether you\’re in need of electrical assistance or you\’re looking to start your career as an electrical technician, contact Turn It On Electric today.

Categories Electrician, Safety

What You Should Know About a Commercial Electrical Inspection

What You Should Know About a Commercial Electrical Inspection

Electrical inspections are an essential part of ensuring that your commercial building stays safe. You should have an electrical inspection done on a regular basis to ensure your team stays working as well as lowering the risk of fires and other electrical hazards. Learn more about what you need to know about these inspections for your commercial building in the Phoenix area.

Reasons to Have a Regular Electrical Inspection

All commercial buildings should schedule an annual electrical inspection. Doing so helps ensure that the wiring and other parts of your building’s electrical system are in good working condition. These inspections help identify potential problems that could increase the risk of electrical shocks or fires. Regular inspections can ensure that equipment, lighting, and other electrical items are working correctly.

Regular electrical system checks can alert you of any necessary wiring replacements or repairs. Over time, wires, connectors, conduits, and other components can show signs of wear and tear. This can lead to a wide range of problems, such as outlets that won’t work or lights that flicker. In addition to being an inconvenience, these issues can raise the risk of fire. What would it cost if you had to send your team home because you didn’t have lights or couldn’t plug in anything?

During the Electrical Inspection

What can you expect during your commercial electrical inspection? A qualified, licensed electrician will check various components of your electrical system. They will look for any possible issues that you need to address to prevent electrical hazards. These inspections include checking the quality of any previous electrical work.

An electrical inspection typically includes checking electrical panels to ensure that they comply with current codes. Since these codes change from time to time, you might learn that your panels require an upgrade. Following through on your inspector\’s recommendation can lower your risk of fines for panels that don\’t meet current compliance codes.

During your inspection, other aspects of your electrical system may be reviewed, including:

  • The wiring method
  • How suitable the wiring method is for your building
  • The number of bends in each conduit
  • Whether or not your electrical system needs corrosion protection

Questions to Ask

You should think about the kinds of questions you want to ask before and after your electrical inspection. Some of the questions you might want to ask include:

  • What is included in this electrical inspection?
  • Are you licensed to perform electrical inspections?
  • What happens if you detect any problems with the electrical system?
  • What happens if you find an electrical code violation?
  • Will I get a detailed report that lists the results of the inspection?

After your inspection, take the time to go over any reports you receive. Make it a priority to address any issues. If your building needs upgrades for compliance codes, make sure you have them done promptly.

If you\’re due for an electrical inspection in your commercial building, contact Turn It On Electric.

Categories Electric Bill, Electrician

How to protect yourself from power rate hikes

How to protect yourself from power rate hikes

Your family depends on electricity for appliances, air conditioning, and many other household items. Having to rely on your local electric company means that you can end up facing power rate hikes. In fact, one local power company recently petitioned for a two percent rate increase after raising rates less than a year ago.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to stop these increases from happening. However, you can control how much power your home uses. Take the following steps to lower your energy usage on a regular basis. Doing so means that you won’t be affected as much by these power rate hikes.

Invest in High-Efficiency Devices

Devices that provide high energy efficiency can help curb the amount of electricity your home uses. These devices, such as smart power strips, can help prevent electronics and other items from drawing power when they’re in standby mode. This can save you money on your energy bills, even with power rate hikes.

Getting appliances, such as laundry machines, refrigerators, and stoves that are more energy-efficient can also reduce your energy usage. Over time, these savings can add up and help protect your budget when the next power rate hike occurs.

Use Energy-Saving Timers

Energy-saving timers help control when lights and certain appliances turn on and off. You’ll also save on energy costs if you use these timers to control major sources of energy use in your home, such as your water heater.

Get a Smart Thermostat

Heating and cooling your home throughout the year is the biggest part of your household’s energy usage. Adjusting the thermostat when you go to sleep or leave your home can help lower your energy bills. However, remembering to do this can be a challenge, resulting in even bigger bills when power rate hikes occur.

With a smart thermostat, you can count on having the temperature in your home adjusted at the right times without having to remember to do it. Smart thermostats can automatically adjust the settings to reduce your energy usage. For example, a smart thermostat will automatically increase a few degrees when you leave your home for the day. You can also control your thermostat from anywhere, as long as you have internet access.

Switch to LED Lighting

Regular incandescent light bulbs are the standard bulbs you find in many homes. These bulbs use more energy and don’t last as long as LED bulbs. This means you have to change them more often and deal with higher electric bills. While the bulbs do cost more initially, they are an energy-saving product. LED bulbs offer a simple way to lower your energy usage and protect against power rate hikes.

Don’t let future power rate hikes catch you by surprise. Contact Turn It On Electric to speak to our electricians about upgrading to LED lighting, installing energy-saving timers, or switching to solar energy at your Phoenix home.